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Distributed Accounting Working Group

Distributed Accounting Working Group. Global Grid Forum I March 6 th 2001 Amsterdam, Netherlands. Welcome. Introductions Summary from past forums Charter discussion Document discussions will run for both sessions General discussion Actions for next forum

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Distributed Accounting Working Group

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  1. Distributed AccountingWorking Group Global Grid Forum I March 6th 2001 Amsterdam, Netherlands

  2. Welcome • Introductions • Summary from past forums • Charter discussion • Document discussions will run for both sessions • General discussion • Actions for next forum • 2nd meeting from 16:00 – 17:30 in Room F320 (Sterren Kunde)

  3. Introductions • Chairs • Tom Hacker (University of Michigan) hacker@umich.edu • Bill Thigpen (NASA Ames Research Center) bthigpen@arc.nasa.gov • Mailing List – accounts-wg@gridforum.org • Web Site(s) – http://www.gridforum.orghttp://www.nas.nasa.gov/~thigpen/accounts-wg

  4. What has been happening • GFI • GFII • GFIII • GFIV • GFV • GGFI

  5. What has been happening • GFI • About six people got together and decided that we should move toward getting a coordinated accounting infrastructure • GFII • GFIII • GFIV • GFV • GGFI

  6. What has been happening • GFI • GFII • Decided to have a paper ready for the following forum and to have a meeting between some of the major stake holders • GFIII • GFIV • GFV • GGFI

  7. What has been happening • GFI • GFII • GFIII • Narrowed the focus of the group and decided on developing a current practices and defined job log • GFIV • GFV • GGFI

  8. What has been happening • GFI • GFII • GFIII • GFIV • Laura presented initial results from current practices and a list of action items • GFV • GGFI

  9. What has been happening • GFI • GFII • GFIII • GFIV • GFV • Charter , Account Templates on the Grid appeared • Distributed Accounting was presented to full forum • GGFI

  10. What has been happening • GFI • GFII • GFIII • GFIV • GFV • GGFI • Is there a European or Asian Interest • Large document count • Bright outlook

  11. Document Review • Type of document • Summary of content (high lights) • Comments on documents • Recommendation for disposition • Action items

  12. Charter • This is a charter • Was approved in GFV • Summary • Develop a straw-man grid accounting architecture • Define other interactions with grid components and existing systems minimizing the impact • Create a specification that could be used to build and evaluate distributed accounting prototypes • Identify agency/university/corporate concerns that must be addressed and recommend solutions. In particular, concerns include sharing resources in an open Grid environment, and managing Grid use of their resources.

  13. Charter (cont) • Discussion • Recommendations • Actions

  14. Documents to Review • Account Allocations on the Grid (Hacker, Athey) • A Case for Economy Grid Architecturefor Service Oriented Grid Computing (Buyya, Abramson, Giddy) • Distributed Accounting on the Grid (Thigpen, Hacker) • Resource Accounting – Current Practices (McGinnis) • Simplifying Administration and Management Practices in the Polish National Cluster (Kupczyk, Meyer, Wolniewicz)

  15. General Discussion • European involvement • …

  16. Accomplishments • We covered 5 documents. Overall they were very good. • The Charter and Simplifying Administration and Management Practices in the Polish National Cluster were approved as is to pass on to the steering committee. (Charter and Implimentation document) • Account Allocations on the Grid has some minor edits needed and Distributed Accounting on the Grid needs some wordsmithing. Both documents will have word versions placed on the web.

  17. Accomplishments • Resource Accounting – Current Practices was well done but needs more sites. UofM, NCSA, and PSNC will be sending in information • Another document is being started to bridge the gap between current practice and market driven account practices. • Met with Cees de Laat co-chair of the AAA (authentication, authorization, and accounting) group in IRTF and will be coordinating documentation

  18. Distributed Accounting Working Group • 6 documents were in the package, 5 were reviewed (overall, very good) • 2 were recommended to be forwarded to the committee, 2 will be edited, and 1 is receiving more input • The need for another document was decided and assigned.

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