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Geology and Soils in Relation to Vadose Zone Hydrology. Typical Geologic Configurations: floodplains. Key points: narrow continuous banding of alternating high and low permeability not necessarily oriented “down stream”. Typical Geologic Configurations: floodplains.
Typical Geologic Configurations: floodplains • Key points: • narrow continuous banding of alternating high and low permeability • not necessarily oriented “down stream”
Typical Geologic Configurations: floodplains • Terraced stream channel with likely ephemeral perched water.
Typical Geologic Configurations: Karst Karst is water eroded limestone. This creates subsurface channels, some large enough to survey by boat. Equivalent structures (macropores) are also critical in vadose environments.
Geologic Configurations: beach deposits • Beach deposits, although similar to river deposits in texture, have unique structure • Generally (not always!) fining upward • Laterally extensive • Lower variation in energy (more uniform)
Typical Hanford Formation Reworked by mammals? Mt St. Helens Ash Diagonal micro-bedding
Typical Geologic Configurations: Lava • Lava flows may have alternating porous, fractured, • and low permeability regions with sedimentary • deposits between flows
Typical Geologic Configurations Fractures, Dikes, Fill
Geologic Configurations: various “aquifers” • What’s an aquifer? Water that will flow into a well…
Water Tables (continued) • Many aquifer systems have perched water tables that can be productive
A Primer on Properties and Description of Natural Media • Particle Size Distribution • Soil Classification • Clay mineralogy
Hey, like, why do we care? • Transport through natural porous media cannot be understood from mathematical notation and boundary conditions alone. • The structure, setting, history and chemistry of the mineral system in the vadose zone all play central roles in transport.
The ultra-basics • Particle size distribution is plotted as the mass which is made up of particles smaller than a given size. • Very useful in estimating the soil’s hydraulic properties such as the water retention characteristics and the hydraulic conductivity.
Standard • sieve • sizes
Summary statistics for particle size distribution • d50, d10, d80 etc. • Uniformity coefficient, U • U = d60 /d10 [1.1] • U between 2 and 10 for “well sorted” and “poorly sorted” materials
Dependence of bulk density on particle size distribution • Uniform particle size distribution gives low packing density • increasing the range of particle sizes gives rise to greater bulk density.
What are is the basis of size classes? • Clay: won’t settle (<2m: doesn’t feel gritty between your teeth). • Silt: settles freely, but cannot be discriminated by eye (isn’t slippery between your fingers; doesn’t make strong ribbons; goes through a number 300 sieve; 2m<silt<0.05mm). • Sand: you can see (>0.05 mm), but is smaller than pebbles (<2mm).
Systems of soil textural classification • (The USDA is standard in the US)
Sand, Silt, Clay – Textural Triangle • Standard textural triangle for mixed grain-size materials Clay axis Silt axis Sand axis
Soil Classification • Based on present features and formative processes • Soil is geologic material which has been altered by weathering an biological activity. Typically extends 1-2 meters deep; below soil is “parent material” • Soil development makes sequence of bands, or horizons.
Eluvial processes • Clay is carried with water in eluviation and deposited in illuviation in sheets (lamellae) making an argillic horizon. • Soluble minerals may be carried upward through a soil profile driven by evaporation giving rise to concentrated bands of minerals at particular elevations.
Vertical Variations in Soils • Banding also arises from the depositional processes (parent material). • The scale of variation shorter in the vertical than horizontal. • Layers may be very distinct, or almost indistinguishable.
System of designations • Three symbol designatione.g. “Ap1” • “A” here is what is referred to as the designation of master horizon • There are six master horizon designations; O, A, E, B, C, and R.
Master Horizon Designations • O: dominated by organic matter. • A: first mineral horizon in a soil with either enriched humic material or having properties altered by agricultural activities (e.g., plowing, grazing). • E: loss of a combination of clay, iron and aluminum; only resistant materials. Lighter in color than the A horizon above it (due to a paucity of coatings of organic matter and iron oxides).
Master Horizon Designations (cont.) • B: below A or E, enriched in colorants (iron and clays), or having significant block structure. • C: soil material which is not bedrock, but shows little evidence of alteration from the parent material. • R: too tough to penetrate with hand operated equipment. • For complete definitions, see the SCS Soil Taxonomy (Soil Conservation Service, 1994).
Master Horizon Designations (cont.) • Major designations may be combined as either AB or A/B if the horizon has some properties of the second designation
Subordinate classifications • Lower case letter indicates master horizon features. • There are 22. e.g. • k = accumulation of carbonates • p = plowing • n = accumulation of sodium • May be used in multiple
Final notes on designations • Arabic numerals allow description of sequences with the same master, but with differing subordinate (e.g., Bk1 followed by Bn2). • Whenever a horizon is designated, its vertical extent must also be reported.
Color and Structure tell genetic and biogeochemical history • Dark colors are indicative of high organic content • Grayish coloration indicates reducing (oxygen stripping) conditions • Reddish color indicates oxidizing (oxygen supplying) conditions. • Relates closely to hydraulic conditions of site • Often of greater use than a slew of lab analysis of soil cores.
Quantification of Color • Munsell Color chart by hue, value and chroma; summarized in an alpha-numerical coding shorthand. • Pattern of coloration is informative. Mottling, where color varies between grayish to reddish over a few cm, most important. • Intermittent saturation; oxidizing then reducing • Precise terminology for mottle description (e.g., Vepraskas, M.J. 1992).
Structure • Must identify the smallest repeated element which makes up the “soil ped” Include details of the size, strength, shape, and distinctness of the constituent peds.
Climate • Six major climatic categories employed in soil classification; useful in groundwater recharge and vadose zone transport. • Aquic: precipitation always exceeds evapotransiration (ET), yielding continuous net percolation. • Xeric: recharge occurs during the wet cool season, while the soil profile is depleted of water in the hot season. • Identifying the seasonality of the local water balance is fundamental to understanding the vadose zone hydrology.
High Points of Clay Mineralogy • General • Clay constituents dominate hydraulic chemical behavior • Two basic building blocks of clays • silica centered tetrahedra • variously centered octahedra
Basic Formations • chain structures (e.g., asbestos) • amorphous structures (glasses) • sheet structure (phyllosilicates; clay!) http://whyfiles.org/coolimages/images/csi/asbestos.jpg http://usgsprobe.cr.usgs.gov/gpm/dickite.gif
Unit-cells octa- and tetrahedral units www.georgehart.com/virtual-polyhedra/ dice.html http://www.pssc.ttu.edu/pss2330/images/uday15_1_3.gifhttp://www.pssc.ttu.edu/pss2330/images/uday15_1.gif
Isomorphic Substitution • Silica tetrahedron: four oxygen surrounding one silica atom • Space filled by the silica can accommodate atoms up to 0.414 times O2 radius (5.8 x 10-9 m): includes silica and aluminum. • Balanced charge if the central atom has charge +4, negative charge if the central atom has a less positive charge (oxygen is shared by two tetrahedra in crystal so contributes -1 to each cell). • Same for the octahedra: 0.732 times O2 radius (1.02 x 10-8 m): iron, magnesium, aluminum, manganese, titanium, sodium or calcium, (sodium and calcium generate cubic lattice rather than octahedra)
Ion Ionic R : R x o radius. n m 2 - O 0.140 -- - F 0.133 -- - Cl 0.181 -- 4+ Si 0.039 0.278 3+ Al 0.051 0.364 3+ Fe 0.064 0.457 2+ Mg 0.066 0.471 4+ Ti 0.068 0.486 2+ Fe 0.074 0.529 2+ Mn 0.080 0.571 Ionic radii dictate isomorphic substitution Fit into Tetrahedron (radius <0.41 t imes that of oxygen Fit into Octahedron + (radius <0.732 Na 0.097 0.693 2+ Ca 0.099 0.707 t imes that of + K 0.133 0.950 oxygen) 2+ Ba 0.13 4 0.957 + Rb 0.147 1.050
Surface Functional Groups • Clay minerals surfaces made up of hexagonal rings of tetrahedra or octahedra. • The group of atoms in these rings act as a delocalized source of negative charge; surface functional group (a.k.a. SFG). • Cations attracted to center of SFG’s above surface of the sheet. • Some (e.g., K+ and NH4+) dehydrated and attached to the SFG: inner sphere complex with the SFG • Cations bound to the SFG by water: outer sphere complex • Inner and outer sphere ion/clay complexes are the Stern layer.
http://www.ornl.gov/ORNLReview/v34_2_01/p24a.jpg Details of Stearn Layer • Anions will be repelled from clay surfaces. • Zig-zag negative and positively charged elements in clay generates dipole moment attracting charged particles. • Diffuse attraction results in increased ionic concentration: Gouy layer (Gouy, 1910). • Dipole-dipole attraction also holds water to the clay surfaces, in addition to osmotic force from cation concentration near the clay surfaces.
Hydration of Cations http://www-sst.unil.ch/perso_pages/Bernhard_homepage/On%20line%20publications/Image31.gif
Cation Exchange • The degree to which soil cations may be swapped for other cations is quantified as the cation exchange capacity (CEC) which is measured as • CEC = cmol of positive charge/kgcmol(+) is equal to 10 Milliequivilents (meq) • 1 CEC =1 meq per 100 grams of soil. • Typical values of CEC are less than 10 for Kaolinite, between 15 and 40 for illite, and between 80 and 150 for montmorilonite.
Distinguishing features between clays • Order of layering of tetra and octa sheets • Isomorphic substitutions • Cations which are bound to the surface functional groups
Examples: Kaolinite • 1:1 alternating octa:tetra sheets • Little isomorphic substitution. Thus... • Very stable thicker stacks • Relatively low surface area: 7-30 m2/gr • Do not swell much http://www.arenisca.com/kaol-2.gif
Examples: Montmorilonite (smectite family) • The most common smectite is Montmorillinite, with general formula : • (½Ca,Na)(Al,Mg,Fe)4(Si,Al)8O20(OH)4.nH2O • 2:1 octa sandwiched in 2 tetra sheets. • Lots of isomorphic substitution:Mg+2, Fe+2, & Fe+3 for Al+3 in octa. Since the octa is between tetra’s, cations in outer sphere complexes with hydrated SFG’s. Thus: • High surface area (600-800 m2/gr) • Lots of swelling • Big CEC. http://www.dc.peachnet.edu/~janderso/acres/Sum99/talksan/img018.gif
http://www.curtin.edu.au/curtin/centre/cems/report_2000/images/41_7.jpghttp://www.curtin.edu.au/curtin/centre/cems/report_2000/images/41_7.jpg Examples: Illite • 2:1 octa sandwiched in 2 tetra sheets. • Lots of isomorphic substitution:Al+3 for the Si+4 in the tetra. Generates charged SFG’s binding potassium ionically between the successive 2:1 units. Thus: • Moderate surface area 65-120 m2/g) • Little swelling • moderate CEC. http://www.glossary.oilfield.slb.com/Files/thumb_OGL98084.jpg
Summary of Clays • Clays are 10’s atomic radii thick and thousands of atomic radii in horizontal extent: • high surface to weight area plate structure. • Hold both water and cations • Highly reactive. • Swell wetted state due to hydration. • Dissociate if cations which glue layers together are depleted • Paths tortuous: high resistance to flow of water “impermeable”Careful in the vadose zone: shrinkage voids