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COST_TUD Annual Progress Conference Instructions for the event Vienna, Austria 5-6 July 2011 Dr. Thierry Goger Science Officer. Introduction. Monitoring platform for the implementation of the COST Actions ensuring:
COST_TUD Annual Progress Conference Instructions for the event Vienna, Austria 5-6 July 2011 Dr. Thierry Goger Science Officer
Monitoring platform for the implementation of the COST Actions ensuring: the accomplishment of the objectives as set out in their Memoranda of Understanding; a good coordination and exchange of information among the Actions within the Domain TUD or with other COST Domains Stimulating of further cooperation among the COST Actions (e.g. joint activities) Sharing Action management experience among Action Chairs and with the COST Office (e.g. budget issue, participation of experts, STSM management…) Uncovering and Advertising of COST Actions outputs and impacts Presenting specific research initiatives relevant to the Domain (“Info-day”) Workshop – Aim and Objectives
Participants • Chair of the Management Committee of all 20 running Actions in the Domain • Members of the Domain Committee “Transport and Urban Development” (TUD) • Liaison members from other COST Domain Committees • COST Office representatives • European Commission representatives • Invited speaker(s) on selected research initiative(s) • Invited participants (e.g.local administration representatives…)
Workshop’s Schedule 5 July 2011 6 July 2011 1) 5) Opening Session Vulnerable & Challenging Urban Ecologies: a focus on noise issues 10:00 11:10 11:40 12:50 14:00 15:40 16:00 17:00 10:00 10:45 12:15 13:30 15:20 15:50 17:20 2) Coffee Break High-tech and high-touch Urban Futures: insights from energy saving and advanced engineering 6) Strategic Information Systems & Urban Scenario Modelling: the added value of semantic & integrating technologies Lunch Lunch 3) High-tech and high-touch Urban Futures: from the angel of advanced transport modelling/survey & innovative accessibility instruments 7) Urban Planning & Governance Systems: challenges related to suburban buildings, shrinking cities & public transport services Coffee Break Coffee Break 4) Infrastructure & Land Use iin Urban Systems: from innovative engineering and land management approaches to funding perspectives 8) Feedback from MC Chairs to COST Office on operational issues End of Sessions End of Sessions
Chair: C. Pronello Rapporteur: TBD Duration: 45 mins Format: Plenary Session Purpose: To welcome the participants To specify the Aims & Objectives of the APC (inc. Outputs) To introduce the JPI-Urban Europe initiative to the COST MC Chairs and the DC_TUD in order to stimulate interaction between the two programmes To introduce the framework of the APC To remind people it is ‘their time’, so let’s make the best use of it To provide practical information (e.g. no cell phones) Methodology: Presentations Introduction to the COST Workshop (T. Goger) [15 mins] Joint Programming Initiative “Urban Europe” (H-G. Schwarz) [20 mins] Discussion [10 mins] Session 1 – Opening Session
Chair: C. Pronello Rapporteur: T. Goger Duration: 100 mins Format: Plenary Session Scope: C24: Analysis and Design of Innovative Systems for Low-EXergy in the Built Environment: COSTeXergy TU0802: Next generation cost effective phase change materials for increased energy efficiency in renewable energy systems in buildings (NeCoE-PCM) TU0905: STRUCTURAL GLASS – Novel Design Methods and Next Generation Products TU0904: IFER - Integrated Fire Engineering and Response Purpose: To monitor the implementation of the COST Actions ensuring: the accomplishment of the objectives as set out in their Memoranda of Understanding; a good coordination and exchange of information among the Actions within the Domain TUD or with other COST Domains To generate further cooperation among the COST Actions (e.g. joint activities) To uncover and promote COST Actions outputs and impacts Methodology: Presentation by each MC Chair respecting DC_TUD Guidelines (see slide Annexes 1 to 3) [60 mins] Discussion [30 mins] Complementary Inputs: Executive Summary provided by MC Chairs Annual Progress Report provided by MC Chairs Session 2 – High-tech and High-touch Urban Futures: insights from energy saving and advanced engineering
Chair: C. Pronello Rapporteur: T. Goger Duration: 90 mins Format: Plenary Session Scope: Action TU0702: Real-time Monitoring, Surveillance and Control of Road Networks under Adverse Weather Conditions Action TU0903: Methods and tools for supporting the use, calibration and validation of traffic simulation models Action TU0804: Survey Harmonisation with New Technologies Improvement (SHANTI) Action TU1004: MODELLING PUBLIC TRANSPORT PASSENGER FLOWS IN THE ERA OF INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS Action TU1002: Accessibility instruments for planning practice in Europe Purpose: To monitor the implementation of the COST Actions ensuring: the accomplishment of the objectives as set out in their Memoranda of Understanding; a good coordination and exchange of information among the Actions within the Domain TUD or with other COST Domains To generate further cooperation among the COST Actions (e.g. joint activities) To uncover and promote COST Actions outputs and impacts Methodology: Presentation by each MC Chair respecting DC_TUD Guidelines (see slide Annexes 1 to 3) [60 mins] Discussion [30 mins] Complementary Inputs: Executive Summary provided by MC Chairs Annual Progress Report provided by MC Chairs Session 3 – High-tech and High-touch Urban Futures: from the angle of advanced transport modelling/survey and innovative instruments
Chair: C. Pronello Rapporteur: T. Goger Duration: 90 mins Format: Plenary Session Scope: Action TU0601: Robustness of Structures Action TU0602: Land Management for Urban Dynamics Action TU1001: Public Private Partnerships in Transport: Trends and Theory Action TU1003: MEGAPROJECT: The Effective Design and Delivery of Megaprojects in the European Union Purpose: To monitor the implementation of the COST Actions ensuring: the accomplishment of the objectives as set out in their Memoranda of Understanding; a good coordination and exchange of information among the Actions within the Domain TUD or with other COST Domains To generate further cooperation among the COST Actions (e.g. joint activities) To uncover and promote COST Actions outputs and impacts Methodology: Presentation by each MC Chair respecting DC_TUD Guidelines (see slide Annexes 1 to 3) [60 mins] Discussion [30 mins] Complementary Inputs: Executive Summary provided by MC Chairs Annual Progress Report provided by MC Chairs Session 4 – Infrastructure and Land Use in Urban Systems: from innovative engineering and land management approaches to funding perspectives
Chair: C. Pronello Rapporteur: T. Goger Duration: 70 mins Format: Plenary Session Scope: Action TD0804: Soundscape of European Cities and Landscapes Action TU0901: Integrating and Harmonizing Sound Insulation Aspects in Sustainable Urban Housing Constructions Purpose: To monitor the implementation of the COST Actions ensuring: the accomplishment of the objectives as set out in their Memoranda of Understanding; a good coordination and exchange of information among the Actions within the Domain TUD or with other COST Domains To generate further cooperation among the COST Actions (e.g. joint activities) To uncover and promote COST Actions outputs and impacts Methodology: Presentation by each MC Chair respecting DC_TUD Guidelines (see slide Annexes 1 to 3) [60 mins] Discussion [30 mins] Complementary Inputs: Executive Summary provided by MC Chairs Annual Progress Report provided by MC Chairs Session 5 – Vulnerable and Challenging Urban Ecologies: a focus on noise issues
Chair: C. Pronello Rapporteur: T. Goger Duration: 70 mins Format: Plenary Session Scope: Action TU0801: Semantic enrichment of 3D city models for sustainable urban development Action TU0902: Integrated assessment technologies to support the sustainable development of urban areas Purpose: To monitor the implementation of the COST Actions ensuring: the accomplishment of the objectives as set out in their Memoranda of Understanding; a good coordination and exchange of information among the Actions within the Domain TUD or with other COST Domains To generate further cooperation among the COST Actions (e.g. joint activities) To uncover and promote COST Actions outputs and impacts Methodology: Presentation by each MC Chair respecting DC_TUD Guidelines (see slide Annexes 1 to 3) [60 mins] Discussion [30 mins] Complementary Inputs: Executive Summary provided by MC Chairs Annual Progress Report provided by MC Chairs Session 6 – Strategic Information Systems and Urban Scenario Modelling: the added value of semantic and integrating technologies
Chair: C. Pronello Rapporteur: T. Goger Duration: 100 mins Format: Plenary Session Scope: Action TU0701: Improving the Quality of Suburban Building Stocks Action TU0803: Cities Regrowing Smaller - “ Fostering Knowledge on Regeneration Strategies in Shrinking Cities across Europe Action TU0603: Buses with a high level of service Purpose: To monitor the implementation of the COST Actions ensuring: the accomplishment of the objectives as set out in their Memoranda of Understanding; a good coordination and exchange of information among the Actions within the Domain TUD or with other COST Domains To generate further cooperation among the COST Actions (e.g. joint activities) To uncover and promote COST Actions outputs and impacts Methodology: Presentation by each MC Chair respecting DC_TUD Guidelines (see slide Annexes 1 to 3) [60 mins] Discussion [30 mins] Complementary Inputs: Executive Summary provided by MC Chairs Annual Progress Report provided by MC Chairs Session 7 – Urban Planning and Governance Systems: challenges related to suburban buildings, shrinking cities and public transport services
Moderator: T. Goger Rapporteur: C. Malimban Observer: C. Pronello Duration: 60 mins Format: Session between MC Chairs and COST Office representatives Scope: Operational issues Purpose: To report feedback to COST Office To provide answer whenever possible to Action Chairs To exchange between Action Chairs about best practices and experiences about COST tools Methodology: Discussion & answers [60 mins] Session 8 – Feedback on operational issue from MC Chairs to COST Office
Purpose: fundamental supporting document for quality control of the Action Methodology: MC Chair updates on the activities undertaken by the Action since its beginning must be submitted on time and must respect the provided template. Failure to comply with these requirements should result in a budget cut. Format of Report: Template for Annual Progress Report (http://www.cost.esf.org/download/monitoring_progress_report_template.doc) Deadline for submission to COST Office: 20/05/2011 Dissemination: public information Available on each COST Action Web page (http://www.cost.eu) (by 24/06/2011) Output 1 – Annual Progress Report
Purpose:secondary supporting document for quality control of the Action Methodology: MC Chair must demonstrate their scientific progress in a short presentation, focussing on illustrating how the initial objectives have been addressed and providing relevant information to allow the objective evaluation of the Action achievements must be submitted on time. Failure to comply with this requirement should result in a budget cut. Format of Report: PPT Presentation (No template) Deadline for submission to COST Office: 20/05/2011 Dissemination: public information Available at COST Action Web page (http://www.cost.eu) (by 24/06/2011) Output 2 – PowerPoint Presentation
Purpose: secondary supporting document for quality control of the Action Main advertising material of the Action Methodology: MC Chair responsibility with support from DC Rapporteur must be submitted on time and must respect the provided template. Failure to comply with these requirements should result in a budget cut Format of Report: Template Executive Summary (http://w3.cost.esf.org/fileadmin/domain_files/TUD/DC-TUD/APC_2011/2011328-_Promotional_Excecutive_summary_on_COST_Action.doc) Deadline for submission to COST Office: 20/05/2011 Dissemination: public information Proceedings produced by COST Office (by 24/06/2011) COST Annual Report Any promotion activities of COST Actions Output 3 – Executive Summary
Purpose: DC supporting document for quality control of the Action used by the DC for the evaluation of the Action used by the Action for feedback Methodology: DC Rapporteur presents his/her feedback on the progress of the Action since the last APC Format of Report: Template for Rapporteur Report (http://w3.cost.esf.org/fileadmin/domain_files/TUD/DC-TUD/APC_2011/2011328-Rapporteur-report-template.doc) Deadline for submission to COST Office: 10/06/2011 Dissemination: Restricted to DC Members and respective Action Chairs (Provided by COST Office to recipient by 24/06/2011) Output 4 – Annual Rapporteur Report
List of Actions considered “mature”: C24, TU0601, TU0602, TU0603 Speakers: MC Chairs Format of presentation: PowerPoint Presentation No template Duration: 20 mins excluding discussion time DC’s expectations: Actions must demonstrate their outstanding research and scientific networking achievements Brief description of overall objectives Extensive presentation of the outcomes (e.g. scientific breakthrough, policy guidelines, pre-standards) and the direct and indirect (scientific, economic and social) impacts of these outcomes Dissemination (past activities + plan up to end of Action and afterwards) Explanation of the challenges/problems encountered in the Action as well as its strength Illustration of the added value provided by the COST Action (e.g. involvement of Early Stage Researchers, gender balance, working atmosphere, STSM…) Deadline to submit presentation: 20/05/2011 Complementary Inputs: Executive Summary Annual Progress Report Annex 1 – Guidelines for oral presentation of “mature” Actions
List of Actions considered “mature”: TD0804, TU0701, TU0702, TU0801, TU0802, TU0803, TU0804, TU09010, TU09020, TU0903, TU0904, TU0905 Speakers: MC Chairs Format of presentation: PowerPoint Presentation No template Duration: 15 mins excluding discussion time DC’s expectations: Actions must demonstrate their scientific progress in a short presentation, focussing on illustrating how the initial objectives have been addressed and providing relevant information to allow the objective evaluation of the Action achievements Brief description of overall objectives of the Action Presentation of the outcomes (e.g. scientific breakthrough, policy guidelines, pre-standards) and the direct and indirect (scientific, economic and social) impacts of the Action Explanation of the challenges/problems encountered in the Action as well as its strength Presentation of the work plan (including any deviation from original one) Illustration of the added value provided by the COST Action (e.g. involvement of Early Stage Researchers, gender balance, working atmosphere, STSM…) Deadline to submit presentation: 20/05/2011 Complementary Inputs: Executive Summary Annual Progress Report Annex 2 – Guidelines for oral presentation of “mid-term” Actions
List of Actions considered “mature”: TU1001, TU1002, TU1003, TU1004 Speakers: MC Chairs Format of presentation: PowerPoint Presentation No template Duration: 10 mins excluding discussion time DC’s expectations:Actions must present their the scientific plan for their entire duration Description of overall objectives Presentation of the scientific approach Presentation of the expected outcomes (e.g. scientific breakthrough, policy guidelines, pre-standards) and the direct and indirect (scientific, economic and social) impacts of these outcomes Presentation of the work plan (including time table) Illustration of the expected added value provided by the COST Action (e.g. involvement of Early Stage Researchers, gender balance, working atmosphere, STSM…) Deadline to submit presentation: 20/05/2011 Complementary Inputs: Executive Summary Annual Progress Report Annex 3 – Guidelines for oral presentation of “starting” Actions
Chair: C. Pronello Rapporteur: T. Goger Duration: 180 mins Format: Sessions included in agenda of 15th DC_TUD Meeting Scope: Ending and Mid-Term Actions: C24, TU0601, TU0602, TU0603, TD0804, TU0701, TU0702, TU0801, TU0802, TU0803, TU0804, TU09010, TU09020, TU0903, TU0904, TU0905 Starting Actions: TU1001, TU1002, TU1003, TU1004 Purpose: To assess the implementation of the COST Actions To support the implementation of the COST Actions by providing appropriate feedback Methodology: See presentation “DC Assessment Phase” prepared by COST Office Complementary Inputs: Annual Progress Report provided by MC Chairs Executive Summary provided by MC Chairs Powerpoint Presentation prepared by MC Chair Rapporteur Report prepared by Rapporteur Annex 4 – Guidelines for DC_TUD monitoring of COST Actions