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“The sea , my city and Me”. COMENIUS 2011-2013. I.T.G.I. “ C.A. DALLA CHIESA”. The Technical Institute for Building Surveyors and Industry “ Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa” is situated in the small town of Afragola , 12 kilometres from Naples , in the south of Italy .
“The sea , my city and Me” COMENIUS2011-2013
I.T.G.I. “ C.A. DALLA CHIESA” The TechnicalInstitutefor Building Surveyors and Industry “ Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa” issituated in the smalltownof Afragola , 12 kilometresfromNaples , in the southof Italy . Thisschoolwelcomesstudentsnotonlyfrom Afragola butalsofrom the nearbyvillages .
Itbecameanautonomousinstitute in the schoolyear 2000 / 2001 and obtaineditsactualdenominationthreeyearslater . Itis a modern building with 37 classrooms and severallaboratories , an auditorium formeetings and exhibitions , a largegymwithitsownchangingrooms , a library , a coffee bar , large open spaces and parking facilitiesforcars and motorcycles .
There are more than 1000 studentsagedfrom 14 to 19, mostofwhom are boys . Thisschoolenablesthemtobecome building surveyors or computer science techniciansafterfiveyearsofsecondaryschool . A lotofactivities are organizedeveryschoolyearsuchasremedialcourses , eveningcourses , computer science courses and Olympics , cultural visits , cultural exchanges ,fieldtrips , work experiences , schoolsportsgames .
It’s the thirdtimewe take part in a Comenius project and ourschoollooks at the opportunitiesderivingfromtheseinternationalcooperationsasessentialelementsto educate ourstudents and widentheir intercultural , learning and educational horizons . WestronglybelievethatfacingwithdifferentEuropeanschoolrealities, ourstudentswillbemotivatedto the acquisitionofanactiveEuropeancitizenship .
ISTITUTO TECNICO STATALE PER GEOMETRI E INDUSTRIALE “Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa” Via Sicilia 60 – 80021 Afragola (NA) Tel.: 0818523161 - 0818527616 – Fax: 081 8523161 E-mail: info@itgidallachiesa.it //segreteria@itgidallachiesa.it //ds@itgidallachiesa.it www.itgidallachiesa.it Cod. Ist.: NATD33000R - C. F.: 93025660635