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STAGE 8 CULTURE & TEST REVIEW. 87 Questions. Reading passage (16 lines) 10 m/c comprehension over passage 10 m/c grammar over passage 5 m/c – Translate English to Latin 5 m/c – translate Latin to English 8 m/c – derivatives 7 m/c – verb tense (know your verb endings )

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  2. 87 Questions • Reading passage (16 lines) • 10 m/c comprehension over passage • 10 m/c grammar over passage • 5 m/c – Translate English to Latin • 5 m/c – translate Latin to English • 8 m/c – derivatives • 7 m/c – verb tense (know your verb endings) • 4 matching – Latin vocabulary • 4 matching – derivatives • 10 m/c – choose the correct form of the adjective (difference between positive & superlative adjectives & adverbs; ex. Pulcher/pulcherrimaorceleriter/celerrime) • 8 m/c – is the underlined word nom. sing/pl or acc. sing/pl? • 9 m/c – culture • 7 t/f culture

  3. Stage 8 Culture • Throughout the Roman Empire, gladiatorial contests were held in _____________________. • Amphitheaters - These oval-shaped arenas had floors which were covered with sand. • _____________________ was spread over the seating area to shelter the audience from the sun. • Canvas awnings • Who paid for the shows? _____________ • Wealthy individuals; there was no charge for the show. Spectators would arrive soon after dawn to take their seats and enjoy the games. • The gladiators were usually __________________ and _____________________ who trained in a special school • Slaves , condemned criminals, prisoners of war, or free volunteers. They lived and trained in a school or barracks under the supervision of a professional trainer. Popular gladiators often received money from their fans.

  4. Stage 8 Culture • Describe the weapons of the following gladiators. • a. Samnites • They carried an oblong shield & a short sword. • b. Thracians • They had a round shield & a short sword or dagger. • c. Murmillo • They wore a helmet with a crest shaped like a fish and carried a sword and shield. They were called “murmilliones” because the Greek word for fish is “murmillo”. These gladiators were often matched against the “retiarii”. • d. Retiarius • They were armed with “retia” (nets) & three-pronged spears (tridents).

  5. Stage 8 Culture • How did a fight end? • Before the games, gladiators would salute the sponsor of the show. The fight ended with the death or surrender of one of the gladiators. • A gladiator who had surrendered appealed to the crowd. The spectators indicated their wishes by turning their thumbs up or down. Indicate what each gesture meant. • thumbs up toward chest • “kill him” • thumbs down • “let him live” • Who had the final decision for death or mercy? • The sponsor of the games

  6. Stage 8 Culture • When did the great riot occur at a gladiatorial show between Pompeii and a neighboring town, Nuceria? • AD 59 • What penalty was imposed on the Pompeians? • According to the Roman historian, Tacitus, there were several consequences. • Although the Pompeians won the fight, they were not allowed to hold such shows for 10 years. • The emperor at the time of the riot was Nero, and he sent Regulus, the Nucerian sponsor of the show, and the others responsible into exile.

  7. adjectives • Degrees of Adjectives • You have seen sentences like this which show a “positive” adjective: • Pugnaxerat gladiator notus. • Pugnax was a well known gladiator. • You have also seen sentences like this which show a “superlative” adjective: • Pugnaxerat gladiator notissimus. • Pugnax was a very well known gladiator.

  8. verb tense • Present Tense – am, is, are, do, does • Mercator Graecusiuvenumcapit. • The Greek merchant seizes the youth. or • …does seize or • …is seizing

  9. verb tense • Imperfect Tense • Nucerini per viasfugiebant. • The Nucerians were fleeing through the streets.

  10. verb tense • Perfect Tense • “v, s, u, x, e” indicator letters • Tuba iterumsonuit. • The trumpet sounded again. Or • …did sound or • …has sounded

  11. noun case & declension • Nominative (SN = subj. noun = performs the action) • Accusative (DO = direct object = receives the action) • Identify the Case, Number, & Declension of the Following: • Agricola gladiatoreslaudavit. Nom. Sing Acc. Pl. 1st Dec. 3rd Dec.

  12. noun case & declension Nom. Pl. Acc. Sing. 3rd Dec. 2nd Dec. • senesspectaculumspectant. • Puellaeancillam ad villamducebant. Nom. Pl. Acc. Sing. Acc. Sing. 1st Dec. 1st Dec. 1st. Dec.

  13. culture identification • How could you identify the following gladiators? • Murmillones • Fish on helmet • Retiarii • Had nets & a trident • Samnite • Oblong shield & short sword • Thracian • Round shield & dagger

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