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The Maryland-Magellan Tunable Filter

The Maryland-Magellan Tunable Filter. S. Veilleux (U. Maryland). http://www.astro.umd.edu/~veilleux/mmtf. Magellan = Arizona, Carnegie, Harvard, Michigan, MIT + Chile. PLAN. General principles Prototype: TTF (Taurus Tunable Filter) Description Science MMTF Description Commissioning

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The Maryland-Magellan Tunable Filter

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  1. The Maryland-Magellan Tunable Filter S. Veilleux (U. Maryland) http://www.astro.umd.edu/~veilleux/mmtf Magellan = Arizona, Carnegie, Harvard, Michigan, MIT + Chile

  2. PLAN • General principles • Prototype: TTF (Taurus Tunable Filter) • Description • Science • MMTF • Description • Commissioning • Science • Outlook

  3. Optical Fabry-Perot Interferometer Etalon: two parallel flat semi-transparent mirrors separated by a fixed distance L This system acts as a narrow-band filter, producing concentric rings at each wavelength m = 2L cos  2mono ~ 2 / (N m) (m = few – 150) (N = finesse)

  4. Etalon

  5. Search for Starburst-Driven Winds 1 kpc (SV & Rupke 2002) [N II] 6583/H TTF Imaging • Star-forming disk has [N II] 6583/H < 1 • Shocked wind material has [N II] 6583/H > 1 NGC 1482 H 6563 [N II] 6583 Disk Wind [N II] / H

  6. “Zone of Influence” of Winds in Local Starbursts NGC 1482: H + [N II] + X-rays 12 kpc • Warm ionized gas from superwinds has been detected out to ~ 10 – 30+ kpc from the nucleus [bounded by sensitivity of instrument] [NII]/H NGC 1482 10 kpc wind 5 kpc (SV, et al. 2003) disk

  7. “Zone of Influence” of AGN–driven Winds NGC 1068 log(H) + HI 21-cm log([O III]) + X-rays N N • AGN-driven winds clear out path for ionizing radiation  “ionization cones” on large scale 10 kpc 10 kpc (Optical: SV et al. 2003; HI:Brinks 2003; X-ray: Young, Wilson, & Shopbell 2001)

  8. Maryland-Magellan Tunable Filter ( ) Tunable filter for IMACS on the Baade 6.5m telescope with wavelength coverage ~ 5000 – 9200+ Å, bandwidth ~ 6 – 20 Å, and FOV ~ 27 • PI: S. Veilleux (U. Maryland) • Co-PIs: J. Bland-Hawthorn (USyd), A. Dressler (OCIW), M. Rauch (OCIW), & S. Vogel (U. Maryland) • Co-Is: B. Bigelow (OCIW / U. Michigan), M. McDonald (Maryland), D. Rupke (Maryland), P. Shopbell (Caltech), B. Sutin (OCIW/Skewray), I. Thompson (OCIW), B. Weiner (Arizona), & R. Weymann (OCIW) • Additional Technical Support (OCIW): A. Bagish, C. Birk, T. Hare, D. Osip, F. Perez, A. Uomoto • Funding Agency: NSF/ATI (instrument), NSF/EXC(science)

  9. Resolution versus FOV Others R MMTF 1000 100 FOV 105 106

  10. MMTF: Schedule • August 15, 2003: NSF/ATIAward notification

  11. Shipment: End-Result of Attempt #1

  12. MMTF: Schedule • August 15, 2003: NSF/ATIAward notification • June 2006: Commissioning & first light • Semester 07A: PI instrument • Semester 09A: Facility instrument

  13. MMTF: Description • Host instrument: IMACS • FOV: 27 • DIQ: ~ 0.4 – 0.7 • NEW CCD: 8 x E2V 2048 x 4096 x 15 m pixels • Low-order Fabry-Perot etalon: • Etalon: IC Optical Systems ET-150-FS-100, 150 mm, /100 • Finesse: ~ 30 (effective) • Broad-band coating: ~ 5000 – 9200+ Å • Bandwidth: ~ 6 – 20 Å • Monochromatic FOV: ≤ 12' @ 6600 Å • Electronic controller: • T-stabilized & remote-controlled • Order-blocking filters (R ~ 30)

  14. New CCD

  15. Etalon ET-150

  16. MMTF: Observing Modes • Mode #1: stare mode • fixed-gap narrow-band imaging over whole FOV • Mode #2: gap scanning mode • low-resolution data cube • Mode #3: charge shuffling & frequency switching mode • The charges on each CCD are shuffled up and down at the same rate that the etalon plates are scanned between two / three discrete gap positions • FOV ~ 2 x 4.5 x 27 ~ 250  • Need two telescope nods of  4.5 for contiguous FOV Mode #2 Mode #3

  17. Commissioning (June 2006)

  18. Successful Commissioning (June 2006) !

  19. MMTF Commissioning NGC 4945 • 900-sec Hα “snapshot” • Full Moon! N ┼ E

  20. MMTF Commissioning Cen A • 900-sec Hα “snapshot” • Full Moon! N ┼ E

  21. MMTF Commissioning Cen A • 900-sec [N II] λ6583 “snapshot” • Full Moon! N N ┼ E

  22. MMTF Commissioning Cen A jet • 900-sec “snapshot” of jet in Hα • Full Moon! ← 170” → 60’’ = 1 kpc N ┼ E ← 145” →

  23. Cen A • FUV GALEX + R-band • Jet-induced star formation • Recently: Deepemission line maps to compare with GALEX data N ┼ E (Cackett et al.)

  24. MMTF Commissioning Hα [N II] • NGC 1313 • SB(s)d • z = 0.0016 • [N II] / Hα = 0.1 → 0.7 ← 280” → [N II]/Hα (Weiner et al.) [Veilleux et al. 1999] ┼ N ← 780” → 1 E 0

  25. Emission-Line Imaging of Nearby Galaxies Hα [N II] • NGC 5713 • SAB(rs)bc pec • z = 0.0063 • SINGS galaxy • 10 + 20 min • [N II] / Hα = 0.3 → 0.7 ← 140” → [N II]/Hα (Weiner et al.) E ┼ N ← 300” → 0 1

  26. MMTF Science 5-σsensitivity (2” aperture): ~ 1 x 10-17 erg s-1 cm-2 in 1 hr @ 6600 Å • Surveys of emission-line galaxies (& nebulae) at low- and high-z in the field, cluster, supercluster environments Ly  [O II] 10 Mo/yr Galaxy 1 Mo/yr LMC 0.1 Mo/yr SMC –18 –16 –14 –12 10 Mo/yr 10 Mo/yr 1 Mo/yr 1 Mo/yr 0.1 Mo/yr 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

  27. Cooling Flow Clusters (McDonald et al.) • object

  28. Cooling Flow Clusters (McDonald et al.) • object

  29. Supercluster @ z = 0.73 in the COSMOS Field (Scoville et al. 2007) • object

  30. “Tomography” of z = 0.73 Supercluster in the COSMOS Field (Veilleux et al.) ~15 minutes / slice x 14 slices

  31. Damped Lyα Galaxies • QSO 1202-0725: • z = 4.7 • DLA: • z = 4.38 → λ = 6543.8 Å • FWHM ~ 9 Å • Factor 5x reduction in QSO light • No 3-σ detection within 1 ” ~2 x 10-18 erg s-1 cm-2 SFR < 0.6 Msun / yr (~LMC) (Rauch & Becker) 56 kpc

  32. MMTF: Science PI Instrument: 9 programs, 16 nights 5-σsensitivity (2” aperture): ~ 1 x 10-17 erg s-1 cm-2 in 1 hr @ 6600 Å • Emission-line imaging of galactic nebulae • Deep multi-line imaging of nearby galaxies • Survey of emission-line galaxies & nebulae at low- and high-redshifts in the field, cluster and supercluster environments http://www.astro.umd.edu/~veilleux/mmtf

  33. http://www.astro.umd.edu/~veilleux/mmtf

  34. http://www.astro.umd.edu/~veilleux/mmtf

  35. http://www.astro.umd.edu/~veilleux/mmtf

  36. http://www.astro.umd.edu/~veilleux/mmtf

  37. http://www.astro.umd.edu/~veilleux/mmtf

  38. MMTF Proposals & collaborations welcome!

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