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‘Cultivating the New Secondary Curriculum: keeping the seeds of change alive…’ .

‘Cultivating the New Secondary Curriculum: keeping the seeds of change alive…’. Sara Vaughan Regional Schools Advisor NSC htpp://sdvaughan.edublogs.org. htpp://sdvaughan.edublogs.org. Objectives. Place the New Program of Study for MFL in it’s current context

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‘Cultivating the New Secondary Curriculum: keeping the seeds of change alive…’ .

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  1. ‘Cultivating the New Secondary Curriculum: keeping the seeds of change alive…’. Sara Vaughan Regional Schools Advisor NSC htpp://sdvaughan.edublogs.org

  2. htpp://sdvaughan.edublogs.org

  3. Objectives • Place the New Program of Study for MFL in it’s current context • Provide practical ideas for maximising the potential of New Curriculum

  4. The New Secondary Curriculum for MFL : challenges and perspectives

  5. The Aims The whole curriculum aims to enable all young people to become: • successful learnerswho enjoy learning, make progress and achieve • confident individualswho are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives • responsible citizenswho make a positive contribution to society

  6. Key Features within it: • More space for personalisation • Less prescription – more innovation • Securing essentials skills – including wider skills for life and work • Greater engagement and participation

  7. New Secondary Curriculum PoS Accreditation & Accelerated KS3 pressures Revised KS3 Framework Wider KS4 options KS2 Prior experience


  9. Implementing/managing changes • Changing/returning methods • Dilemmas • Time constraints • Creativity • Content • impact

  10. Working hand in hand with the revised KS3 Framework & KS2

  11. “The Key Stage 3 Framework for languages underscores the vital importance of giving all pupils the tools to make direct and personal contact with other people and their cultures.” “The Framework learning objectives relate to the knowledge, skills and understanding which need to be acquired in order to meet the requirements of the programme of study.” “ (It) concentrates on key concepts and key processes.. shows strands of development which describe progression in learning across Years 7 to 9, and sets out a minimum expectation for the progression in learning of most pupils” (http://nationalstrategies.standards.dcsf.gov.uk)

  12. Non- statutory A pathway for progression Best practice: renewed focus on learning rather than teaching

  13. Reading & Writing Listening & Speaking Intercultural Understanding Knowledge about Language KS3 revised Framework Language Learning Strategies

  14. http://nationalstrategies.standards.dcsf.gov.uk

  15. KS2 Content free Progression of skills Links to Literacy Strategy, Numeracy Strategy, Foundation Curriculum

  16. Designed to sit alongside other curriculum areas and feel part of the teaching and learning experience of the primary school A wide variety of models of delivery KS2 Framework written with primary class teacher in mind The KS2 framework is rooted in primary practice

  17. CURRICULUM TIME Expectation – no less than 1 hour per week for MFL, Of which 20 mins x-curricular Full implementation in 2009 – 2010

  18. The ‘X’ factor Literacy Develop speaking and listening skills Storytelling and Drama Knowledge about language Maths: Numbers and counting Money and currency Days of the week, months, time Geography Locate places on a map Compare and contrast different localities Music: Perform songs and dances PSHE Recognise and challenge stereotypes RE Know about religious customs, including festivals and celebrations in other cultures

  19. STRANDS Oracy (listening and speaking) Literacy (reading and writing) Intercultural understanding Knowledge about the language (KAL) Language Learning Strategies (LLS)

  20. Knowledge about Language Knowledge about Language Intercultural Understanding Intercultural Understanding Reading & Writing Literacy Listening & Speaking Oracy Language Learning Strategies Language Learning Strategies KS2 Framework KS3 revised Framework

  21. Intercultural Understanding Knowledge about Language Knowledge about Language Key Concepts Reading & Writing Curriculum opportunities Listening & Speaking Range & Content Language Learning Strategies Key processes KS2 & KS3 revised Framework New Secondary Curriculum

  22. www.0to5.com.au/templates/key.htm

  23. Can we pack it all in? • Complimentary content • Great principles to inform your planning all levels • Draw on all of it to produce a relevant, stimulating KS3 curriculum full of compelling learning – “packing your passport for successful KS4”

  24. Practical ideas for the classroom

  25. Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn. – Benjamin Franklin

  26. Knowledge about Language & Language Learning Strategies Understanding how language works and how to manipulate it, recognising that different languages may share common grammatical, syntactical or lexical features,

  27. Sounds and Letters Books – instead of vocabulary lists of nouns….give your vocabulary learning new and different foci: letter strings, structures, phonics, high frequency, similies etc

  28. Story Title: What is your story going to be about? Who was there? Where did it happen? What happened at the start? • Who was in your story? • Include your character you created and other characters • Where does your story take place? • Describe where your story takes place. • What happens at the beginning of your story? Events or Problems? What happened next? What happened at the end? • What happens after the problem? • Does your character fix the problem? • How would they do this? • Is there a problem or an event in your story? • These are sometimes called twists • What happens to your character? • What happens at the end of your story? • How do the characters feel?

  29. Describe where you went.. (how, when, where, with who, for how long, opinion about journey) Pendant les vacances scolaires, je suis parti en vacances avec ma famille. Nous sommes allés en Italie pendant deux semaines. Nous sommes allés en avion. Le vol à été longue mais j’ai regardé un bon film. Nous sommes partis dans le nord d’Italie dans une village à la montagne, et nous sommes restés dans un hôtel magnifique avec les vues panoramiques sur la valle d’aosta.

  30. Describe where you went.. (how, when, where, with who, for how long, opinion about journey) Pendant les vacances scolaires, je suis parti en vacances avec ma famille. Nous sommes allés en Italie pendant deux semaines. Nous sommes allés en avion. Le vol à été longue mais j’ai regardé un bon film. Nous sommes partis dans le nord d’Italie dans une village à la montagne, et nous sommes restés dans un hôtel magnifique avec les vues panoramiques sur la valle d’aosta. Pupils find and re-use words from a suggested theme in a new context Pupils correct deliberate errors such as spelling, tense or structure Pupils replace selected underlined vocabulary with similes or other vocabulary Pupils summarise information as a summary, flow chart, mind map Pupils read and highlight various linguistic within the text in different colours Pupils complete the same activity in more than one language and spot similarities

  31. TRAVAILLER ( vb) Travaillant – workING Travailleur - workER Travailleuse Travaillez! – imperative Travaille Travailles Travaillons Travaillez travaillent Travaille -past Travallerai- fut Travaillerait - cond Travaillait - imp Le travail Un travail Un travailleur Du travail

  32. deuxième travail • documents de travail • du bon travail (faire) • du travail social (spécialiste) • espace de travail • faire un travail • feuille de travail • fête du travail • force de travail • groupe de travail • horaire de travail hebdomadaire • hypothèse de travail • inspecteur du travail • jour de travail • journée de travail • lieu de travail • Ministère du travail • marché du travail DEVINEZ en anglais

  33. eu/oeu ou au/eau/o

  34. Christian Wörns BastianSchweinsteiger SebastianDeisler ArneFriedrich AnjaMittag BirgitPrinz JenniferZietz SilkeRottenberg


  36. Now pronounce each word – correctly!

  37. Turn a text into…… • Bullet points • Conversation • Vocabulary list Do all of this conversely to turn them into a text Mind map Flow diagram Storyboard Chart Key word plan Venn diagram Graph

  38. Freiburg, den 12 März Liebe Mandy Vielen Dank für deinen netten Brief. Ich habe mich darüber sehr gefreut. Ich bin fünfzehn Jahre alt und wohne in Freiburg. Das ist eine schöne, alte Stadt in Südwestdeutschland. Ich habe zwei Brüder. Martin, mein älterer Bruder, ist zwei Jahre älter als ich und Peter, mein anderer Bruder, ist zehn Jahre alt. Martin ist manchmal ungeduldig und auch sehr laut. Peter ist lieb und immer gut gelaunt. Haustiere habe ich auch! Meine Katze heisst Mitzi und ist schwarz und weiss und mein Meerschweinchen heisst Rudi. Meine Eltern müssen lange arbeiten. Mein Vater ist Bankangestellter und meine Mutter ist Zahnärztin. Ich weiss noch nicht, was ich später werden möchte. Meine Schule ist eine Gesamtschule und liegt ganz in der Stadtmitte. Meine Lieblingsfächer sind Englisch und Französisch. Mathe finde ich ziemlich schwierig! Heute abend gehe ich ins Kino. Ich sehe sehr gern Gruselfilme! Was machst du gern in deiner Freizeit? Schreib bald Markus

  39. Tiere 15 Jahre Alt Familie MARKUS Wohnort Freizeit/ Hobbies Schule

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