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Global Citizenship Education in Japan Influenced by Globalization and Localization

Explore the impact of globalization and localization on global citizenship education in Japan, examining theories and definitions in the 21st century context. Discover positive and negative effects of globalization, multicultural identities, and global human rights issues.

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Global Citizenship Education in Japan Influenced by Globalization and Localization

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  1. Global Citizenship Education in Japan Influenced by Globalization and Localization A Presentation for WCCES 2007 September 3-6 KOJI NAKAMURA Professor of International Education Konan University, Kobe Japan • Human had learned to listen to one another and to the planet (Boulding, 2000).

  2. What is globalization and localization? • How do you define globalization? • Could we explain Globalization in the 21st Centurywith • Conflict Theory • Conversion Theory • or Diversion Theory ? • (Economy, Technology, Politics, Education, Environment, Culture and People)

  3. Definition of globalization and localizationin global citizenship education for peace • Globalization is neither the convergence of Westernization nor Americanization. • Globalization is neither Euro-centered homogenization nor American-centered assimilation. • (Nakamura 2002, 2004) • Economy, Technology, Politics, Education, Environment, Culture and People

  4. What is Globalizationin global citizenship education for peace? Globalization means global and transnational interactions of people, shared cultures, information and technology, education, economy, ecological management and value systems beyond the cultural divide between East and West, North and South and Orientalism and Occidentalism. (Nakamura, 2004)

  5. What is localization in peace? Localization means sustaining personal, local, republican, cultural, national identities, by raising the awareness of global interdependence and sustainability. Boulding (2000, p.272) emphasizes that with the new localism, children were more integrated into the life of the community than they had been in the previous century, and the peace education, training, and service programs that had begun early in the twenty-first century helped make schools major focal points of each community.

  6. Positive Effects of Globalization 1 Cross-border interactions and interdependence between and among people and countries (internationalization) 2 Democratization and liberalization through the borderless interaction of people and information (Democratization and Liberalization) 3 Sharing supra-national and universal values, such as liberal democracy, fundamental human rights, sustainable development, human solidarity, charity, philanthropy and citizenship in a democratic civil society. (Universalization)

  7. Globalization and multicultural identifications for human solidarity • Globalization has brought about a dramatic increase in multicultural, bicultural, transcultural and transnational people who have several layers of personal, cultural, ethnic, national and global identifications.(VTR) This is a light of the 21st century. The EU is another arena of economic, multi-cultural and educational experiments.

  8. A Bed and Breakfast in Pateley Village in Yorkshire , UK

  9. Multicultural British in London

  10. BBC、ITV Newscasters in UK Asad Ahmed BBC Newscaster *Sir Trevor McDonald, OBE (born 16 August1939) is a Trinidadian-born British ITV News Presenter. Until 2005, he was a newscaster with ITN, notable for having been the first black news anchor in the UK. He received the best newscaster prize. *BBC News Presenter - Moira Stuart Elegant newsreader Moira Stuart was born and brought up in Britain, but has spent a lifetime trying to answer the question, 'But where are you from?' "I couldn't give a definitive answer," she says. "I am a true mongrel - and proud of it." *George Alagiah was born in Sri Lanka in November 1955. George also presents World NewsToday on BBC World, the BBC's international news and information television channel.

  11. NGO:Positive Effects of Globalization • One context in which the micro-macro linkage of utopian experiments should be seen in the rapid development of transnational nongovernmental organization in the 20th century. (VTR: MSF) • The more than twenty thousands transnational nongovernmental networks that bring diverse people together through common interests and concerns are major new set of actors in the international power (Boulding, 2000).

  12. Negative Effects of GlobalizationToday’s Fragile World: Survive or Perish? • Korten (1999) states that it is now our time to accept responsibility for our freedom or perish as a species that failed to find its place of service in the web of life. • Boulding (2000) states that as a species, we have overrun our niche and deprived countless other species of their habitats. • Global/domestic poverty and disparity are getting more serious all over the world in the 21st century.

  13. Chad: The Aboubakar family of Breidjing CampFood expenditure for one week: 685 CFA Francs or$1.23Favorite foods: soup with fresh sheep meat

  14. Germany: The Melander family of BargteheideFood expenditure for one week:375.39 Euros or $500.07Favorite foods: fried potatoes with onions, bacon and herring, fried noodles with eggs and cheese, pizza, vanilla pudding

  15. Global Human Rights IssuesCivil Wars, Refugees, Poverty, Hunger, Child Labor and AIDS are all linked with each other.

  16. Our fragile earth devastated by nuclear tests and wars

  17. 少年兵 2019/12/19 25

  18. The achievement of universal primary education within a decade in all developing regions would cost only $7-8 billion annually • To put this figure in context, $7-8 billion represents: • = About 4 days’ worth of global military expenditure • = 7days’ worth of currency speculation in international markets • = Less than half of what North American parents spend on toys for their children each year • = Less than the annual amount that Europeans spend on computer games or mineral water. • (Break the Cycle of Poverty by Oxfam)

  19. What can you see from one banana? 2019/12/19 28

  20. Japan Today: Nation at Risk 1. A faceless Economic giant without having a clear political voice in the international community 2. Multicultural deficiency in conformity 3. Educational turmoil: School Career- oriented Society for competition for numerical targets, profitability and productivity 4. The increasing Juvenile Delinquency 5. Brain Drain and Credibility Gap 6. The deterioration of habits of the heart as a Japanese citizen and global citizen in liberal democracy.

  21. Entrance Examination in school career oriented societies in Japan

  22. Individualism and Responsibility for Local and Global Community • Japan has learned and borrowed utilitarian individualism and expressive individualism from the United States and the West. • Japan has not learned enough about civic individualism, the commitment to local communities which are the very core of American individualism in the context of habits of the heart by Robert Bellah (1985).

  23. Entrance Examination in school career oriented societies in Japan

  24. University Education: The quality of university education is questioned and examined as the result of the remarkable decrease of young students in Japan

  25. Student’s lecture: Global Citizenship Education as a part of Teaching Profession Course

  26. A Lerner-centered Communicative Classroom on (War in Iraq)(Debate class in English)

  27. The comparison of national pride among British, German and Japanese university students • Japanese students are proud of science and technology (62.0%), Japanese Enterprises (50.9%), economic performance (42.6%), liberal democracy (37.0%) and security and crime rate (36.6%) . • British and German students are proud of their post-industrial and multicultural society blessed with social welfare, while Japanese students seem to be proud of the components of an economic giant with high technology.

  28. Graph 1: What makes 216 Japanese Students of Konan University proud of Japan?

  29. National Pride among British, German, Japanese and American Students • British students of University of Leeds (n=46) • Cultural diversity(76.09%) (n=35)多文化主義 • liberal democracy(47.83%) (n=22)自由な民主主義 • English pound (32.61%) (n=15)  英国通貨ポンド • Social Welfare(23.9%) (n=11)社会福祉 German students of Bochum University (N=49) • Social Welfare(67.47%) (n=33) 社会福祉 • Liberal Democracy(61.22%) (n=30)自由な民主主義 • Cultural diversity (55.1%) (n=27)多文化主義 • American Students of University of Hawaii (N=49) • Cultural diversity (55.1%)(n=27) 多文化主義 • Education (44.9%) (n=24)学校教育 • Science and technology (44.9%)(n=24)  科学技術

  30. National pride among Japanese and Thai graduate Students Japanese Students of Konan University, Kobe Japan • Science and technology (62.0%)(n=134)科学技術 •  Business Companies(50.9%)(n=110) 日本企業 • Economic performance(42.6%) (n=92)経済力 • Liberal Democracy(37.3%)(n=80) 由な民主主義 Thai graduate students of Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok Thailand • King and Royal Family (87.5%)(n=35) 王様と皇室 • Religion (Buddhism) (52.5%)(n=21)宗教(仏教) • Cultural diversity (38%)(n=17)多文化主義  • Love for others (38%)(n=17)他人への愛

  31. Graph 2.What are the three most important factors of Japanese identity among 216 Japanese students of Konan University in 2005-2006?

  32. Graph 3: The three most important factors of British identities for 46 students of Leeds University

  33. Graph 4 :The three most important factors of 49 German Identities for Students of Bochum Univ.

  34. The three important factors of national Identities British Students of Leeds University, Yorkshire, UK (46) 英国の大学生 • 1. English language (52.2%) (n=24)        英語 • 2. Cultural heritage (39.1%) (n=18)       文化遺産 • 3. History (37.0%) (n=17) 歴史 • 4.Liberal democracy (32.6%) (n=15)       自由な民主主義 • 5. Ethnic diversity (28.3%) (n=13)          多文化主義 German Students of Bochum University, Germany (49) ドイツの大学生 • 1. History (61.2%) (n=30)        歴史 • 2.Liberal democracy (51.0%) (n=25)        自由な民主主義 • 3. Human rights (44.9%) (n=22)        人権 • 4. German language (40.8%) (n=20) ドイツ語 • 5. Cultural heritage (30.6%) (n=15) American Students of University of Hawaii (49)  アメリカの大学生 1 American English (61.2%)(n=30)     英語  2 Cultural Heritage (51.0%)(n=25)          文化遺産 3 History (30.6%)(n=15)       歴史 4 Citizenship (28.5%)(n=14)        市民権 Japanese Students of Konan University in Kobe, Japan (216)日本の大学生 • 1. Japanese Language (66.2%)(n=143) 日本語 • 2. Human Rights (43.5%)(n=94)      人権 • 3.National Pride (29.2%)(n=63) 国民的誇り • 4. Cultural Heritage(37.0%)(n=80)        文化遺産 • 5. History (35.6%)(n=77)          歴史 Thai graduate students of Srinakharinwirot Univ. in Bangkok, Thailand (40) タイの大学院生 • 1. Thai Language (70%)(n=27)     タイ語 • 2. Cultural Heritage (70%)(n=27)         文化遺産 • 3. King (62.5%)(n=25)        王様  • 4. History (22.5%)(n=9)         歴史

  35. The Preamble of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the Union in the Constitution of the European Union (2004) • The peoples of Europe, in creating an ever closer union among them, are resolved to share a peaceful future based on common values. • universal values of human dignity, freedom, equality and solidarity: • The Union contributes to the preservation and to the development of these common values while respecting the diversity of the cultures and traditions of the people of Europe

  36. Hague Appeal for Peace/Global Campaign for Peace Education • “A culture of peace will be achieved when citizens of the world understand global problems, have the skills to resolve conflicts and struggle for justice non-violently, live by international standards of human rights and equity, appreciate cultural diversity , and respect the Earth and each other. Such learning can only be achieved with systematic education for peace.”

  37. European Citizenship • The kernel of citizenship in the European Union lies in sharing and ensuring the common values of human rights and obligations, freedom, equality, autonomy and solidarity as peace-loving citizens within the framework of liberal democracy in diverse societies. The European citizenships declare that the Union respects the diversity of the cultures and traditions as well as each national and cultural identity.

  38. The European educational initiatives: • * The European Exchange Program for Young Workers * Erasmus is the established project for encouraging exchange and mobility among EU member states for students in the university sector. • * Comett is a project intended to improve technical training, especially in the new technologies, by placing students and young workers

  39. The Comparison between the dual identities of the British and European citizens and those of Japanese and Asian citizens in 2005 • It is very meaningful to compare the responses of dual identities of the British citizen and European citizen with those of the Japanese and Asian citizens.(Nakamura 2005. p. 17). • Among 100 British citizens 58% (n=58) of the Britishthink of themselves as both British and European at the same time. • 59% (n=59) of the Japanese studentsfeel that they are both Japanese and Asian citizens at the same time in 2005.

  40. Graph 8: Do you think of yourself as an Asian citizen?The response from 216 Konan University students. 2005-2006

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