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URBAN LAND-USE. Types of Land Use. All land use in an urban place can be classified into one of SIX major groups: industrial, residential, commercial, transportation, institutional and open space. . Industrial (Blue). Factories, warehouses, shipping – close to highways, railways and water

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  2. Types of Land Use • All land use in an urban place can be classified into one of SIX major groups: • industrial, residential, commercial, transportation, institutional and open space.

  3. Industrial (Blue) • Factories, warehouses, shipping – close to highways, railways and water • about 6% of all urban land • 4 types • - Ribbon Industries (large, next to transportation, away from residential) • - CBD (old, obsolete, fabric and textiles • - Suburban Industrial Parks (modern, planned, near highways • - Suburban Business Parks (well planned, landscaped, offices and light industry

  4. Residential (Yellow) • 40% of developed land in many cities • Contains Single Detached, Semi-Detached, Duplex, Town Houses, Low Rise Apartments, High Rise Apartments • Low Density – Single, Semi, Duplex • Med Density – Towns, Low Rise • High Density – High Rise

  5. Commercial (Purple) • 5% of land for retailing, wholesaling, offices, and services • 6 types (refer to chart on pg. 252) • - local centre – low order • - neighbourhood plaza – low order • - community shopping centre – low / mid order • - power centre (big box stores) – mid / high order • - regional shopping centre – all orders and specialized • - CBD – all orders and specialized

  6. Transportation - Brown • nearly 32% of urban land for roads, highways railroads and electricity transmission corridors • Automobile good for low density • Mass transit good for high density • 4 types of roads • - expressways – high volume • - arterial roads – moderate volume, city roads • - collector roads – suburbs, move traffic from local to arterial • - local – small side streets

  7. Institutional (Red) • schools, hospitals, governments, places of worship • Land that is owned or controlled in some way by the government. • About 10% of land use

  8. Open Space / Recreational (Green) • Parks, golf course, open land, green spaces • 7% of land

  9. Factors Affecting Land Use • Land Value – highest in areas that are most accessible. CBD, major transportation routes. • Zoning – control the kind and amount of development • Technology – grid pattern (old – high density) vs. garden pattern (new – low density) • Climate – harsh, creating need for indoor and underground centres

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