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Microblogging In Learning

Microblogging In Learning. Dick Carlson @ TechHerding. Microblogging In Learning.

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Microblogging In Learning

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Microblogging In Learning Dick Carlson @TechHerding

  2. Microblogging In Learning Can “Micro-blogging” tools like Twitter really add value and learning in your environment? Or do these tools just distract attention and cause learners to miss key points and important facts? We’ll talk about how you can integrate short “140-character-or-less” models of content into online learning, and share experiences we’ve all had (good and bad) to build some ideas on what works best. At the end of the session, you’ll have: A good understanding of how Twitter can be integrated into your existing online learning models Multiple examples of how people are already using this tool in real-world situations A list of the five ways to go horribly wrong as you enter the Twitter world Links to the three tools you’ve got to have to be successful as you join the world of 140 characters or le….

  3. Who Is This Guy? Instructional Designer Escaped Microsoft Program Manager Budding Author (see ContentPreneuring.com) Blogger (see TechHerding.com) Twitter-er (see @TechHerding)

  4. …and Where Is Michelle? Dick Carlson @TechHerding

  5. Road Map For Today What’s Twitter – Why Should I Care? What Is The Potential Impact On Learning? What Are The Awful Ways To Go Horribly Wrong? WhozDuinItz Rite?* * Gratuitous reference to the LOL Cats

  6. LOL Cats * Gratuitous reference to the LOL Cats

  7. Test Poll: Where Are You?

  8. Poll: Do You Twitter?

  9. Think Of Twitter As Party Or Café Concept appropriated from Michelle Lentz with her gracious permission

  10. What Is Twitter Microblogging site – 140 characters or less Millions of users Fastest growing social media tool Very easy to use – text based Mobile-friendly

  11. Who’s On Twitter? Data appropriated from Michelle Lentz with her gracious permission

  12. Poll: Your Age?

  13. Why Should You Care? Quick way to connect Fastest growing social media tool Flexible and accessible Quick way to find information Quick way to share links Amazing potential for learning

  14. Two Minute Demo Asking A Question On Twitter Asking For Help

  15. Chime In! What Do You Get Out Of Twitter? Text Here

  16. Poll: So – Do You See A Benefit?

  17. Potential Impact On Learning ↑Opportunities for peer-to-peer communication ↓Confusing as the dickens for new presenters ↑Lots of real-world feedback ↓Lots of real-world feedback, un-filtered and un-validated ↑Forces people to get to the point ↓Huge flow of information can be overwhelming

  18. Chime In! What Impacts Have You Seen? Text Here

  19. Two Minute Demo: Search search.twitter.com

  20. Poll: Could You See Yourself Searching?

  21. U R DuinItz Rite Quickly connect to experts Track trends and news Have students work together Build community of knowledge

  22. Avoiding Going Horribly Wrong To start, read 90% and tweet 10% Have a helper or producer to manage chat/Twitter Use structure when you ask for input Have some shills in the audience Collect the best information and share out He’zduin it! → He’zduin it! → * Another LOL Cats reference, sorry…

  23. Chime In! Examples Of Best Practice That You’ve Seen Text Here

  24. Poll: Are You Going To Try Twitter In Learning?

  25. Demo Results? Asking A Question On Twitter Asking For Help

  26. Three Twitter Tools I Can’t Live Without TweetDeck – Desktop Twitter Reader TweetLater – I Use It For The Search Updates PocketTwit – For My WindowsMobile Phone Fourty More Tools You Might Like

  27. Q & A Text Here

  28. Microblogging In Learning Dick Carlson @TechHerding

  29. Appendix Source: MorgueFile.com

  30. Finding Your Tweeple If you read blogs, see if they @tweet Search for posts that interest you. See who your favorites follow. Search for big names – you’d be surprised.

  31. Class Connection Data appropriated from Michelle Lentz with her gracious permission

  32. Blank

  33. Blank

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