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C H A P T E R. C H A P T E R. Planning. 15. What is planning?. Establishing goals Determining objectives to meet goals Formal planning Informal planning. Guest satisfaction Employee satisfaction Productivity Food and beverage preparation and service Marketing and sales

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  1. C H A P T E R C H A P T E R Planning 15

  2. What is planning? • Establishing goals • Determining objectives to meet goals • Formal planning • Informal planning

  3. Guest satisfaction Employee satisfaction Productivity Food and beverage preparation and service Marketing and sales Operating ratios Human resources Physical property Financial Key operating areas

  4. Planning facilitates…. • Organization • Decision-making • Communication • Motivation • Control

  5. Gives direction Reduces the impact of change Minimizes waste and redundancy Sets the standards used in controlling Coordinates efforts of associates Assists in risk reduction Purpose of planning

  6. Strategic planning • Long-range planning • Top management function • Identify where the organization is and where it will go • Mission and vision

  7. Strategic Management • Identify business of today and of future • Course of action • Tasks: • Development of mission and vision • Translate mission into goals • Developing strategy

  8. Require top-management decisions Involve the allocation of large amounts of resources Are likely to impact the long-term prosperity of the business Are Future-oriented Have major multifunctional consequences Require analysis of the external environment Characteristics of Strategic Issues

  9. Identifying organization’s mission, goals and objectives Analyze the environment and resources Identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats Formulate strategy Implement Evaluate Strategic Management Process

  10. Corporate Growth Strategies • Market penetration • Geographic expansion • Product development • Horizontal integration • Strategic alliances • Diversification

  11. Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats SWOT Analysis

  12. Environmental Scanning • Screening of large amounts of information to anticipate and interpret changes in the environment • Forecasting • Future revenues • New technology breakthroughs

  13. Morrisey’s four-point model To 1. (action/verb) 2. The (single measureable result) 3. By (target date/time span) 4. At (cost in time and/or energy)

  14. Setting objectives Analyzing and evaluating the environment Determining alternatives Evaluating alternatives Selecting the best solution Implementing the plan Controlling and evaluating results Operational planning

  15. Set organizational goals Set departmental goals Discuss departmental goals Set individual goals Give feedback Management by Objectives (MBO)

  16. Definition Process Form a team Identify companies to benchmark Collect data Analyze data Create action plan Implement Benchmarking

  17. Policy Procedures Budgets Scheduling Project management Important terms

  18. Trends in planning • Planning needs to be done quickly and adjusted when necessary. • Technology can allow more people to have input into the planning process.

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