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Feng Shui & Sustainable Green Design

Feng Shui & Sustainable Green Design. Student Forum @ University of Nevada, Las Vegas January 22, 2010. A presentation by: Marsha Golangco Feng Shui Expert & Sustainable Building Advisor Eric Golangco Civil Engineer, LEED AP & Green Building Professional.

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Feng Shui & Sustainable Green Design

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  1. FengShui & Sustainable Green Design Student Forum @ University of Nevada, Las Vegas January 22, 2010 A presentation by: Marsha Golangco Feng Shui Expert & Sustainable Building Advisor Eric Golangco Civil Engineer, LEED AP & Green Building Professional P.O. Box 1088, Alamo, CA 94507 www.windwater888.com www.golangcoglobal.com

  2. Sustainable Green Movement • During the last decade, there is a heightened awareness and increasing responses to various environmental issues, and especially on global climate changes and natural resources depletion. • A sustainable green movement is picking up momentum – in all areas of life – building; transportation; clothing and food. • Sustainability as defined by the World Commission on Environment and Development - “Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” • The Triple-bottom Line – the 3 E: Environment; Economy; Social Equity/equality

  3. Some major critical global Issues • Energy – Peak Oil; Impact of burning fossil fuels – Carbon emission, pollution & global warming • Water – diminishing supply & cleanliness • Natural Resources – depletion & wastes • Air & Environmental Quality • Uneven distribution of wealth – Over-consumption & poverty • Wars & social disorder • Overall health and well-being is threatened

  4. What is a Green Building? • Green buildings are sited, designed, constructed, and operated to enhance the well-being of their occupants, support a healthy community, and preserve the natural environment…green homes are more comfortable and create a healthy living environment. Source: Build It Green – a non-profit membership organization with the mission to promote healthy, energy-and resource-efficient building practices in California through outreach and education www.BuildItGreen.org

  5. NAHB ( National Association of Home Builders ) National Green Building Program • NAHB Green includes rating systems that are cost – effective, flexible, and designed for builders and remodelers. • NAHB Green scores: • Energy Efficiency • Water Efficiency • Resource Efficiency • Lot and Site Development • Indoor Environmental Quality • Home Owner Education

  6. LEED Green Building Rating System • LEED stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. This system is developed and administered by USGBC – United States Green Building Council. • USGBC Mission Statement is to promote the design and construction of buildings that are environmentally responsible, profitable, and healthy places to live and work in. • www.USGBC.org

  7. LEED Certification Program Certification is based on a scoreboard with 8 categories: • Sustainable Site • Water Efficiency • Energy and Atmosphere • Materials & Resources • Indoor environmental quality • Innovative & Design Process • Local & Linkages • Awareness & Education

  8. Different Levels of Applications • Individual Being • An individual house • Neighborhood & Community Development • Commercial and office building development • City Planning • Nations • World • Universe

  9. Some intentions of Feng Shui • Create the most favorable living environment for the highest potential of development • Ensure health, vitality & longevity • Security & Sustainability • Stability & Balance • Connectedness & the Flow of Chi, the universal life force

  10. The Flow of Chi Good Chi travels irregularly on a curved surface and gives beneficial effects. Bad Chi travels on a straight line and causes harmful effects.

  11. Five Elements • Water • Wood • Fire • Earth • Metal Productive Cycle Destructive Cycle

  12. An Ideal Feng Shui Site

  13. Your House Is an Extension of Yourself • Roof = Head • Window = Eyes • Front Entrance = Face • Structure = Body • Foundation = Feet • Landscaping = Clothing

  14. Feng Shui Aspects of a Building • Setting and Site • Surrounding landscape / Natural and man-made • Neighborhood / Buildings and people • Location of building or house • Shape of lot • Walkway Exterior

  15. FengShui Aspects of a House Interior • Main entry • Staircase • Living room/Furniture Placement • Master bedroom/Bed placement • Dining room • Kitchen/Oven and sink placement • Bathrooms • Walls • Ceiling • Doors • Windows • Floors • Hallway

  16. Putting Feng Shui to Work • Flow of the Chi/Velocity, balance, etc. • Space usage • Placement of rooms/Floor plans • Placement of furniture, fixtures, mirrors • Colors and color combinations • Overall brightness/Lighting • Textures • Materials used • Shapes and forms

  17. Integration of FengShui in Sustainable Green Designs: Example I Biomimicry – imitating the natural world. Use indigenous solutions • Customize to local landform & climate patterns • Use local materials

  18. Casa Battlo, Barcelona, Spain

  19. Integration of FengShui in Sustainable Green Designs – Example II Safe, healthy & well communities & neighborhood with connectedness Public Transportation, more walking than driving

  20. Integration of FengShui in Sustainable Green Designs – Example III • Leverage ‘free’ natural elements – e.g. natural light; renewable energies & technologies such as wind turbine, solar roof & walls; hydro & geothermal • Water harvesting systems – collection, storage & usage • Green Roof ,White roof & Integrated Roof

  21. Eat Healthy, Driving less & Walking more

  22. Solar panels at gasoline station in Rome, Italy

  23. National Library in Alexandria, Egypt

  24. Green Roof & Green Structures in Barcelona, Spain

  25. The Parthenon, Athens, Greece

  26. The most sustainable structure in the world The pyramid, Cairo, Egypt

  27. Thank you… • Marsha Golangco • Email: fengshu888@aol.com • Website: www.windwater888.com • Eric Golangco • Email: Eric@golangcoglobal.com • Website:www.golangcoglobal.com

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