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Poverty and Microloans. By : Alessandra Seiersen , Ingrid Sotelo , Victor Hern ández y Daniel Grossman. What is poverty?. Poverty is when a person doesn’t have a certain amount of possesions or money .
Poverty and Microloans By : Alessandra Seiersen, Ingrid Sotelo, Victor Hernández y Daniel Grossman
What is poverty? Poverty iswhen a persondoesn’thave a certainamount of possesionsormoney. Likewater(clean and fresh), food, clothing, transportation, healthcare,education, and ifthe are a grown up, no job and otheropprtunities.
Absolute Poverty “Absolute Poverty” is when a person doesn’t have a certain amount of money and possessions. They do not have clean and fresh water, food, clothing. Most of the times they don’t have any education, not even a job, health care and sometimes they don’t have a house. In extreme cases poor people invade someone else’s property to have a place to live.
Relative poverty Another type of poverty is “Relative Poverty”. When somebody lives in relative poverty his/her basic needs are covered but they still need help and opportunities in getting a better job and education. They usually don’t have any luxury items like radios, internet, cellphones, cars, tv, they’re own house and more.
Cause of Poverty Poverty has many causes, some of themverybasic. Someexpertssuggestthattheworld has toomanypeopleand toofewjobs, and notenoughfood. In most cases, the causes and effects of povertyare combined, so thatwhatmakespeoplepooralsocreatesconditionsthatkeepthempoor.
Cause of Poverty Primaryfactorsthatmay lead topovertyinclude: • overpopulation • theunequaldistribution of resources in theworldeconomy • inadequateeducation and employmentopportunities • environmentaldegradation • certaineconomic and demographictrends • welfareincentives.
Poverty around the world MEXICO: According to CONEVAL (National Council on Evaluation of Social Development Policy) the number of Mexicans living in poverty increased by 3.2 million from 2008 to 2010, following the global economic crisis. It implies that around 46.2 percent of Mexico's total population (52 million people), live in poverty, mainly in urban areas. Meanwhile, extreme poverty (those living with less than $978 pesos (US$76) a month in urban areas and less than $684 pesos (US$53) in rural areas (August 2010) ) reduced slightly from 10.6 to 10.4 percent (11.7 million people).
Poverty around the world BRAZIL • Brazilexperiences extreme regional differences, especially in social indicatorssuch as health, infantmortality and nutrition. Thericher South and Southeastregionsenjoymuchbetterconditionsthanthepoorer North and Northeast. • Poverty (PPP US$ 2 per day) has fallen markedly, from 21% of thepopulation in 2003 to 11% in 2009. • Extreme poverty (PPP US$ 1.25 per day) alsodroppeddramatically, from 10 % in 2004 to 2.2% in 2009. Between 2001 and 2009, theincomegrowthrate of thepoorest ten % of thepopulationwas 7% per year, whilethat of therichest 10% was 1.7%. Thishelpeddecreaseincomeinequality (measuredbytheGiniindex) toreach a 50-year low of 0.519 in 2011. Key drivers of thishavebeenlowinflation, consistenteconomicgrowth, well-focused social programs, and a policy of real increasesfortheminimumwage. • Despitetheseachievements, inequalityremains at relativelyhighlevelsfor a middleincome country, and thereisstill a large gap in accesstoinfant and secondaryeducation. Afterhavingreached universal coverage in primaryeducation, Brazilisnowstrugglingtoimprovethequality and outcome of thesystem, especially at thebasic and secondarylevels.
What are Microloans? Microloans are a small loan of money to poor people who want to build a small buisness and the bank won’t lend them any money. To lend some money to some microloan companies, you often just go to they’re website and choose who you want to lend money to. Microloans are mostly needed in Rural areas.
How can microloanshelpimpoverishedpeople In mypoint of view, microloanshelppoorpeopletoknowhowtoadministrate and use theirmoneyproperlybecausetheyhavetopaythemoney back tothecompany. And iftheyhavechildren, and they use themoneywisely, theparentsmightallowthekidstogotoschoolinstead of havingtowork. And thatwill break the “Cycle of Poverty” and create a new healthycycle.
The biggest microloan companies in the world. RANK NAMECOUNTRYSCALEEFFICIENCY RISKRETURNS 1ASA Bangladesh 14 83 56 40 2 Bandhan India 108 49 42 1 (Society and NBFC) 3 Banco do NordesteBrazil 46 27 213 25 • Fundación Colombia 58 72 1931 Mundial de la Mujer Bucaramanga • FONDEP Morocco 119 26 1961 Micro-Crédit
How can we help!?! There are many ways to help poor people, not only by microloans. For example: • You can volunteer to help companies that build shelters and gather food for poor people • Promote education and jobs • Try to build more hospitals for poor people and more.