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Racism and discrimination. RACISM: a system of ideas and beliefs. The belief in the superiority of one race over the others and a hierarchial classification of racial groups .
RACISM: a system of ideas and beliefs • Thebelief in thesuperiority of oneraceovertheothers and a hierarchialclassification of racial groups. • Theideathatthissuperiority and inferiority are of a biologicalorbio-anthropoligicalnature so itcannotbemodified. • Theideathatcollectivebiologicalinequalities are reflected in social and cultural orders and thatbiologicalsuperioritytranslatesinto a “superior civilization” whichitselfindicatesbiologicalsuperiority.
A belief in thelegitimacy of thedomination of “inferior races” by “superior ones”. • A beliefthatthere are “pure”raceswhich can “decline” ordegenerate” bygettingmixedwithothersconsidered more “inferior”.
Racist ideas are very sutil… So glad he cameoutwhite!
DISCRIMINATION: theact of excluding • Is an unjustified negative or harmful action towards a member of a group, simply because of his or her membership in thatgroup. • Discriminatoryactions are oftenbasedonracist ideas of theotherswho are differentfromone’sgroup. • There are manytypes of discrimination… • Whichtypes do youknow?
Stereotype • Is a generalization about a group of people in which identical characteristics are assigned to virtually all members of the group, regardless of actual variationamongthemembers. • There are positive and negativestereotypes.
prejudice • Is a hostile or negative attitude toward a distinguishable group of people, based solely on their membership in that group. • Prejudiced people direct their prejudice towards members of the group as a whole, ignoringdistinguishingcharacteristics.
“ALLcolombians are drugdealers” STEREOTYPE
“¿Didyouseethewomanwiththeglasses? Theysayshe’scolombian… shemost come from a family of drugdealers” PREJUDICE
“Theyshouldn’tletthewomanwiththeglassesinto theparty… she’scolombian” DISCRIMINATION
What do you see? • Are there any stereotypes? • Which ones are positive? • And negative? • How does it affect our relationship?
Discussion • What’stheorigin of the idea of “race” • Whatdoes colonization has to do withtheorigin of race? • Howisitthatsciencedeveloped a false idea?
Todaycientificfoundings show usdifferent • Accordingtothecientificperspective: HUMAN RACES DO NOT EXIST • Thereisonlyonehumanrace, weallbelongtothesamerace • Thegeneticdifferencebetweenpersonsfromanypart of theworldis 0,01% • (Harold P. Freeman, General Hospital of Manhattan)
Thenwhy are we so different? • Accordingtothescientificperspectivewhehaveadaptedtoenvironmentalconditios. • Heat, cold, solar radiation and thedietchangedtheskin color, size and other superficial characteristics of ourbody. • Butinside, ourbodyfunctionsthesameway.
Homo sapiens wasborn in theeast of África 200,000 years ago. • Around 10,000 homo sapiens left África 50,000 yearsago and expandid in thewholeworld. • Theyreached Australia and Asia first. • Thenarrived in Europe (around 35 ,000 and 40, 000 yearsago) and toAmerica (15,000 to 30,000 yearsago). 200,000 yearsisnotenough time for importantgeneticchanges. Mostspeciesneed at least 1 millionyears
INTERESTING FACTS… • 20,000 yearsago, genes startedclearingtheskin’spigmentation. • People in thehighest latitudes in thenorth of thehemispherneededtocompensatethesun light thattheyreceivedto produce thevitamine D thatthehumanbodyneeds. • 10,000 yearsago, nobodyhadblueeyes.
CONCLUSION • Biologicallythereisonlyonehumanrace. • Butwe are culturallydiversebecause in each place thatthehumanssettled, theydevelopedtheirownwaystocommunicate (language), theirownworldview, theirown rules… • Ifthere are no differentraces, thentherearen’t “superior” and “inferior” races. • Thenwhyisthereracim??
Declarationonrace and racial prejudiceGeneral Conference of Unesco in 1982 ARTICLE 2.1 AND 2.3 • “Any theory which involves the claim that racial or ethnic groups are inherently superior orinferior, thus implying that some would be entitled to dominate or eliminate others, presumed tobe inferior, or which bases value judgements on racial differentiation, has no scientificfoundation and is contrary to the moral and ethical principles of humanity”. • Racial prejudice, historically linked with inequalities in power, reinforced by economic and socialdifferences between individuals and groups, and still seeking today to justify such inequalities, istotallywithoutjustification.
COLOR TODAy Whatisthemeaning of white? Whatisthemeaning of black?
Let’s analyze… • Howisitrelatedto my life? • Did I learned these ideas at home? At school? • Can I find other examples related to my context? • How does it apply to the situation of dominant/minority groups in my country?