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Section 1

Section 1. RUN AN ORACLE FORM 运行一个 Oracle 表单 SECTION 1: OBJECTIVES 1, 对象 · Describe the features and identify the components of Oracle Forms. 描述 Oracle 表单的特征和识别 Oracle 表单的组件 . · Run an Oracle Form application as an operator. 作为一个操作人员运行一个 Oracle 表单应用程序 .

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  1. Section 1 • RUN AN ORACLE FORM • 运行一个Oracle 表单 • SECTION 1: OBJECTIVES • 1,对象 • · Describe the features and identify the components of Oracle Forms. • 描述Oracle 表单的特征和识别Oracle表单的组件. • · Run an Oracle Form application as an operator. • 作为一个操作人员运行一个Oracle 表单应用程序. • · Retrieve data with an Oracle Form application. • 从取得资料 • · Insert, update, and delete data with an Oracle Form application. • 使用一个Oracle 表单应用程序插入,更新,和删除资料 • · Commit or rollback changes to data with an Oracle Form application. • 应用一个Oracle 表单应用程序确认或取消改变资料的动作.

  2. STEPS TO OPERATE A FORM • 操作一个表单的步骤 • 1. Run an existing application.. • 运行一个已存在的应用程序 • 2. Navigate through the form. • 通过表单操纵 • 3. Respond to displayed messages. • 显示信息去响应 • 4. Retrieve all records. • 取回所以记录 • 5. Retrieve records that match specified search criteria. • 取回匹配特定搜索标准的记录

  3. STEPS TO OPERATE A FORM • 操作一个表单的步骤 • 6. Change an existing record. • 改变一个存在的记录 • 7. Create a new record. • 创建一个新记录 • 8. Remove an existing record. • 移动一个已存在的记录 • 9. Save changes in the form data to the database. 记录变更的资料到数据库 • RUN AN ORACLE FORMS APPLICATION • 运行一个Oracle表单应用程序 • Invoke an Oracle Forms application by clicking on the appropriate icon • 点击适当的图标导入一个Oracle表单应用程序

  4. Example: • Invoke application in Microsoft Windows by clicking on the Form 4.0 • 点击' Form 4.0 Runtime'图标导入Windows中的应用程序.注意Oracle表单会提示要用户名和密码. • Runtime icon. Note that Oracle Forms will prompt for username and password. • STEPS FOR RETRIEVING ALL RECORDS • 检索所有记录的步骤 • 1. Press the [Execute Query] key or select the Query, Execute option from the menu. • 按[Execute Query]键或从菜单选择查询,执行选项 • 2. Display the next record by pressing [Next Record] or selecting the Record, Next option from the menu. Display the previous record by pressing [previous Record] or selecting the Record, Previous option from the menu. • 按[Next Record]来显示下一记录或选择菜单上的Record, Next.按[previous Record]或选择菜单上的'Record, Previous'选项来选择前一记录.

  5. RESULTS: • 结果: • The status of the retrieved records is set to query. • 检索出来的记录已经设定而能被查询 • NAVIGATE A FORM • 操纵一个表单

  6. Perform and navigate user operations in a bit-mapped environment using the mouse. 在一个位元映射环境中使用鼠标执行和操纵用户操作 • 1. Navigate to a different item. • 导向一个另外的项目. • 2. Select a choice from a menu • 从菜单选择一个选项 • 3. Choose a record from a LOV. • 从LOV选择一个记录 • 4. Set a check box on or off. • 设置一个复选框开关 • 5. Press a button. • 按按纽

  7. continue....... • 6. Choose a button in a radio group. • 选择一个单选群组的按纽 • NAVIGATE (continued) • 7. Switch to an open window. • 切换到另一个窗口 • 8. Respond to an alert box. • 响应到一个警告box • 9. Scroll records using a block scroll bar. • 用一个滚动条滚动显示记录 • 10. Scroll lines using an item scroll bar. • 11. 用一个物件滚动滚动条

  8. MODES模式 • Oracle Forms has two modes of operation: Normal Mode and • Enter-Query mode. • Oracle 表单有两种运作模式,普通模式和Enter-Query模式 • In Normal Mode, you may • 在普通模式,你可以 • 1. Insert new records. • 插入新记录 • 2. Delete records. • 删除记录 • 3. Update records. • 4. Retrieve all records. • 检索所有记录 • 5. Commit records. • 确认记录

  9. In Enter-Query Mode, you may在Enter-Query模式,你可以 • 1. Retrieve records using selection criteria. • 使用选择的标准检索记录 • 2. Retrieve records using the Query Where dialog box. • 在对话框使用查询检索记录 • 3. Obtain the number of records that will be retrieved before fetching them from the database using Count Query Hits. • 使用' Count Query Hits'在检索得到记录之前从数据库得到将被检索的记录记录号 • 4. Retrieve all records. • 检索所有记录 • RETREIVE SPECIFIC RECORDS • 检索特定记录

  10. Steps for Entering Complex Criteria进入复合设定的步骤 • 1. Press the [Enter Query] key or select the Query, Enter option from the menu. • 按[Enter Query]键,或者选择菜单上的Query, Enter选项. • 2. Enter a colon(:) followed by a variable in one or more items, which acts as a placeholder. • 键入冒号作为一个占位符跟随一个或多个变量. • 3. Press the [Execute Query] key or select the Query, Execute option from the menu. The Query/Where dialog box appears. • 键入[Execute Query]键或者选择菜单上的Query, Execute选项. Query/Where对话框会出现. • 4. Enter search criteria using variables in logical conditions in the dialog box. • 在对话框中键入逻辑条件变量作为搜索规则 • 5. Press the [Execute Query] key or select the Query, Execute option from the menu, to retrieve all records that satisfy the search criteria specified. • 按[Execute Query]键或选择菜单中的' Query, Execute'选项来检索所有满足特定搜索条件的所有记录

  11. UPDATE A RECORD更新记录---Steps for Updating a Record更新记录的步骤 • · Press the [Enter Query] key or select Query, Enter from the menu. • 按[Enter Query]键或选择菜单中的' Query, Enter'选项 • · Enter the search criteria to retrieve the appropriate record. • 键入搜索标准去检索匹配记录 • · Press the [Execute Query] key or select Query, Execute from the menu to retrieve all records that satisfy the search criteria specified. • 按[Execute Query]键或选择菜单中的' Query, Execute'选项来检索满足搜索标准的所有记录 • · Move the cursor through the records, stopping at the record to be changed. • 在记录上移动光标,把光标定位在要变更的记录上. • · Update the information. • 更新记录信息 • · Commit changes to the database.确认更新到数据库中

  12. RESULTS: • · The record on the screen changes. • 频幕上的记录发生改变 • · The record is marked as changed in Oracle Forms. • 此记录被标记为已在Oracle表单中做过变更 • · A row-level lock is issue on the corresponding row in the database. • 一个row-level锁被分配给相应数据库里面的行.

  13. CREATE A NEW RECORD---Steps for Creating a New Record • · Press [Insert Record] or select the Record, Insert option from the menu. • 按[Insert Record]或者选择菜单中的' Record, Insert'选项 • · Enter the information. • 键入信息 • · Commit the insert into the database. • 对数据库确认所插入信息.

  14. RESULTS: • · The record on the screen is displayed • 在频幕上的记录被显示出来 • · The record is marked as inserted in Oracle Forms. • 当插入到Oracle 表单时此记录被标记

  15. DELETE A RECORD---Steps for Deleting a Record • · Navigate to the record for deletion. • 导向将被删除的记录 • · Press [Delete Record] or select the Delete, Record option from the menu. • 按[Delete Record]或者选择菜单中的' Delete, Record'选项 • · Commit the deletion to the database. • 在数据库中确认删除的动作

  16. RESULTS: • · The record is removed from the screen. • 记录在频幕上消失 • · The record is marked as deleted in Oracle Forms. • 此记录被标记为在 Oracle表格中删除 • · • · A row-level lock is issued on the corresponding row in the database. • 一个row-level锁被分配给数据库中的相应行

  17. COMMIT OR ROLL BACK CHANGES---提交或撤消变更 • Commit form data to the underlying tables. • 把资料提交到在下面的表格(这句话跟上下文不知道应该怎么联系,我faint) • Steps for committing a Record • 提交一个记录的步骤 • · Press the [Commit] key or select the Action or Commit option from the menu. • 按{Commit}键,或从菜单中选择' Action or Commit'选项

  18. RESULTS: • · Oracle Forms checks the validity of the data. • Oracle表单检查资料的有效性 • · The database checks the validity of the data. • 数据库检查资料的有效性 • · The changes are written to the database. • 变更被写入数据库中 • · All database locks are released. • 所有数据库锁被释放 • · The new information is available for others. • 新的信息可用于其他数据库的. • RUN AN ORACLE FORM • 运行一个Oracle Form

  19. SUMMARY • Query, insert, update, and delete data to the database with an Oracle Form. • 从数据库使用Oracle Form查询,插入,更新和删除资料 • Run an Oracle Form • 运行一个Oracle Form • · Run an existing application by clicking on an icon or issuing an operating system command. • 通过点击一个图标或使用一个操作系统的命令运行一个存在的应用程序 • · Navigate through a form with functions keys, a menu, or a mouse. • 通过功能键,菜单,或者鼠标导入一个表单

  20. continue...... • · Respond to messages displayed in an alert box. • 通过一个警告框来显示响应的信息 • · Interact with a check box, a radio group, and a list item. • 使用单选阵列,复选框,和目录项来进行互动作业 • · • · Utilize buttons to initiate actions. • 利用按纽来初始化动作.

  21. SUMMARY (continued) • · Perform qualified and unqualified queries. • 执行合要求,或不合要求的查询 • · Utilize the Query Where dialog box and the Count Query Hits function. • 利用' Query Where'对话框和计算查询频率功能 • · Insert, update, or delete records. • 插入,更新,或者删除记录 • · Utilize a pop-up editor to edit data. • 利用一个弹出的编辑器去编辑资料 • · Select valid values from a List of Values (LOV) • 从值的列表选择真值 • · Commit or rollback changes to the form data. • 递交或者取消资料的变更

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