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LEIS Form Training

LEIS Form Training. May 2013. Intake. Intake. Course Section can be used to track Basic Skills Plus , Accelerating Opportunity or general basic skills students if the program so chooses. The 1 st day in which the student enrolls in the program.

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LEIS Form Training

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  1. LEIS Form Training May 2013

  2. Intake

  3. Intake Course Section can be used to track Basic Skills Plus , Accelerating Opportunity or general basic skills students if the program so chooses.. The 1st day in which the student enrolls in the program You may use a Tax Payer ID as an identifier. We can use it for data matching. Or the 1st day of enrollment after a 90 day stop out Hope ● Opportunity ● Jobs

  4. Student Information Hope ● Opportunity ● Jobs

  5. Student Information Choose the option that is most applicable to the student. Hope ● Opportunity ● Jobs

  6. Student Status Hope ● Opportunity ● Jobs

  7. Employment Status Student Status What should I mark? If the student says they are employed then mark whether they are Full-Time or Part-Time If the student plans to work after completion then they should be marked as US (seeking) • Students should only be marked as UN (not seeking) if they have no desire to get a job after their completion. Examples of this would be: • Stay at home mom or dad • Prisoners • Disabled students • Elderly Hope ● Opportunity ● Jobs

  8. Employment Status How do these impact the employment Follow-Up Cohorts? FT or PT: The Student will be assessed 3 quarters after their exit to see if they still have a job. UN: The student will not have their employment assessed. US: The student will be assessed 1 quarter after their exit to see if they obtained a job. Hope ● Opportunity ● Jobs

  9. DMV Hope ● Opportunity ● Jobs

  10. DMV The use of this is left completely up to the local programs. Hope ● Opportunity ● Jobs

  11. Signature Hope ● Opportunity ● Jobs

  12. Signature Student Signatures are no longer required for College and Career readiness Monitoring Use of student signatures is based on your colleges internal auditing requirements. Hope ● Opportunity ● Jobs

  13. Separation Date Hope ● Opportunity ● Jobs

  14. Separation Date • Students should only be separated if: • They explicitly state they are not returning • They have not accrued contact hours over the past 90 days • They complete their secondary credential A good practice would be to turn in a copy of this page to the LEIS entry specialist as confirmation that a student has exited the program. Hope ● Opportunity ● Jobs

  15. Student Data Hope ● Opportunity ● Jobs

  16. Student Data You MUST use these tags for students in these programs to be credited Hope ● Opportunity ● Jobs

  17. Adult High School Hope ● Opportunity ● Jobs

  18. Adult High School • HS credits required to graduate • The total number of high school credits that were needed to graduate for incoming freshmen in the student’s graduating high school class. Hope ● Opportunity ● Jobs

  19. Adult High School • # AHS credits transferred in • The number of Adult High School credits transferred in based upon the high school articulation agreement in place for the student. Hope ● Opportunity ● Jobs

  20. Adult High School • Adult High School Only (update #16 - #19 each program year) • # AHS credits earned this program year (July 1 – June 30) • The number of Adult High School credits a student earns that count toward obtaining an Adult High School Diploma between July 1 and June 30. • This is to be updated each program year. Hope ● Opportunity ● Jobs

  21. Adult High School • Date first AHS course was attempted this program year __ __/__ __/__ __ __ __ • The date (month/day/year) a student begins the first Adult High School course between July 1 and June 30. This is to be updated each program year. Hope ● Opportunity ● Jobs

  22. Adult High School • Date first AHS course was completed this program year __ __/__ __/__ __ __ __ • The date a student is credited with completing the first AHS course between July 1 and June 30. This is to be updated each program year. Hope ● Opportunity ● Jobs

  23. Adult High School • Date AHS diploma was earned __ __/__ __/__ __ __ __ • The date in which a student officially receives there Adult High School Diploma. Hope ● Opportunity ● Jobs

  24. NRS Secondary Goals and Achievements Hope ● Opportunity ● Jobs

  25. NRS Secondary Goals and Achievements These are not used for monitoring or program evaluation, but they can be used to track students. Programs have commented that they may use this information for local tracking or grants Hope ● Opportunity ● Jobs

  26. Placement and Progress Hope ● Opportunity ● Jobs

  27. Placement and Progress 12 10 2012 TABE Math 442 D9 ABE Intermediate Low Hope ● Opportunity ● Jobs

  28. Accelerating Opportunity Information Hope ● Opportunity ● Jobs

  29. Accelerating Opportunity Information Enrollment Date: The date of the student's enrollment in AO AO Pathway: Name of the AO Pathway the student is enrolled in. All pathways must be approved by the System Office. Occupation at Program Entry, if employed: Indicate the student’s current or most recent occupation. For example, Nursing Assistant, Welder, Office Assistant, Cashier, etc Hope ● Opportunity ● Jobs

  30. Referred By Hope ● Opportunity ● Jobs

  31. Referred By Be sure to check all that are applicable here Hope ● Opportunity ● Jobs

  32. Questions? For Basic LEIS/ NRS Questions Contact: Alan Tucker – tuckera@nccommunitycolleges.edu ● 919-807-7134 For Basic Skills Plus Questions Contact: Dr. Clark Dimond- dimondc@nccommunitycolleges.edu ● 919-807-717180 For Accelerating Opportunity Questions Contact: Dr. Cassandra Atkinson atkinsonc@nccommunitycolleges.edu ● 919-807-7144 Hope ● Opportunity ● Jobs

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