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Working through the New Secondary Curriculum. Objectives. Explain the New Program of Study for MFL at KS3 Understanding further what each area of the Program of Study might mean in practice in MFL Develop & share ideas for classroom activities. h tpp://sdvaughan.edublogs.org
Objectives • Explain the New Program of Study for MFL at KS3 • Understanding further what each area of the Program of Study might mean in practice in MFL • Develop & share ideas for classroom activities.
htpp://sdvaughan.edublogs.org sara_vaughan@yahoo.co.uk
1. What are the New Secondary Curriculum aims? 2. What is a Program of study? 3. What are the key features of the MFL Program of study? 4. What are PLTS?
Task: unlocking meaning • Key Questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
TASK 1 Handout • True or False?
Task 1: Are the following statements true or false? • The National Curriculum sets out the which subjects must be taught in schools • Every National Curriculum subject has a programme of study • Programmes of Study are not statutory • The National Curriculum gives guidance on standards and attainment in each subject - teachers use these to measure progress and plan the next steps for pupil learning • A Programme of Study sets out what each learner is entitled to be taught across the curriculum • The Programmes of Study lay out the knowledge, skills and understanding required in each subject
Schools cannot organise teaching and learning in the way that best meets the needs of their pupils • The Programme of study provides a table of contents for each subject to follow • Teachers must translate the Programme of Study objectives into teaching and learning activities. • The New Secondary Curriculum gives schools more flexibility to cater better for their own pupils needs. • The New Secondary Curriculum has a strong focus on developing personal attributes and life skills • The New Curriculum structure prevents teachers from making connections across subject areas • The New Curriculum approach helps learners to make connections between the subjects and therefore make sense of their learning as a whole
What is the New Secondary Curriculum?
The new Secondary National Curriculum for Key Stage 3 came into effect for Year 7 pupils from September 2008, and carried with it a clear expectation that schools develop a more integrated approach to curriculum planning and delivery.
The National Curriculum as a whole aims to enable all young people to become: • successful learnerswho enjoy learning, make progress and achieve • confident individualswho are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives • responsible citizenswho make a positive contribution to society
What is a Programme of Study? • Statutory guidance laid down by the Government for the teaching of Key Stages in schools. • A framework of content compulsory to all in order to ensure clarity & coherence of teaching and learning • Open to interpretation!
Personal, learning and thinking skills: PLTS SECRET Presenting and giving group performances, reviewing progress Comparing own experiences to others’ Adapting and re-using language for new purposes Listening to others & peer assessment Engaging in conversation Communicating with different audiences, self-evaluating, redrafting written work Independent enquirers Reflective learners Team workers Self-managers Effective participators Effective participators Creative thinkers
It is attitude rather than aptitude that causes most failure.
The New Secondary Curriculum • Best practice for compelling learning • Joined up thinking = joined up learning • Skills • Creative opportunities • Mandate to make curriculum relevant for YOUR students