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Assessment Day 2018. New Student Experience Presented by Heather Ramsier Kim Foster Jenny Lee Gaye Simpkins. Agenda. Assessment Overview Data Review Revisit ‘Closing the Gap’ Next Steps for Assessment Year 2018-2019. Why Assessment Day?.
Assessment Day 2018 New Student Experience Presented by Heather Ramsier Kim Foster Jenny Lee Gaye Simpkins
Agenda Assessment Overview Data Review Revisit ‘Closing the Gap’ Next Steps for Assessment Year 2018-2019
Why Assessment Day? Opportunity to discuss the NSE course as related to student learning The purpose of assessment is to improve learning. The college is what the student experiences.
Why Assessment Day? The purpose of assessment is to improve learning. The college is what the student experiences. What assignments or in class activities do your students report that they find most beneficial?
The purpose of assessment is to improve learning. The college is what the student experiences.
What are the Valencia General Education Student Learning Outcomes?Which outcomes do we asses for in NSE?
2017-2018 Assessment Plan Related Accomplishments:Changes implemented during the 2017-18 Academic Year • Rubrics for mandatory assignments were revised during Summer 2017 • Changes based on decision of faculty on Assessment Day 2017 • Reflect 3 consistent level of achievement • Standards range from high to low • Rubrics were updated in Blackboard prior to the start of the term • Mid-Year Rubric pull to address issues with rubric usage • Rubrics from Fall 2017 were pulled in January 2018 • Faculty that were making changes to rubrics or not using the rubrics for scoring were contacted by Deans of Learning Support in early Spring 2018 • Closing the Gap Committee
Conversation from 2016-17 Personal Reflection Question:Upon reviewing your gradebook you notice that several students have missed 2 or more assignments and/or class sessions. What is your current practice for addressing this concern, if any? Did you try anything during the past academic year to connect more deeply with our students that have been identified as at-risk?
Critical ThinkingIndicator: Use of evidence Fall 2016: Academic Blueprint Rubric Data • Last year, the data for Critical Thinking reflected: • Increase in students scoring Satisfactory or Developing on Part 4 in Fall 2016 • Fall 2015 86% to Fall 2016 90% • Rubric usage remaining consistent: Fall 2015:57% Fall 2016: 55% Spring 2017: 58% • Faculty use of AB rubric at highest level 90% Spring 2017: Academic Blueprint Rubric Data 86%
Critical ThinkingIndicator: Use of evidence Fall 2016: Academic Blueprint Rubric Data Assessed in Academic Blueprint Part 3B and 4 90% Spring 2017: Academic Blueprint Rubric Data 86%
Critical ThinkingIndicator: Use of evidence Requests were made last year for Part 3B data Fall 2016: Academic Blueprint Rubric Data Fall 2017: Academic Blueprint Rubric Data 94% 88% Spring 2017: Academic Blueprint Rubric Data Spring 2018: Academic Blueprint Rubric Data 90% 88%
Comparing 2016-17 to 2017-18 Fall 2016: Academic Blueprint Rubric Data Fall 2017: Academic Blueprint Rubric Data 90% 93% Spring 2017: Academic Blueprint Rubric Data Spring 2018: Academic Blueprint Rubric Data 86% 86%
Your Insights: What do you notice? What stands out to you? What are your personal interpretations? Fall 2016: Academic Blueprint Rubric Data Fall 2017: Academic Blueprint Rubric Data 90% 93% Spring 2017: Academic Blueprint Rubric Data Spring 2018: Academic Blueprint Rubric Data 86% 86%
Oral Communication Fall 2016: Final Story Project Rubric Data • Last year, the data for Oral Communication reflected: • Increased percentage overall of students scoring in Accomplished/Acceptable • Increased percentage of faculty using the rubric for scoring for Final Story Project • 77% of Fall 2016 classes used the rubric for assessment 97% Spring 2017: Final Story Project Rubric Data 95%
Oral Communication Fall 2016: Final Story Project Rubric Data Assessed in Final Story Project Presentation 97% Spring 2017: Final Story Project Rubric Data 95%
Comparing 2016-17 to 2017-18 Fall 2016: Final Story Project Rubric Data Fall 2017: Final Story Project Rubric Data 97% 95% Spring 2017: Final Story Project Rubric Data Spring 2018: Final Story Project Rubric Data 95% 93%
Your Insights: What do you notice? What stands out to you? What are your personal interpretations? Fall 2016: Final Story Project Rubric Data Fall 2017: Final Story Project Rubric Data 97% 95% Spring 2017: Final Story Project Rubric Data Spring 2018: Final Story Project Rubric Data 95% 93%
Interpersonal Communication Fall 2016: CC Personal Connection • Last year, the data for Interpersonal Communication reflected: • Increased percentage overall of students scoring in Mastery/Competent • Reduced percentage of faculty using the rubric for scoring for Interpersonal Communication 94% Spring 2017: CC Personal Connection 93%
Interpersonal Communication Fall 2016: Career Interview (online) Assessed in Place Co-Curricular (F2F, Mixed Mode) or Career Interview (Online) 91% Spring 2017: Career Interview (online) 88%
Interpersonal Communication Fall 2016: CC Personal Connection Fall 2016: Career Interview (online) 94% 91% Spring 2017: CC Personal Connection Spring 2017: Career Interview (online) 93% 88%
Interpersonal Communication Fall 2017: CC Place Fall 2017: Career Interview (online) 86% 89% Spring 2018: CC Place Spring 2018: Career Interview (online) 87% 89%
Comparing 2016-17 to 2017-18 Fall 2017: CC Place and Career Interview (combined) Fall 2016: CC Personal Connection and Career Interview (combined) 94% 87% Spring 2018 CC Place and Career Interview (combined) Spring 2017: CC Personal Connection and Career Interview (combined) 92% 85%
Your Insights: What do you notice? What stands out to you? What are your personal interpretations? Fall 2017: CC Place and Career Interview (combined) Fall 2016: CC Personal Connection and Career Interview (combined) 94% 87% Spring 2018 CC Place and Career Interview (combined) Spring 2017: CC Personal Connection and Career Interview (combined) 92% 85%
Let’s talk… What are the strengths of students as shown through the program assessment? What areas need to be strengthened? What next steps are suggested regarding NSE from the assessment process and outcomes?
Let’s talk… Which of these steps can be taken over the next year? How does this relate to our support of at-risk students? Which of these steps need to be taken over the long term? How does this relate to our support of at-risk students?
Looking forward… Where should the focus be placed for the 2018-19 Assessment Cycle? • Critical Thinking • Oral Communication • Interpersonal Communication Why that Learning Outcome?
Looking forward… What kinds of faculty development would you find helpful related to assessment? Should the process of communicating the assessment process and results change for next year? If so, how? How should the process of assessing and reviewing the results change next year, if at all? What are the other learning outcomes for NSE and how are they being assessed?
Next Steps2018-2019 Continued discussion at NSELT May 24 Please consider being part of the team to continue this discussion and begin formulating strategies for AY 2017-18.
One last thing… We need to talk about RUBRICS… And Canvas.