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Click for next slide. What products & Services do we offer?. Security Fog IT Products & Services. Click for next slide. Today we will look at Security. Would you like a method of security that aims to prevent thefts, even if your premises are broken into?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Click for next slide

  2. What products & Services do we offer? • Security Fog • IT Products & Services Click for next slide

  3. Today we will look at Security • Would you like a method of security that aims to prevent thefts, even if your premises are broken into? • If the answer is yes, keep watching… Click for next slide

  4. If you were burgled today,how much would it cost you in terms of: • Loss of business • Lost stock • Increased insurance premiums • Inconvenience • Loss of irreplaceable possessions Click for next slide

  5. What security options are there? An alarm CCTV Security guard or dog Any of these will likely deter the opportunist but will not stop a determined thief A professionally installed fog cannon can prevent thefts, even if the thief gains entry to the premises Click for next slide

  6. What does a fog cannon look like? Click for next slide

  7. What would it look like installed? Here is a fog cannon fitted inside a false ceiling. The unit is completely hidden when the tiles are replaced. Click for next slide

  8. Or mounted directly on a ceiling Fog cannon Click for next slide

  9. This is what a burglar sees aftera fog cannonis fired Your natural reaction is to turn and run Seconds after this you cannot see your hand in front of your face Click for next slide

  10. Call or email me todayfor a friendly no obligation chat • JSK Technology Solutions • Call 01905 353509 or 07538 545709 • Email info@jsktec.com • Visit the website: www.jsktec.com • Follow me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/JskTec • Follow me on twitter: @jsktec

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