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APOCALYPSE HISTORY. DANIEL. [Probably most accurately described as “fulfilled prophecy” or as an “early historian”.]. 2:31-44. Statue: Head gold lion = Babylonians 626-538 Chest silver bear = Medes 612-549 Abdomen bronze leopard= Persian 549-336

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  2. DANIEL [Probably most accurately described as “fulfilled prophecy” or as an “early historian”.] 2:31-44 Statue: Head gold lion = Babylonians 626-538 Chest silver bear = Medes 612-549 Abdomen bronze leopard= Persian 549-336 Legs iron teeth = Greek 336-323 Feet iron = Seleucids 301-44 Feet clay = Ptolemies 301-44 Stone = God's throne = Eternal kingdom

  3. Daniel 11 11:1 First year of Darius the Mede 538 11:2 Cambyses of Persia succeeds Cyrus 530-522 Cambyses defeats Egypt dispite Samos/Greek help 525 Gaumata of Persia succeeds Cambyses 3/522 to 9/522 Darius I Hystaspis of Persia succeeds Gaumata 522-486 Xerxes I (Ahasuerus) succeeds Darius I and amasses legendary wealth organizes resistance to Macedon (Greece) 486-465 11:3-4 Alexander the Great 336 Kingdom broken and divided 323

  4. 11:5 Ptolemy I Soter rules Egypt 322-305 Ptolemy I Soter of Egypt gains control of Syria 321 Antiochus II Theos gains control of Syria 315 Battle of Gaza (Ptolemy defeats Antiochus) 312 Seleucus I Nicator of Babylon regains throne thanks to Ptolemy I Soter 312 Antiochus II Theos re-captures Gaza 311 Battle of Ipsus Ptolemy I Soter defeats Antiochus II Theos and controls Syria 301 11:6 Berenice (daughter of Ptolemy II Philadelphus) of Egypt marries Antiochus II Theos of Syria 246 (Bernice and child later killed by Laodica former wife of Antiochus II Theos)

  5. 11:7-8 Ptolemy III Euergetes of Egypt (brother of Berenice) To avenge her murder invades Syria captures city of Seleucia, Syria and parts of Babylonia 244 11:9 Seleucus II Callinicus of Syria (son of Laodica) began attempt to invade Egypt 242 Seleucus II Callinicus returns to Antioch with only a fraction of his army 240 11:10 Seleucus III Ceraunus succeedes Seleucus II Callinicus 227-223 Seleucus III Ceraunus of Syria attacks into Asia Minor and is murdered 223 Antiochus III the Great attacks Egypt

  6. 11:11-12Ptolemy IV Philpator of Egypt defeats Antiochus III the Great of Syria and takes much of Canaan 222-197 11:13 Antiochus III the Great attacks Ptolemy V Epiphanes (infant) of Egypt 205 11:14-15Battle at Banias (Antiochus III the Great of Syria and Philip of Macedon besiege Sidon, enter Jerusalem, and defeat Egypt) 202 11:16 Canaan under Seleucid control 198

  7. 11:17 Cleopatra of Syria (daughter of Antiochus III the Great) wed to Ptolemy V Epiphanes of Egypt (trying to bring Egypt under control of Antiochus III the Great) (but Cleopatra supported her husband) 194 11:18 Antiochus III the Great of Syria crosses Hellespont and captures Thracian Chersonese 192 Antiochus III the Great of Syria defeated at Thermopylae by Romans Antiochus III the Great forced out of Greece 191 Antiochus III the Great of Syria defeated at Magnesia by Romans Antiochus III the Great forced out of Asia Minor 190

  8. 11:19 Antiochus III the Great of Syria dies while plundering a temple at Elymais 187 11:20 Seleucus IV Philopator of Syria succeedes Antiochus III the Great 187-175 Heliodorus of Syria (tax collector) attempts to plunder Jerusalem temple treasure 176 (died from conspiracy) 11:21 Antiochus IV Epiphanes of Syria usurps throne of elder brother Seleucus IV Philopator, from minor nephew Demetrius the rightful heir, and rival Heliodorus, with help of Pergamum. 175-164

  9. 11:22 Antiochus IV Epiphanes of Syria removes Anointed high priest Onias III from office, 175 (Onias III murdered in 170) 11:23-24Antiochus IV Epiphanes appoints his brother Jason of Judah as high priest, who promises to "vigorously pursue" a policy of Hellenization 175 11:25-27Antiochus IV Epiphanes of Syria captured Pelusium in Egypt. Ptolemy Philometor of Egypt captured by uncle Antiochus IV Epiphanes (who occupies most of Egypt). Physcon named king at Alexandria 169

  10. 11:28 Antiochus IV Epiphanes of Syria returns to Jerusalem to remove Menelaus and reinstate Jason as high priest Plunders the temple, establishes Jerusalem garrison, and massacres Jews 169 11:29 Antiochus IV Epiphanes of Syria again takes armies toward Egypt

  11. 11:30 As he approaches Alexandria Gaius Popilius Laenas of Rome tells him to leave Egypt or face Roman armies as well. On the way back General Apollonius (on behalf of Antiochus IV Epiphanes) coming in peace through Judah, attacks Jerusalem, 11:31 abolishes daily sacrifices, sets up Syrian cult center, consecrates altar to Zeus Olympius (called the Abomination of Desolation) June, 168 11:32-35Mattathias Maccabeus of Judah rebels at Modin 167 Temple re-dedicated Dec. 164 11:36-39 Antiochus IV Epiphanes

  12. Predicted: 11:40 "At the time of the end" Egypt will attack 11:40-43King of the North (Antiochus IV Epiphanes) shall conquer Egypt, Libya, Ethiopia 11:44 Trouble reported to northeast 11:45 Antiochus IV Epiphanes pitches tents west of Jerusalem 11:45 Shall "end with no help" Happened: Antiochus IV Epiphanes dies at Tabae in Persia Feb. 164 12:11 From the time the burnt offering is taken away and the Abomination is set up (early June, 168) will be 1290 days (late December, 165) Happy are those who see the death of Antioch IV Epiphanes 1335 days (mid February 164) (3 years 8 1/2 months from Abomination)

  13. REVELATION [Chapters 12, 13, and 17 are “fulfilled prophecy or history.] Revelation 12 Israel [Genesis 37:9], who's name had been Jacob, his wife Rachael (mother of Judah), and the descendents of the 12 tribes (12:1) was suffering in preparation for the coming of God's Messiah (12:2) [Woman clothed with the sun].

  14. There had been many empires. The seven greatest that caused Israel to suffer, were Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Media, Persia, Greece and now Rome. Each, in it's time had worn the crown of "world ruler". Rome, the current empire, had been ruled by ten emperors since Julius Caesar was assassinated. They were Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero, Galba, Otho, Vitellius, Vespasian, and Titus (12:3).

  15. Rome had conquered many nations, and then stood poised to absorb Israel's Messiah. All He need do was claim the kingdoms of the world (12:4). The Messiah, who would rule all nations, was born in 5 BC and named Jesus. Jesus did not give in to the temptation to conquer Rome and become emperor. Instead Jesus was crucified and remained faithful to God. Then God raised Him from the grave and The Christ was assumpted to sit with His Father on The Throne of Heaven (12:5).

  16. Then, in 67 AD, Rome was "forced" to put down the Jewish rebellion. When Roman armies destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD, the Zealots fled to the fortress of Masada, where they would remain safe for 3 1/2 years (42 lunar months)(1260 days) (12:6). I must regress here for a few moments, in order to explain what happened next. Throughout the Old Testament, one of God's archangels had the task of testing God's people. His name was Satan (whose name in Hebrew means "the adversary"). His "job" required him to doubt the people of God and to test their veracity. He learned to question everything. Eventually he began to question God, and he developed a secret plan to come to power and to rule heaven and earth. But when Satan tempted God's Son to betray His Father, and then arranged to have Jesus killed with out asking God's permission, he had gone too far.

  17. God ordered Satan to leave heaven. Satan chose to fight. Thus God commanded the archangel Michael to evict Satan and all his followers from heaven (12:7). Satan was defeated, and lost the privilege of personal access into the presence of God (12:8).

  18. Satan was the deceiver who, as a serpent, had successfully tempted Eve and Adam in the Garden of Eden. Satan was also known as the Devil (which means "accuser" or "slanderer" in Greek). Satan, and those who served him, then took up residence on earth (12:9). Since the reign of Caligula (37-41 AD) the people of God have been suffering under the authority of Satan. The people of God have personally defeated Satan through their faith in Christ, through their actions of witnessing, and because when they were faced with torture as followers of Jesus, they would rather die then disavow Jesus (12:10-11). Satan is no longer restrained, pretending serve God. He was frustrated and embarrassed, and is now full of anger. He wants revenge on God, but will have to vent his wrath on the followers of God before God stops him (12:12).

  19. To continue: When Satan was evicted from heaven, he came to earth and deceived Rome to abuse the followers of YHWH. Now, after destroying Jerusalem and The Temple in 70 AD, Rome was pursuing rebellious Israel (12:13). God guided the Zealots to Masada, and the armies of Rome followed. There they would be trapped, but secure from attack, for 3 1/2 years (12:14).

  20. On orders from Rome, the armies had pursued the Zealots (12:15). But the natural formations of Masada stopped the army from its desire to assault the Zealots (12:16). So the Roman armies established a siege and released the majority of their forces to continue to "mop-up" all resistance. That would include Messianic Jews (who keep the commandments AND believe that Jesus is the Messiah/Christ) (12:17).

  21. Revelation 13 Satan, with influence over nations, and people as numerous as the sands of the sea (12:18), calls forth one nation from among all the 'sea of nations'. This was the culmination of all the empires that had "ruled the world", and had afflicted Israel, and all the rulers which had ever claimed to be divine (13:1). Rome is like the Greeks, Persians, and Babylonians combined, but now under the authority of Satan, using the power of Satan, and kneeling to the throne of Satan (13:2).

  22. One emperor, Nero, had been killed by a sword in 68 AD. Then it was reported that he would return from the underworld. Satan used this rumor about Nero to establish an arch-Christ [anti-Christ], to mimic the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. And though there was disruption in the imperial succession, with three more "emperors" in that one year, the Roman Empire survived. And the people were surprised that the empire did not collapse into chaos, and they continued to follow the lead of Rome (13:3).

  23. The Imperial Cult of emperor worship, and the worship of Roma (the city of Rome) grew so influential that it came to virtually rule the empire. Thus the people of the empire came to worship Roma and the emperor, and thus to worship Satan. No nation can compete with the Roman Empire (13:4). When the Roman armies had conquered Jerusalem they established their banners in the temple area and declared the emperor to be the god of Israel, the Romans would continue to exercise authority over Israel for 3 1/2 years (13:5). The Romans never ceased to demand that the people admit that Caesar was their god while cursing and making fun of God and the people of God (13:6). Meanwhile, the armies gained control of Canaan and to put an end to the rebellion. So the Zealots and all rebellious Jews, including some of the Messianic Jews, were hunted. And in 73 AD the Roman armies forced their way into the Masada fortress and found the Zealots already dead (13:7).

  24. And those who recognized that the Roman Empire, and the Imperial Cult, were Satanic, were the only ones who did not worship the emperor and Roma (13:8). In this way the world will be purified. The true followers of YHWH need to endure it in faith (13:9-10). As Rome destroyed Jerusalem, the priests and bureaucrats of the empire began to seriously enforce the Imperial Cult of emperor worship. Just as Pergamum and Ephesus, in Roman Asia, had wholeheartedly embraced the Imperial Cult in the land to the north, so Canaan was now expected to worship Satan, and speak the same message of emperor worship (13:11). The Imperial Cult had finally reached the point that it had the authority that an emperor had, and it used that authority to try to make the emperor a puppet, with the cult priests "pulling the strings". The cult encouraged the spread of the rumor that Nero had been returned from the dead and, would one day soon, return to power (13:12).

  25. The priests tricked the people with 'miracles' and 'signs', even to the point of mimicking OT prophets (13:13). And once the cult has deceived the populace, they encouraged the building of statues, like the many of Nero throughout the empire, of the 'emperor gods' and required that the populace offer "worship" to the images (13:14). Then the priests encouraged the people to seek advice from the statues. And the priests would "speak the words" of the god's response. And sometimes the statues would "inform" the populace to spy out, and persecute, those who would not worship the 'emperor god' (13:15).

  26. The cult required that anyone in a guild, or anyone who did business, would have to show proof that they were an "emperor worshiper" in good standing. Your loyalty comes from your head, but was expressed by your right hand sprinkling the incense offering to the image of Caesar. Then, when they properly offered their "worship", a certificate would be marked with the "seal" of the emperor Nero (13:16-18).

  27. Revelation 17 John was given a vision of judgment on the Imperial Cult, Roma, an evil that influences many (17:1), which the emperors have allowed as an excuse to allow them to do evil (17:2). The Roman empire, which is the worst of all the empires put together, and whose rulers dare call themselves 'divine' (17:3), is controlled by Roma, the Imperial Cult, which presents itself with pomp and ceremony as though it were the royal ruler. But in reality the idolatry and sexual promiscuity permeate everything (17:4).

  28. Like a prostitute who wears her name on a headband, Roma has declared itself to be the worst whore in history, because of the way the cult demands that ALL must worship the emperors as gods. We may call this evil Imperial Cult "Babylon", but it is really Roma, the city of Rome (17:5). Rome is out of control, and has persecuted and abused both the Jews and the believers, and is guilty of slaughtering the innocent (17:6).

  29. John was amazed that God would allow such an evil organization to persecute His righteous people (17:7). The empire under Augustus and Tiberius was tolerable, but once Satan took control and made the Roma cult and the Roman Empire the tool of his vengeance, they have descended into the pit of depravity. One day soon the Roman Empire will take control away from the Roma cult, but it will be too late. Rome will still be destroyed by God. And the non-believers will be amazed when Rome is destroyed (17:8). Rome is controlled by the Roma cult, as were the emperors (17:9). The emperors that persecuted the followers of YHWH, Caligula, Claudius, Nero, Vespasian, and Titus have died. Domitian is the current emperor. There will be one more emperor, but he will only rule for a short time (17:10).

  30. Nero will then return, but will eventually be destroyed (17:11). Nero will be joined by ten rulers, from outside the empire, to whom Rome has not 'given' authority. Nero will promise them Roman support, and they will join forces for a short time (17:12). All will follow Nero, as the ruler of the Roman Empire (17:13). They will attempt to slaughter the followers of Jesus, but will fail (17:14). The Roma cult rules many (17:15), but Nero and the ten rulers will slaughter the cult priests, divide the plunder, and leave the temples exposed to further attacks (17:16). For it is the will of God to destroy the Roma cult in this fashion (17:17). Roma and Rome will be destroyed (17:18). END

  31. Apostle John John was the younger brother of James, the sons of Zebedee and Salome. He was even tempered and introspective. He was a thinker with a soft voice and who was 'good' with words. He was one of the 'inner circle' of Jesus. He was on the Mount of Olives when Jesus revealed some information about the end of the age.

  32. It is said that the Apostle, when he was 'old', wrote the Gospel of John, the three letters of John, and the book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

  33. At some time, generally believed to be during the reign of the emperor Domitian, who ruled from 81-96 AD, and who is reported to have exiled people rather than kill them, John was arrested in Ephesus and exiled to a 'prison island'.

  34. Patmos A very old man, in his 80's, John was living on the island of Patmos. The island had been settled by Dorian Greeks by 500 BC and later the Ionians. In mythology, the island was named in honor of Artemis who, with her brother, convinced Zeus to raise up the island that had earlier sunk into the sea.

  35. This small island in the Aegean Sea off the coast of Roman Asia, at most 10 miles long and 6 miles wide and only 22 square miles, is a island of rocky hills and an irregular coastline with many bays.

  36. Locals raised goats, tended vines, and fished. On the side of the tallest hill there is a cave that faces northeast.

  37. There were already some believers on the island when John arrived. When John arrived the believers secured the cave for John so that he might escape the heat and wind.

  38. Tradition indicates that it was in the cave that John lived for 18 months, and received his visions from God.

  39. John, always a thoughtful person, was seriously concerned about the persecutions whose target was the followers of Jesus. John had long been remembering that time with Jesus on the Mount of Olives when Jesus spoke of the end of the evil age and the beginning of the reign of God. Mark (13:3-27), Matthew (24:3-31), and Luke (21:7-28) give us an idea of what John heard as he listened to Jesus. Little Apocalypse Many would claim to speak in the name of Jesus, but one should not listen to false teachers. There would be wars and rumors of wars. There would be 'natural disasters' such as earthquakes, famines, drought, and pestilences. And there would be signs in the sky.

  40. Meanwhile the believers would be persecuted by Jews and Gentiles, religious and governmental, strangers and family would hate believers. Stand firm! Many would turn from The Faith and many "prophets" would give them false reasons. Passion for the Lord would cool. An army would approach Jerusalem. Those who can should flee as soon as they hear. It will be a dreadful time because none will be spared. Jerusalem would be placed under siege and taken. The Gentiles will trample Jerusalem and set up an "abomination of desolation" in the holy place. False Christ's and false prophets will perform signs and wonders and deceive many, yet The Gospel must be preached to all nations before the end of the age.

  41. Immediately after this distress the sun, moon, stars, and seas will be seriously and obviously affected. Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and the Son of Man will appear in glory and power. With a loud trumpet call He will send the angels to gather the elect from all over the earth. The Revelation As John remembered the life and teachings of Jesus, the acts of the Holy Spirit, and the condition of The Church, his mind was opened by God, and John was shown a series of visions. Then John wrote down all that he could remember. Knowing that he was instructed to proclaim these visions to The Church, he finally wrote them down in as organized a fashion as he could.

  42. John then wrote a cover letter for The Apocalypse. John carefully selected 'seven' churches to represent all of The Church, and addressed the cover letter to them. But The Apocalypse was to be read to all believers, in all the churches, beginning at Ephesus. God was about to purify His Church, each believer, and the entire world. Believers would face a time of great tribulation, but they would be guarded from the 'wrath' of God against the ungodly. The believers would be rewarded, and unbelievers would suffer, as God's justice prevailed.

  43. Ephesus The first church that would receive The Apocalypse would be Ephesus. Only one day sailing from Patmos (40 miles to the northeast).

  44. Ephesus was the 'premier city' in Roman Asia with a population of around 250,000. It was the seat of the proconsul government, and the cultural and religious center of Roman Asia. Into the harbor, then through the gate of Augustus or the gate of Hercules went the letter.

  45. Past the agora and the theater.

  46. with a stop at the public toilets, but not the public brothel.

  47. Just to the east of the city was the temple of Diana, the largest building in the Greek world. It was one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. Artemis of the Ephesians she was called, and was known for her sacred palm tree, under which she was said to have been born, along with her brother Apollo.

  48. But, as far as John was concerned, Ephesus was infamous for the three temples of the Imperial cult. In 29 BC a temple had been erected to honor the goddess Roma, another to honor Julius Caesar, and the latest honored the Emperor Domitian.

  49. The church of believers had been introduced to The Christ by Paul when he stopped briefly in Ephesus on his way to Jerusalem in the summer of 52 AD. It was visited by Apollos in the spring of 54 AD, but when Paul arrived, Apollos was gone and Paul corrected some errors. Paul nurtured the body of believers during the three years he stayed in Ephesus. Jesus knew this church! He walks among the 'lamp stands' and sees all. Their hands were busy doing the Lord's works. Despite the persecutions they had faced they patiently endured in the hope of the kingdom.

  50. Their heads were in the right place. From the beginning they had tested those who sought to teach them The Gospel. And they could not tolerate evil doers among the believers. They were separated from the body in hopes that they would repent and be saved. But their hearts were lacking. The passion for The Christ was gone. In the beginning they sought to evangelize both Jew and Gentile with enthusiasm. Showing their love to those outside The Faith. But now, though their love for one another was undiminished, they no longer were willing to risk what they had, to seek out others in need. "Remember! Repent! Do what you did at first."

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