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Cleft Lip/Cleft Palate. Made By: Ashley Lesher, Kim Yusko, Aelaina Townsend. Cleft lip / Cleft Palate. DEFINITION: Is a birth defect marked by a split or a cleft in the roof of the mouth. Generally accompanied by a cleft lip. PICTURES. FACTS.
Cleft Lip/Cleft Palate Made By: Ashley Lesher, Kim Yusko, Aelaina Townsend
Cleft lip / Cleft Palate • DEFINITION: Is a birth defect marked by a split or a cleft in the roof of the mouth. Generally accompanied by a cleft lip.
FACTS • Cleft lip and palate occur in about 1 of every 600 live births • A cleft palate usually affects eating, speech, and hearing. • Some children with clefts are also vulnerable to frequent ear infections. • Because of the hole in the roof of the mouth, it may cause the infant to not be able to drink milk, so the baby could get sick and possibly die.
TREATMENT • May be repaired with reconstructive surgery, which closes the palate and returns the lip to its normal position • Ma be repaired shortly after birth, but most doctors prefer to operate on infants according to the “rule of ten” • “Rule of ten”: when the child is at least 10 weeks old and weighs at least 10 pounds. • Surgery can also improve a child's ability to feed and reduce ear infections..
PREVENTION • There are no means of preventing clefting in a developing baby. • Early pregnancy detection and good prenatal care, including prenatal vitamins, and the avoidance of harmful substances appear to reduce the risk. • Some couples with clefting in their families may wish to consult a genetic counselor.
Causes of the birth affect? • Cleft palate and lip occur when tissue that forms the palate and lip fail to fuse during the early weeks of child development. • Occurs during the fourth and eighth week of gestation. • A parent with a cleft has at least a 5% chance of passing along the trait.
QUIZ True or false: 1.Is there a cure for cleft lip/palate syndrome? 2. Can you prevent cleft lip/cleft palate syndrome?
QUIZ CONTINUED…. Multiple Choice: 3. What causes the birth defect? A. Lack of nutrition B. When there is a problem with the growth of the child. C. When the tissue fails to fuse during the early weeks.
QUIZ CONTINUED….. Multiple Choice: 4. What type of surgery is used to cure cleft lip/palate? A. Plastic Surgery B. Reconstructive Surgery C. Both
QUIZ CONTINUED…. Open Ended: 5. What is cleft lip/ palate and how does it occur?
ANSWERS TO QUIZ • TRUE • FALSE • C • B • A birth defect marked by a split or cleft in the roof of the mouth; When tissue that forms the palate and lip fail to fuse during the early week of child development.
BIBLIOGRAPHY… “Cleft Lip and Palate.” NetterImages. Web. 11 Nov. 2011. www.netterimages.com/images/vpv/000/000/011/11484-0550x0475.jpg&w=475&h=550&ei=WDm9TsrhPILo0QHGq_jCBA&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=457&sig=102668823887324690260&page=7&tbnh=120&tbnw=104&start=105&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:105&tx=45&ty=40&surl=1