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Shen Ge , Neha Satak , Hyerim Kim, Virgiliu Pop, and Roy Tucker http://www.spaceacad.org sge@spaceacad.org. Space Education Module. Projects. Stellar Occultation System. Asteroid Deflection.
Shen Ge, NehaSatak, Hyerim Kim, VirgiliuPop, and Roy Tuckerhttp://www.spaceacad.orgsge@spaceacad.org Space Education Module Projects Stellar Occultation System Asteroid Deflection Phase I is four weeks long and is composed primarily of lectures, homework, and group exercises in class. Phase II (four weeks long) is the conceptual design phase for the mission using the technical research done in Phase I. The fourth week of Phase II will be dedicated to Preliminary Technical Approach Reviews (PTAR), where each group presents their preliminary designs to the class. Asteroid Mining Phase III, the last part of the course, comprises the component design phase. Technical Groups will be formed and a Technical Group Leader (TGL) for each will be chosen. Habitation Technology Plan of Action