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EDUCATION AND TRAINING FOR EXPLOSIVES SPECIALISTS IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC. Milos Ferjencik, Marcela Jungova University of Pardubice Institute of Energetic Materials Czech Republic . Studentská 95 532 10 PARDUBICE. Dopravní fakulta Jana Pernera. Ústav elektrotechniky a informatiky.
EDUCATION AND TRAININGFOR EXPLOSIVES SPECIALISTSIN THE CZECH REPUBLIC Milos Ferjencik, Marcela Jungova University of PardubiceInstitute of Energetic MaterialsCzech Republic EUExNet Seminar, 17thMarch 2010, Karlskoga
Studentská 95 532 10 PARDUBICE Dopravní fakulta Jana Pernera Ústav elektrotechniky a informatiky Fakulta ekonomicko-správní Fakulta filozofická Fakulta zdravotnických studií Fakulta restaurování Faculty of Chemical Technology WWW.UPCE.CZ Institute of Energetic Materials Physics of Explosion Group Chemistry and Technology Group Safety Engineering Group EUExNet Seminar, 17thMarch 2010, Karlskoga
Contents • Introduction • Civilian Subsector • Legislative environment • Requirements of Law No. 61 • Education and Training • Non-civilian Subsector • Legislative environment • Education and Training • Concluding Remarks EUExNet Seminar, 17thMarch 2010, Karlskoga
IntroductionCzech Legal System • Czech legislation knows laws and decrees. • Laws are given out by Parliament. • Decrees are given out by state authorities that are entitled in the laws. • Decrees describe details of implementation of relevant laws. • Czech legal system is very similar to Slovak one. • Czech laws and decrees regulating the explosive sector are similar to German ones. EUExNet Seminar, 17thMarch 2010, Karlskoga
Introduction The explanation is divided into civilian and non-civilian parts: Situation in the civilian subsector is more transparent and more familiar to us. EUExNet Seminar, 17thMarch 2010, Karlskoga
Civilian LegislationLaws Regulating the Explosive Sector • No. 455/1991 Trade Law • No. 38/1994 Law on Foreign Commerce in Military Material EUExNet Seminar, 17thMarch 2010, Karlskoga
Civilian LegislationLaws Regulating the Explosive Sector • No. 455/1991 Trade Law • The law defines licensed trades i.e. trades for which licenses have to be granted by defined state bodies after demonstration of professional & other special competencies. • The law names the activities with explosives as licensed trades. • Specifies required professional and other special competencies for them. • Specification of competencies refers to two laws: No. 119/2002 and No. 61/1988. EUExNet Seminar, 17thMarch 2010, Karlskoga
Civilian LegislationLaws Regulating the Explosive Sector • No. 38/1994 Law on Foreign Commerce in Military Material • The law specifies certain special conditions for persons performing these activities but does not specify any professional competencies. EUExNet Seminar, 17thMarch 2010, Karlskoga
Civilian LegislationDefinition of Competencies • The level of education, training and certification necessary for work in the explosive sector is defined in two laws: • No. 119/2002 Weapon and Ammunition Law • No. 61/1988 Law on Mining Activities, Explosives and the State Mining Administration EUExNet Seminar, 17thMarch 2010, Karlskoga
Civilian LegislationDefinition of Competencies • No. 119/2002 Weapon and Ammunition Law • The law defines different types of arms certificates. • Among them the arms certificate F – for performance of pyrotechnical survey. • The law describes the certification procedure. • It is relevant only for minor group. EUExNet Seminar, 17thMarch 2010, Karlskoga
Civilian LegislationDefinition of Competencies • No. 61/1988 Law on Mining Activities, Explosives and the State Mining Administration • The law defines the level of education, training and certification necessary for work in the majority of the Czech civilian explosive sector. • The law constitutes the Czech Mining Authority as the regulatory body over the production and civilian application of explosives. EUExNet Seminar, 17thMarch 2010, Karlskoga
Requirements of Law No. 61/1988Introduction, Article 34 • Competencies of persons handling the explosives are described in Articles 34 to 36: • Article 34 defines general competence: • Explosives may be handled only by persons who are over the age of majority, without a criminal record, in good health, and with professional competence.... The professional competence of employees for handling explosives, except for activities mentioned in Article 35, shall be assessed by the organization with which they have a working or similar relationship. EUExNet Seminar, 17thMarch 2010, Karlskoga
Requirements of Law No. 61/1988Articles 35 and 36: • Article 35 requires authorization for persons who may carry out detonation, neutralizing and destruction of explosives. • Only persons authorized as shot-firers, technical managers of blasting, firework manipulators and pyrotechnistsmay carry out detonation, neutralizing and destruction of explosives. • Article 36 describes certification procedures. EUExNet Seminar, 17thMarch 2010, Karlskoga
Handling explosives General competence Other activities Detonation, neutralizing anddestruction of explosives Tech.Managerof blast. Pyro-technist Shot--firer Not specified Firework manip. Competence certified by regional office Competence certified by central office Competence asse-ssed by employer Requirements of Law No. 61/1988Scheme of competence regulation: Activity Required Activity Position Required EUExNet Seminar, 17thMarch 2010, Karlskoga
Requirements of Law No. 61/1988Decrees Describing Details: Detail specification of required competencies, education and training • for persons handling explosives in blasting operations and in the neutralizing and destruction of explosives in the process of manufacture and processing of explosives (shot-firers, technical managers of blasting, firework manipulators and pyrotechnists) is in the No. 72/1988 Decree on Use of Explosives. • for employees in the manufacture and processing of explosives (pyrotechnists and everyone who manages, organizes, checks or performs works with explosives) is in the No. 327/1982 Decree on Safety and Health at Manufacture and Processing of Explosives. EUExNet Seminar, 17thMarch 2010, Karlskoga
Decree No. 327/1982: manufacture and processing of explosives Handling explosives General competence Other activities Detonation, neutralizing anddestruction of explosives Tech.Managerof blast. Pyro-technist Shot--firer Not specified Firework manip. Decree No. 72/1988: blasting operations, neutralizingand destruction of explosives Competence certified by regional office Competence certified by central office Competence asse-ssed by employer Requirements of Law No. 61/1988Coverage of Activities: EUExNet Seminar, 17thMarch 2010, Karlskoga
3. Učební osnova "C" Poř. č. Téma výuky ------------------------------------------------------------------ I Psychologická příprava II Bezpečnostní předpisy a normy, doplnění základních znalostí pro práci s výbušninami III Základní prostředky trhací techniky a pomůcky pyrotechnika. Rozněcovadla a náložky. Pyrotechnické kleště, roznětnice a ohmmetry IV Zápalnice a její použití. zažehování a zkoušení, adjustace zápalnice - rozbuška. Zkouška účinku rozbušky V Ničení volných výbušnin pálením a výbuchem VI Ničení zbytku výbušnin ve výrobním zařízení VII Ničení zbytku výbušnin v místech nepřístupných pro mechanické a chemické čištění VIII Adjustace zápalnice - rozbuška - náložka. Přenos detonace. Sestava nálože IX Elektrický roznět. Praktická příprava a provádění elektrického roznětu včetně kontroly roznětného vedení, práce s ohmmetrem a roznětnicí. postup při likvidaci selhávek a el. roznětu X Ničení iniciátorů a drobné munice, jednotlivě-hromadně XI Ničení velkorážových nábojů, jednotlivě-hromadně XII Ničení signální munice, jednotlivě-hromadně XIII Dělostřelecké střely a náboje. Ničení jednotlivě-hromadně XIV Ruční granáty. Ničení vadných a selhaných, práce pyrotechnika na házištích XV Zapalovače střel, zápalkové šrouby. Principy základních typů a jejich konstrukční zvláštnosti se zřetelem na bezpečnost při manipulaci. Ničení jednotlivě-hromadně XVI Raketové střely. Zásady ničení XVII Ničení ženijních min a leteckých pum XVIII Postup pyrotechnika při ničení munice neznámé nebo podezřelé XIX Doplňující přednášky XX Příprava k závěrečným zkouškám ------------------------------------------------------------------ Celkem hodin 170 • Decrees No. 72/1988 and No. 327/1982 describe in detail • content of training and education, • its duration, • examination procedure. • Students have to be recommended by organizations. EUExNet Seminar, 17thMarch 2010, Karlskoga
Civilian Education and TrainingInstitutions • Production and/or application of explosives are parts of teaching • at the University of Pardubice, Institute of Energetic Materials (IEM), and • at the Ostrava Technical University, Faculty of Mining and Geology. • Another training centre is the Vocational Institute of Special Techniques (OIST) established at the Engineering Plants at Polička. EUExNet Seminar, 17thMarch 2010, Karlskoga
Civilian Education and TrainingAerial View of Facilities of the IEM www.upce.cz EUExNet Seminar, 17thMarch 2010, Karlskoga
Civilian Education and Training Institute of Special Techniques (OIST) www.pos.cz EUExNet Seminar, 17thMarch 2010, Karlskoga
Handling explosives General competence Other activities Detonation, neutralizing anddestruction of explosives Tech.Managerof blast. Pyro-technist Shot--firer Not specified Firework manip. Competence certified by regional office Competence certified by central office Competence asse-ssed by employer Civilian Education and Training Preparation for Competence OIST special courses or IEM MSc. + additional courses OIST special courses or IEM MSc. or IEM license course B OIST special courses or IEM MSc. or IEM license course T EUExNet Seminar, 17thMarch 2010, Karlskoga
Non-civilian LegislationCzech Army • No. 219/1999 Law on Armed Forces of the Czech Republic • Part six of the law is devoted to training of armed forces. However, the training in the field of explosives is defined by internal documents. • At least three specializations are trained in the Army of the Czech Republic: pyrotechnists, engineers and warehousemen. EUExNet Seminar, 17thMarch 2010, Karlskoga
Non-civilian LegislationCzech Police • No. 283/1991 Law on Police of the Czech Republic • Article 23 of the law states that policemen are entitled to use explosives and explosive articles in connection with assurance of security of persons and protection of property. • Police pyrotechnists are trained to fulfil these tasks. EUExNet Seminar, 17thMarch 2010, Karlskoga
Non-civilian Education and TrainingInstitutions • University of Defence, Brno • Police Academy of the Czech Republic, Praha • Police and army bodies of the Czech Republic have their own training centres that do not come under the competence of the Czech Mining Authority. EUExNet Seminar, 17thMarch 2010, Karlskoga
Non-civilian Education and TrainingPreparation for Competence • Army: • Training of pyrotechnists follows internal document and is performed in training centre at Libava. • Training of engineers follows internal document and is performed in training centre at Vyškov. • Training of warehousemen follows internal document. • Police: • Training of police pyrotechnists follows internal instruction. • The instruction describes certification procedure and specifies content of relevant training courses. • Basic course is performed in facilities of the Army of the Czech Republic. • Specialized courses are performed in police facilities at Opatovice. EUExNet Seminar, 17thMarch 2010, Karlskoga
Concluding RemarksCivilian Subsector • Competencies, education and training are defined in the Czech legislation for all key positions. • Requirements are not based on task analysis. They reflect necessary skills but sometimes requirements are general and formal. • Education and training of persons not covered by the law is required but its content and duration is result of interaction between employer and regulator. EUExNet Seminar, 17thMarch 2010, Karlskoga
Concluding RemarksNon-civilian Subsector • Substantially different situation is outside the Czech civilian sector, in the army and police: • There is no law-based obligation connected to the competence. • There is no regulatory body on the subject. • However, in practice, the education/training seems to be in accordance with Czech law No. 61 system. EUExNet Seminar, 17thMarch 2010, Karlskoga
Thank you for your attention! EUExNet Seminar, 17thMarch 2010, Karlskoga