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1 year of FCRPS dam operations only Conclusion: No Jeopardy Invalidated in IDFG v. NMFS. 5 years of FCRPS interim operationsTransportation vs. dam drawdown study Conclusion: Jeopardy with RPAUpheld in American Rivers v. NMFS. 10 years for implementation of an aggressive non-breach strategyWas long-term program called for by the 1995 BiOp Offsite habitat mitigationConclusion: Jeopardy with RPA Invalidated in NWF v. NMFS in 2003.
1. Estuary Actions for Salmon and Steelhead Columbia River Estuary Science Policy Exchange
September 10-11, 2009 Introductions:
Speaker, NOAA, LCREP, ODFW, Fish Board (other?)
Speaker, NOAA, LCREP, ODFW, Fish Board (other?)
2. Progression of FCRPS BiOp
3. 2000 FCRPS BiOp Estuary Actions
4. 2000 FCRPS BiOp Reasonable Prudent Alternative Actions Action 158 – Inventory estuary habitat to understand the relationship of that habitat to the needs of ESA-listed salmon and steelhead.
Action 159 – BPA and the Corps, working with LCREP and NMFS, shall develop a plan addressing the habitat needs of salmon and steelhead in the estuary.
5. 2000 FCRPS BiOpReasonable Prudent Alternative Actions Action 160 – The Corps and BPA, working with LCREP, shall develop and implement an estuary restoration program with the goal of protecting and enhancing 10,000 acres of tidal wetlands and other key habitats.
Action 161 – Fund a monitoring and research program acceptable to NMFS and closely coordinated with the LCREP monitoring and research efforts.
Action 162 – Develop a conceptual model of the relationship between estuarine conditions and population structure and resilience.
Action 163 – Develop a compliance monitoring program.
6. 2000 FCRPS BiOpReasonable Prudent Alternative Actions Action 194 – Develop a physical model of the lower Columbia River and plume.
Action 196 – Develop appropriate level of funding to support funding studies to develop an understanding of juvenile and adult salmon use of the Columbia River estuary.
Action 197 – Develop appropriate level of funding to support funding studies to develop an understanding of juvenile and adult salmon use of the Columbia River plume.
7. 2008 FCRPS BiOpReasonable Prudent Alternative Action 36 Estuary Habitat Implementation 2007-2009
Action Agencies will provide funding to implement specific actions as part of a 10-year estuary habitat program to achieve the estimated ESU survival benefits of 9.0% and 6.0%, for ocean and stream types, respectively.
Projects in an early state of development such that quantitative physical metrics have not been related to estimated survival benefits will be selected per Action 37.
If projects identified for implementation in 2007-2009 prove infeasible, the action agencies will implement comparable replacement projects in 2010-2013.
Implementation plans and annual reports.
Chinook, chum, steelhead, coho
Complements other recovery plans
Assists NOAA in basinwide recovery roll-up
Not hatchery or harvest
Chinook, chum, steelhead, coho
Complements other recovery plans
Assists NOAA in basinwide recovery roll-up
Not hatchery or harvest
8. 2008 FCRPS BiOpReasonable Prudent Alternative Action 37 Estuary Habitat Implementation 2010-2018 – Achieving Habitat Quality and Survival Improvement Targets
Action Agencies will actively engage the LCREP Science Work Group to identify project benefits in coordination with other regional recovery planning products and the modified LCREP project selection criteria to identify projects that will benefit salmon considered in this RPA.
The Action Agencies will convene an expert regional technical group. This group will use the habitat metrics to determine the estimated change in survival which would result from full implementation.
Project proposals will clearly describe the completed project in terms of quantitative habitat metrics which can be used to quantitatively evaluate progress and completion of individual projects.
Chinook, chum, steelhead, coho
Complements other recovery plans
Assists NOAA in basinwide recovery roll-up
Not hatchery or harvest
Chinook, chum, steelhead, coho
Complements other recovery plans
Assists NOAA in basinwide recovery roll-up
Not hatchery or harvest
9. 2008 FCRPS BiOpReasonable Prudent Alternative Action 37 Estuary Habitat Implementation 2010-2018 –Achieving Habitat Quality and Survival Improvement Targets
The expert regional technical group will use the existing approach applied in the FCRPS BA and all subsequent information on the relationship between actions, habitat, and salmon productivity models developed though the FCRPA RM&E to estimate the change in overall estuary habitat and resultant change in population survival.
Replacement projects as needed will be developed to achieve equivalent survival benefits, based on input from expert panels, regional recovery planning groups, the Northwest Power and Conversation Council, and NOAA Fisheries.
New information can and should be used to review projects and their estimated survival benefits. If benefits are determined to be overstated, replacement projects will be implemented.
Implementation plans and annual reports.
Chinook, chum, steelhead, coho
Complements other recovery plans
Assists NOAA in basinwide recovery roll-up
Not hatchery or harvest
Chinook, chum, steelhead, coho
Complements other recovery plans
Assists NOAA in basinwide recovery roll-up
Not hatchery or harvest
10. 2008 FCRPS BiOpReasonable Prudent Alternative Action 38 Piling and Piling Dike Removal Program
Increase productive habitat and reduce avian predation.
In 2008, the Action Agencies will work with LCREP to develop a plan for strategic removal of structures that have lower value to navigation channel maintenance, present low risk to adjacent land use, support increased ecosystem function, and are cost-effective.
Implementation plans and annual reports.
Chinook, chum, steelhead, coho
Complements other recovery plans
Assists NOAA in basinwide recovery roll-up
Not hatchery or harvest
Chinook, chum, steelhead, coho
Complements other recovery plans
Assists NOAA in basinwide recovery roll-up
Not hatchery or harvest
11. 2008 FCRPS BiOpReasonable Prudent Alternative Action 58 Monitor and Evaluate Fish Performance in the Estuary and Plume
Smolt survival and/or fitness in select reaches from Bonneville Dam through the estuary.
Develop and index and monitor and evaluate life history diversity of salmonid populations at representative locations in the estuary.
Salmon and growth rates and prey resources at representative locations in the estuary and plume.
Implementation plans and annual reports. Chinook, chum, steelhead, coho
Complements other recovery plans
Assists NOAA in basinwide recovery roll-up
Not hatchery or harvest
Chinook, chum, steelhead, coho
Complements other recovery plans
Assists NOAA in basinwide recovery roll-up
Not hatchery or harvest
12. 2008 FCRPS BiOpReasonable Prudent Alternative Action 59 Monitor and Evaluate Migration Characteristics and Estuary/Ocean Conditions
Map bathymetry and topography of the estuary as needed for RME.
Establish a hierarchical habitat classification system.
Develop and index of habitat connectivity and apply it to the eight reaches of the study area.
Evaluate migration through and use of a subset of various shallow-water habits from Bonneville Dan to the mouth.
Monitor habitat conditions periodically.
Implementation plans and annual reports.
Chinook, chum, steelhead, coho
Complements other recovery plans
Assists NOAA in basinwide recovery roll-up
Not hatchery or harvest
Chinook, chum, steelhead, coho
Complements other recovery plans
Assists NOAA in basinwide recovery roll-up
Not hatchery or harvest
13. 2008 FCRPS BiOp Reasonable Prudent Alternative Action 60 Monitor and Evaluate Habitat Actions in the Estuary
Reference site development.
Evaluate the effects on individual restoration sites.
Develop a methodology to estimate the cumulative effects of habitat conservation and restoration projects.
Implementation plans and annual reports.
Chinook, chum, steelhead, coho
Complements other recovery plans
Assists NOAA in basinwide recovery roll-up
Not hatchery or harvest
Chinook, chum, steelhead, coho
Complements other recovery plans
Assists NOAA in basinwide recovery roll-up
Not hatchery or harvest
14. Salmon and Steelhead Estuary Recovery Plan Module For NMFS by the Lower Columbia River Estuary Partnership
Part of a larger ESA domain plan for the lower Columbia
Consistent estuary application for upstream recovery plans
Consistent with NPCC subbasin plans
Lit sources
- Bi-State Mainstem & Estuary Subbasin Plan (LCREP)
- Salmon at River’s End (Bottom et al. 2005)
- Role of the Estuary in the Recovery of Columbia River Basin Salmon & Steelhead (Fresh et al. 2005)
- Lower Columbia Salmon Recovery Plan and Fish & Wildlife Subbasin Plan (LCFRB)
Technical input
- NOAA Science Center
- NOAA regional staff
- Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership
- Lower Columbia Fish Recovery Board
Lit sources
- Bi-State Mainstem & Estuary Subbasin Plan (LCREP)
- Salmon at River’s End (Bottom et al. 2005)
- Role of the Estuary in the Recovery of Columbia River Basin Salmon & Steelhead (Fresh et al. 2005)
- Lower Columbia Salmon Recovery Plan and Fish & Wildlife Subbasin Plan (LCFRB)
Technical input
- NOAA Science Center
- NOAA regional staff
- Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership
- Lower Columbia Fish Recovery Board
15. Extensive Review Process First draft in October 2005
Presentations and feedback from other recovery planning efforts
Presentation to Northwest Power and Conservation Council
Formal public review process (Federal Register)
Review by ISAB (Fall 2007)
16. Module Elements Limiting factors
Management actions
17. Management Actions 23 comprehensive actions
Actions supported by projects
Project metrics defined (# of acres, etc.)
Potential implementers
18. Estuary Module Status Proposed draft submitted to NMFS
Final draft – October 2009
19. Northwest Power and Conservation Council2009 Lower Columbia River and Estuary Program Implementation of habitat actions in estuary, and associated M&E, will occur through the CR estuary and Lower Columbia subbasin plans.
Columbia River Estuary ESA Recovery Plan Module for Salmon and Steelhead will be used to guide actions in lower river and estuary.
20. Northwest Power and Conservation Council 2009 Lower Columbia River and Estuary Program Council supports strategies to protect, enhance and restore critical habitat, spawning and rearing grounds, including:
Habitat restoration to reconnect ecosystem functions, e.g., removing dikes/levees, installing tide gates, removing pile dikes
Long-term effectiveness monitoring
Continued evaluation of salmon/steelhead migration and survival rates in lower Columbia River, estuary, and marine environment
Evaluation of impact of flow regulation, dredging, and water quality on habitat
Continued partnerships in planning, M&E, and implementation of actions