Child Group Child C By: Jenny Cruz
Introduction • Child groups are very important because they help a child develop their communication skills and to adapt to a school setting in which they will not have a parent to look after them. The groups can provide a sort of independence to help the child overcome their fares. In the following slides I will mention the steps that are taken to run a child group.
Free Play 2 • When the children arrive their cubbies are ready with a picture of them to let them know where they can hang their things. • Through out the first thirty minutes upon the arrival of the children they are allowed to have free play. • In free play they have the option of playing with sand, the slides, cars, house, have a book read to them or do the activity that is prepared for them. • The activity can be either coloring a picture, painting a picture or any activity that requires the use of their hands.
Circle Time 2 • The light are shut off and we end free play by singing the clean up song. Everyone begins picking up and putting away the toys. • Every child knows that circle time means they will sit down and they will be welcomed to school. • In circle time a book is also read to them • Songs are sung as well and the children usually enjoy this very much. • Circle time runs for another thirty minutes and they move on to another activity.
Snack Time 2 • Snack time runs for thirty minutes • Each child has to have their hands washed and then they are able to sit down and have their snack. • During snack time each child is able to have a choice of either juice or water, fishes or cookies. • During this time a dipper change is also fitted in the thirty minutes. Someone is also at the sink to help wash their hands after their diaper change.
Fun Activity to End the Day 2 • For the last thirty minutes the children are taken for the last activity of the day. They may do one of the following: • Ball pit: The ball pit is always an enjoyment for the children, they enjoy going through the tunnel and down the slide and back into the pit of colorful balls. • Sensory Room: In this room the children are found with a lot of stuff to do such as playing with soft balls, play mats or simply hearing the soothing sound of the ocean. • Going for a walk: If the day allows it a walk is always a great way to enjoy the fresh air and soak up the sun.
Finally To end the day the children are taken back to the class room to put their coats on and get ready to see mommy and daddy!!!