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Temporal Joys: Exploring the World's Pleasures

Immerse in the transient delights of this world with a journey through diverse experiences and moments worth savoring. Let us revel in the temporal and embrace the beauty it offers.

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Temporal Joys: Exploring the World's Pleasures

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Presentation Transcript

  1. temporal (adj.): of this world, “worldly” Let us enjoy the temporal joys the world has to offer.

  2. propagated (verb): spread from person to person He is propagating his ideas in the community.

  3. practitioners (noun): apersonengagedinthepracticeofaprofession,occupation,etc.:amedicalpractitioner Christian practitioners usually go to church.

  4. reincarnation (noun): the belief that the soulis born in anew body People from the Buddhist religion believe in reincarnation.

  5. shortsighted (adj.): unable to see or think far or into the future It would be shortsighted to think of only making money and not being fulfilled in a career.

  6. mobilized (verb): brought together and prepared for war He mobilized the army before attacking.

  7. designated (verb): indicated, selected, or specified He was designated as the driver.

  8. cease (verb): to stop Hebeggedthemtocease their quarreling.

  9. exile (noun): sent away or banished from a person’s native country The poet sought exile because he signed a letter protesting the government's actions.

  10. speculate (verb): to think about and make a guess They speculated about whether or not the plane would be on time.

  11. relevant (adj.): connected to the matter at hand He made a relevant remark.

  12. clergy(noun): the ordained leaders in a religion The clergy facilitate the services during morning worship.

  13. charismatic (adj.): having a special quality or power to influence and inspire large numbers of people She is very charismatic and friendly.

  14. ordinance (noun): anestablishedrite or ceremony; something you must do or rules you must follow The church performs the ordinance of communion every Sunday morning.

  15. theologian (noun): a person who studies religion He was a noted theologian and scientist and was most widely known for his discovery of oxygen.

  16. ritual (noun): a procedure or something done over and over in a religion The ritual of holding a wake, can be comforting to some grieving families.

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