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Civil Rights in the Americas. Unit Goal. Throughout this unit we will: Examine the origins, nature, challenges and achievements of civil rights and social movements after 1945 What types of people and/or groups might we study in this unit? Where should the focus of our study be for this unit?.
Unit Goal • Throughout this unit we will: • Examine the origins, nature, challenges and achievements of civil rights and social movements after 1945 • What types of people and/or groups might we study in this unit? • Where should the focus of our study be for this unit?
Identification and Causes • What are civil rights? • Why have people felt the need to have civil rights movements? • What are the methods of some of the more famous civil rights movements? • Which methods seem most effective? • What are some of the long-term causes of the Civil Rights movement that took place in the U.S. in the 1950s and 1960s?
Eyes on the Prize: Awakenings • How did WWII impact the beginnings of the Civil Rights movement in the U.S.? • Why was Brown v. the Board of Education so significant? • Who was Emmitt Till? How does he relate to the Civil Rights movement?
TED.com Opinion Article • Do you agree with the article’s author that we have not dealt with our painful past? Why or why not? • Do you agree with the article’s author regarding the need for memorials dealing with the past? Why or why not?
Methods and Means to Achieve Civil Rights • Research your assigned event • Include WHO was involved, WHAT happened, WHEN did it happen, WHY did the event happen, HOW did the event impact the Civil Rights Movement • Using your research, create an entry for a timeline that your classmate’s can view and either photograph or copy information from • Evaluate which methods seem most effective and least effective being sure to explain your reasoning.
Methods and Means to Achieve Civil Rights • Little Rock Nine • Civil Rights Act, 1957 • Civil Rights Act, 1960 • SCLC • Sit-Ins and the SNCC • CORE Freedom Rides • The Albany Movement • University of Alabama • The March on Washington • Freedom Summer, Mississippi • LBJ’s Civil Rights Act • Selma • Voting Rights Act
Martin Luther King, Jr. and his Role in the Civil Rights Movement • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=le5w5Rsnb04 • How many events on our timeline were influenced and/or led by MLK? • Would you characterize the late 1950s to the mid-1960s as a success for MLK and the Civil Rights movement? Why or why not? • Following the movement in the South, King expanded his focus to other regions of the United States • Ghetto Life – a cycle of poverty • African Americans made up 46% of the unemployed across the country • Los Angeles, Chicago, Meredith March, and Memphis
Martin Luther King, Jr. and his Role in the Civil Rights Movement • Watts Riots of 1965 • Went to Los Angeles at the request of church leaders following a riot breaking out after the arrest of Marquette Frye during a traffic stop – onlookers and police exchanged words which resulted in the violence • Lasted for 6 days, $40 million in property damage, killed 34 people, resulted in 4,000 arrests, and required 14,000 California National Guard troops to restore order • King visited at the request of local church leaders • “a class revolt of underprivileged against the privileged…the main issue is economic.” • How is this different from the message King gave in his “I Have a Dream” speech?
Martin Luther King, Jr. and his Role in the Civil Rights Movement • Chicago, 1966 • Southern Christian Leadership Conference (King’s organization) sought to use Chicago as the “poster child” for making strides in economic equality • Similar to Los Angeles in terms of the ghettos and substandard living conditions • Students split the school day because they needed the space to accommodate them all. • Mayor Richard Daley needed black voters and was a target for the SCLC to launch a campaign for change • King moved to Chicago with his family and experienced ghetto life • Poor communication led to a small rally turnout, only 30,000
Martin Luther King, Jr. and his Role in the Civil Rights Movement • The Meredith March, 1966 • Perhaps a distraction from the SCLC’s efforts to improve economic plight of African Americans throughout the Northern U.S. • James Meredith – University of Mississippi’s first black student – planned a walk from Memphis to Jackson to increase the number of black voters, he was shot the second day • King & the SCLC, the SNCC, and the NAACP wanted to continue the march, but differing opinions caused tension amongst the leaders • King was not on the same page as the Black Power movement • “I don’t know what I’m going to do. The government has got to give me some victories if I’m going to keep people non-violent.”
Martin Luther King, Jr. and his Role in the Civil Rights Movement • The Last Efforts of MLK • Affirmative Action • Where Do We Go from Here? • The Poor People’s Campaign • Rally the poor together for a camp out in Washington • Ineffective • Memphis and the Assassination • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohYgjwa71lg