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Overview of the 25 Cities Initiative July 15, 2014. The 25 Cities…. Seattle. Detroit. Portland. Boston. Chicago. New York. Denver. Philly. San Francisco. Las Vegas. Baltimore. Fresno. Riverside. Tucson. Washington. Los Angeles. Phoenix. Atlanta. San Diego. Houston. Tampa.
The 25 Cities… Seattle Detroit Portland Boston Chicago New York Denver Philly San Francisco Las Vegas Baltimore Fresno Riverside Tucson Washington Los Angeles Phoenix Atlanta San Diego Houston Tampa Honolulu New Orleans Orlando Miami
What this Effort is All About Aim of 25 Cities Effort Accelerate the pace and integrate our efforts towards ending Veteran and chronic homelessness in 25 cities with the largest concentration of homeless Veterans How? • Build and strengthen elements of Coordinated Assessment and Housing Placement • Strengthen and integrate data systems • Integrate VA efforts on homelessness more seamlessly into broader community efforts
Framing Coordinated Assessment and Housing Placement System: Language and Components
Coordinated Assessment and Housing Placement System With CAHP System CAHP System ? ? ? ? ! ! Courtesy of Chris Ko Without CAHP System
CAHP System – 6 key components Housing Placement Coordinated Assessment Performance Management & Communications Platform
Downtown San DiegoCommunity Design Team100-Day Launch June 4 & 5
Community Design Team • Gabe Kendall, 211 San Diego • Amy Gonyeau, Alpha Project • Martha Ranson, Catholic Charities • Monica Ball, Community Volunteer • Tom Theisen, Community Volunteer • Bruce Menser, DT Fellowship of Churches and Ministries • Kelly Knight, DT Partnership Clean & Safe Homeless Outreach • Brian Gruters, Mental Health Systems • Jennifer Hark Dietz, PATH • Imelda Mcclendon, Regional Task Force on the Homeless • Steven Paymard, SD County Health and Human Services Agency • Melissa Peterman, SD Housing Commission • Maria Callow, San Diego Housing Commission • Felipe Murillo, SD County Housing and Community Development • John Liening, SDPD Homeless Outreach Team • Sumaya Dinglasan, VA San Diego Healthcare System • Eduardo Carrasco, VA San Diego Healthcare System • David Smith, VA San Diego Healthcare System • Teresa Grenawalt, Veteran Community Services • Paul Delessio, St. Vincent de Paul Villages
Mission & Goal OVERALL GOAL: By September 17th, 2014, we, the San Diego Community Design Team, will design and test a system that assesses all downtown homeless and effectively matches, houses, and retains 150 veterans and 100 chronic homeless individuals … • 100-day goal is to build a sustainable, ongoing system that will END veteran and chronic homelessness in downtown • 250 housing placements intended to demonstrate system is working – not the ultimate goal
Sub-Goal #1: Assess all Downtown Homeless • Estimated 800 unsheltered downtown homeless • Week of June 23-26 • HOT Team, Alpha, other providers and 145 Volunteers • Assessed homeless on downtown streets using VI-SPDAT • Now assessed over 1200 unsheltered homeless on downtown streets using VI-SPDAT • Will continue our outreach to newly homeless and people we missed
Sub-Goal #2: Housing Navigation • Housing Navigators prepare clients for housing • Approximately 20 FTE’s Housing Navigators • Volunteered by their agencies!!! • Prepare clients for housing through CAHP system • Approximately 100 clients already assigned to Housing Navigators • Most vulnerableclients assigned to Navigators first • Based upon their VI-SPDAT assessments
Sub-Goal #3: Matching & Placement • Identify and gather housing resources • Likely resources for downtown 100-day pilot: • 40 Permanent Supportive Housing beds • 50 VASH vouchers for veterans • 100 Rapid Rehousing Beds • 100 SSVF beds for veterans • Match clients to housing • Using community agreed priority rules • Most vulnerableclients matched first • Client always has choice of housing 290 Beds
How do Communities Make Progress? Five Key Tactics Use Data to Drive Results: Use data to measure system and program performance and inform resource allocation decisions Leverage Mainstream Resources: Engage mainstream systems and integrate those resources— housing, job training, child care, health care, etc … Be Frugal – Target Wisely: Provide the right intervention at the right time to the right individual or family through a coordinated assessment system
Five Key Tactics Be Smart – Use Evidence: Adopt Housing First practices to offer individuals and families experiencing homelessness immediate access to permanent affordable or supportive housing, without clinical prerequisites or other barriers Expand the Pie Strategically: Use existing resources in smarter ways to help make clear case for new investments of Federal, State, local, and private sector resources to scale the practices and innovations that work
The Performance Management and Communications Platform (PMCP): An Overview
PMCP: the CAHP System Engine Front End Most vulnerable entered into the system, prioritized and ready for housing Back End Housing supply identified and vacancies entered into the system MATCHING AND CLIENT SELECTION! Assessment Vacancy notification Coordinated outreach Eligibility criteria Prioritization List of dedicated units and resources Regular Case Conferencing Housing Navigation Assignment Housing provider and funding agency engagement in system Housing Document Collection
PMCP Dashboards and Visualizations • Dashboards will allow us to track in real time • Number of housing placements • Progress towards ending Veteran/chronic homelessness • Consistent with VA’s Gaps Analysis Tool • Dashboards are powered by community data