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STAGE 8. GLADIATORES Two new grammar concepts:. 1. Accusative plural nouns. 2. Superlative Adjectives. NEW GRAMMAR CONCEPTS. ADDITION OF PLURAL ACCUSATIVE . Ego magn as vill as habeo . I have large houses. -a s. Venalicius serv os in foro vendidit . The slave dealer sold slaves

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Presentation Transcript

  1. STAGE 8 GLADIATORES Two new grammar concepts: 1. Accusative plural nouns 2. Superlative Adjectives

  2. NEW GRAMMAR CONCEPTS • ADDITION OF PLURAL ACCUSATIVE Ego magnas villashabeo. I have large houses. -as Venalicius servos in forovendidit. The slave dealer sold slaves in the forum. -os Agricola gladiatoreslaudavit. The farmer praised the gladiators. -es

  3. NEW GRAMMAR CONCEPTS CONT. • ADDITION OF SUPERLATIVE ADJECTIVES Adjectives that suggest a greater state; use “very” to translate superlatives. Examples: laetus = happy laetissimus= very happy notus = well known notissimus = very well known Fortissimus= very brave, strong fortis = brave,strong Iratisissimus = very angry Iratus = angry

  4. VOCABULARYverbs • agitat – chases, hunts • agitavit - chased, hunted • consumit - eats ate • consumpsit - • ducit - leads • duxit – led • habitat - lives • habitavit - lived

  5. Verbs cont. • incitat – urges on, encourages • incitavit - urged on, encouraged • postulat - demands • postulavit - demanded • pugnat- fights • pugnavit - fought • recumbit – Lies down, reclines • recubuit - reclined

  6. Vocabulary Cont. • eum - Him (pronoun) • facile - Easily (adverb) • ferox – Fierce, ferocious (adjective) • gladius - Sword (noun) • hic - This (adjective) • ignavus - Cowardly, lazy (adjective) • nuntius - Messenger (noun)

  7. Vocabulary Cont. • pes – Foot, paw (noun) • porta - Gate (noun) • puer - Boy (noun) • sanguis - Blood (noun) • saepe - Often (adverb) • silva – Forest, woods (noun) • spectaculum – Spectacle, show (noun) • statim – At once (adverb) • totus - Whole (adjective)

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