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Ofsted Good Practice. South East Provider Event Matthew Coffey HMI Director, Further Education and Skills 11 July 2013. Ofsted – the new regional arrangements.
Ofsted Good Practice South East Provider Event Matthew Coffey HMI Director, Further Education and Skills 11 July 2013
Ofsted – the new regional arrangements Each region is managed by a Regional Director who reports directly to HMCI and will be responsible for the quality of inspection and the improvement of providers in their region.
Raising standards, improving lives Ofsted’s reorganisation and improvement • The Regional Director leads a team of Senior HMI, analysing data and determining how best to support improvement through inspection. • The RDs will collaborate with colleagues in other regions and national remit Directors, and will share ground-breaking good practice so that early childhood, education, and learning and skills providers across the country can improve rapidly. • Senior HMI will lead teams of HMI within each region. • HMI will carry out monitoring visits to providers judged to ‘require improvement’.
Learning and Skills Provision: Between 1 September 2012 and 31 March 2013 National – all providers South East – all providers
Ofsted Good Practice South East Provider Event Julie Ashton HMI Alex Falconer HMI 11 July 2013
Good practice • I nearly called this workshop the 3 R’s • Relentless • Ruthless • Rigorous
Annual Report 2011/12 The context: “I believe that all providers must be at least good and this must be viewed as the minimum expected standard.” Sir Michael Wilshaw
Common Inspection Framework forFurther Education and Skills 2012 Effectiveness of leadership and management • The main focus in judging the effectiveness of leadership and management is how successfully it has an impact on improving outcomes on teaching, learning and assessment for all learners
Good practice During this session we will focus on: • Self assessment • Continuous quality assurance (including observations and performance management) • Teaching, learning and assessment • Employer involvement
A good SAR – real examples • CITB, November 2012, Outstanding ‘Self assessment is comprehensive and evaluates an extensive range of evidence that supports the accurate judgements made. The process is inclusive and the resulting report and improvement plans are used extremely effectively to target actions to remedy any weaknesses identified. The work of the provider’s quality team and the support provided by quality advisers contribute significantly to informing the self-assessment process and in raising overall standards of performance to benefit learners’ experiences’
A good SAR – real examples • Defence Munitions (Gosport), November 2012, Outstanding ‘Self assessment is rigorous and has a strong focus on all aspects of the training and the impact it has on learning and skills development. The self-assessment report is suitably self-critical and carefully identifies improvements required. The reporting process fully includes all personnel involved in the learning. Managers use data very well to monitor and manage all aspects of the programme and to demonstrate improvements through self-assessment’.
Continuous quality assurance Ensuring quality in apprenticeships survey October 2012 The survey identified that: • Lead contractors had a history of only satisfactory performance in providing apprenticeships themselves. • Size rather than quality of provision appeared to be the main factor in allowing them to expand. • Most effective subcontracting arrangements were between like-minded independent learning providers working as part of a consortium or training group.
Continuous quality assurance Activity One Ensuring quality in apprenticeships survey October 2012 Read the three examples in the handout and think about what went wrong • If you were an inspector visiting these subcontractors, what lines of investigation would you follow? What evidence would you be looking for? • What messages will you take away from this exercise for your provision?
ActivityQuality assurance Activity Two On your own, jot down the main kinds of activities you undertake to ensure quality assurance in your provision. Share your activities with the others on your table and agree a list of activities Discuss which activities are the most important and try to put them in priority order Be prepared to feedback on your priorities
Quality assuranceObservations • Observations as a developmental tool • Verbal and written feedback that is valued • Effective deployment of Advanced Practitioners • Peer review • Innovation and the sharing of good practice
Quality assurancePerformance management • Staffordshire County Council (2013) ‘Performance management of subcontractors and their staff is demanding. In directly delivered provision, supportive appraisals provide a robust framework for the performance management of staff. A programme of high quality staff development provides effective support for staff to make improvements to their professional practice’ • CITB (2012) ‘Performance management arrangements are exemplary’
ActivityPerformance management Activity Three What does performance management mean to you in your role as a manager? Discuss the ways in which you or your provision make sure that outcomes for trainees improve as a result of performance management. Are you able to come to any consensus on your table as to the most effective measures? Be prepared to feedback
Employer involvementMercedes-Benz UK Ltd • Employers • ‘we wanted to provide greater clarity for learners, mentors and employers about how an apprentice’s progress at the Academy is linked to their workplace development’ • Work ready • In addition to the minimum requirements…apprentices undertake a series of computer-based learning packages to enhance their understanding of the vehicles they work on, the company, and the opportunities available to them
ActivityEmployer involvement Activity Four Share with your table your successes with employers What 2 new activities are you going to do with your employers when you leave this conference? Be prepared to feedback
Overriding message The importance and impact of outstanding leadership and management cannot be underestimated. All the elements this report identifies are inextricably linked to the actions and behaviour of leaders and managers, and the example they set. How Colleges Improve Survey 2012
Overriding message Any questions? Any questions?