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BW. Grab SS Notebook, start new Unit Page called: Genocide. Table of Contents Vocabulary Page: Leave at least 2 full pages. Be ready to take a lot of notes! Reflect on these: What does ‘genocide’ mean?
BW • Grab SS Notebook, start new Unit Page called: Genocide. • Table of Contents • Vocabulary Page: Leave at least 2 full pages. • Be ready to take a lot of notes! • Reflect on these: • What does ‘genocide’ mean? • Besides the Holocaust during World War II, list as many acts of genocide that have occurred over the past 100 years.
Essential Questions How do you stop a bully? Why does history repeat itself?
Where does the word genocide come from? geno-cide Cide- from the Latin word Cida, which means to kill. Geno-from the Greek word Genos, which means birth, race of a similar kind, tribe, family
What is Genocide? “Genocide is…both the gravest and greatest of the crimes against humanity.” –Alan Destexhe Definition:the deliberate and/or systematic destruction of a racial, national, political, ethnic, or cultural group. • The United Nations • In article two, genocide is defined as: any of the following acts committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial, or religious group, as such: • killing members of the group; • Causing serious bodily or mental harm to the members of the group; • Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part, • Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; • Forcibly transferring children on the group to another group.
What vocabulary do we need to speak the language of genocide?
Make a list of words you think you will need to know for this unit
The Treatment and Killing of Six Million Jewish People at Nazi Extermination Camps
Rwanda, Estimated 800,000 Tutsi’s and moderate Hutus Targeted, Raped, and Massacred
Giving blankets infected with Small Pox to Native Americans, which devastated their population.
A child playing with his toys in his backyard dies from a stray bullet from a gang member.
You get grounded by your parents for dating someone of another race.
Sterilization of homeless, orphans, the blind, the deaf and those who scored poorly on IQ tests, under the newly adopted sterilization laws in the 1920’s in the US.
913 Americans committed mass suicide at a communal village known as “Jonestown.” The dead were apart of a group called “The People’s Temple.”
Eighteen people died in a trailer carrying 100 illegal men, women, and children across the border.
Thousands of Native American children were sent far from their homes to live in boarding schools and learn the ways of white culture to become “civilized.”
Question? What makes it an act of ‘genocide’?
Video CLIp • Worse Than War by Daniel Jonah Goldhagen
Final thought…. How do you think you can make a difference in helping someone you have never met, will never meet,from a country you know nothing about, from being systematically killed in an act of genocide?
Or think of it this way What would you ask from the world if people were trying to kill you for just being you?
Homework 1. Respond to final thought question. 2. Answer “Connections” questions from Worse Than War clip 3. Vocabulary definitions