Test Taking Strategies Assessment
Test TakingTest taking is such a chore.Silence and quiet are a bore.It would be so easy if answers came to me,Or if they would appear anywhere I could see.The teacher won’t take it for me.Rather than work, I’ll make a D.An epiphany I had: “Studying does help improve my score.”Now I could have a 70 or perhaps much more!I’m getting worried, is this the easiest test?I’m getting more right than on all the rest!Maybe one day it’ll all work out,but for now, passing is what’s it’s about. How many students feel
Why is Testing so Important? • Testing for educators is like a yard stick measuring a students development. • Shows students overall progress. • Helps the teacher know what learning techniques are working.
What can Teachers do? • Give students plenty of forewarning before tests. • Have lots of review time for students to ask questions. • Tell students to get a good nights sleep and to eat a good breakfast! • Make sure students can understand and follow instructions clearly. • If your stuck on a question come back to it. • Encourage students to ask questions if they don’t understand a question, but don’t give answers, let them think. • Playing relaxing music like Beethoven or Mozart
Preparation Familiarize themselves with the material Form a study group Ask for extra help/practice from teacher Test Taking Ask for help Time yourself Do not change answers When done with test go back over questions Take deep breaths if stressed find a way that calms you Test Preparation and Taking What can Students do?
True/False: Every part of the question must be true in order to be true Sometimes, often, frequently, ordinarily, generally = Usually indicate true answers No,never, none, always, every, entirely, only"imply the statement must be true 100%, = Usually indicates false answers Short Answer: Use grammatical clues Make your sentence(s) informational yet to the point. Multiple Choice: Choose answers that grammatically fit the question If two or more answers are correct, “all of the above,” is a strong possibility Use hints from questions and answers you already know. Essay: Begin with a strong first sentence Develop each point in a complete paragraph Use transitions to connect points Wrap up with a summary of main points Specific Testing: Test Preparation and Taking
What can parents do? • Adequate sleep and breakfast • Have the needed supplies & materials • Manage your child’s after school time • Give continuous encouragement and praise • Allow constant reading material • Keep in touch with the teacher(s)
For more Information: • How To Study http://www.howtostudy.org/ • Student Development Center http://www.sdc.uwo.ca/learning/topics.html • Test Taking Strategies http://www.bucks.edu/~specpop/tests.htm Retrieved November 5, 2003