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Google Automotive Shopper Influence Study. Decision making model. Stimulus. First Moment of Truth. Second Moment of Truth. Pre-shopping | In-store | In-home. At shelf In-store. In-home Consumption. Objectives. How is shopper behavior changing in a digitally powered world?
Decision making model Stimulus First Moment of Truth Second Moment of Truth Pre-shopping | In-store | In-home At shelfIn-store In-homeConsumption
Objectives • How is shopper behavior changing in a digitally powered world? • Whatrole do new media like social & mobile play in shopping? • How are shoppers’ expectations of the physical retail dealership changing? • How does automotive pre-shopping change actual purchasing?
Methodology • Intercept decision makers in digital form • Connectas close to purchase decisionas possible • Interactive, game-like online construct • Looks at influencersto purchase throughout the process • 500total respondents • Purchasednew automobile, within the last 1-24 months
Automotive ShoppersUnderstanding Purchase Influence WHENdid you start shopping? WHEREdid you go for advice or information? HOWdid it influence your purchase decision? WHYwas it influential?
When? purchase timeline When did shoppers begin their journey and how long did it take to get to purchase?
Purchasing an automobile is a very considered decision for shoppers. Over 14% shopped & bought within a week or less from purchase 1% 5-8 hours 0% One day 2% 2-3 days 3% 4-6 days 2% A week 6% 2 weeks 5% 3 weeks 4% A month 17% 2-3 months 23% 4-6 months 17% 7-12 months 10% More than a year 7%
Where? source usage Where did shoppers go for advice or information to help them make their purchase decision?
Source usage: Automotive Used 18.2 sources on average 34% Average Usage Stimulus ZMOT FMOT Q2 When you were considering purchasing/leasing a new automobile, what sources of information did you seek out to help with your decision? Base N=500
Breakout by Age: Automotive 18–34(n=181) 35–49(n=81) 50+(n=238) Source Node Usage SMOT participation 82% 83% 76% Tactical Internet Behaviors Attitudes towards the Internet
Breakout by Age: Automotive 18–34(n=181) 35–49(n=81) 50+(n=238) 25.6 Source Node Usage Younger shoppers use over 25 sourcesof information before purchase! SMOT participation 82% 83% 76% Tactical Internet Behaviors 38% say internet is necessary. Attitudes towards the Internet
How? net influenceHow influential were the sources you used in your purchase decision?
Net Influence – Source Category Nets Outside of the dealership experience itself, digital sources are the leading influencer on purchase of any advertising medium Q5 We’d like you to tell us how influential each of these sources of information was to you at the time. Please select a number from 1-10 for each of the sources below where 1 is “least influential” and 10 is “most influential.” You may select any number in between 1 and 10. Base: N=500 Automotive
Automotive: Source Usage & Net Influence WHEREdid you go for advice or information? HOWdid it influence your purchase decision?
Why? heat mapping influence why were your sources influential in decision making?
Automotive Heat Map: Searched Online 71% 86% RepeatUsage Fewest People Most People Usage Base N=500
Automotive Heat Map: Dealer Website 56% 18% RepeatUsage Fewest People Most People Usage Base N=500
Automotive Heat Maps:Select Source Nodes Fewest People Looked on the dealership lot Searched dealership inventory Searched online Comparison shopped automobiles online Sought information manufacturer website Sought info from a dealership website Most People Talked with friends & family Saw an ad in a newspaper Saw TV ad
Post purchase refraction effect:SMOT Participation • 80% of automotive shoppers engage in refraction post purchase, with nearly half sharing their purchase experience digitally Mentioned it to a co-worker or took an online survey More than 30% 63% 9% Mentioned it to friends/family Wrote a customer review on a website 18% 7% Wrote about it in a blog and posted Tweets Wrote about it on a Facebook page
Conclusions • Highly considered purchase, but impulse shoppers exist in surprising numbers • High ZMOT usage & influence for the category • Even higher for younger shoppers • ZMOT drives more purchase influence than all traditional advertising • Retail effects still highly influential It’s a Price-Plus world
Opportunities • Websites, search and comparison shopping online outweigh all other advertising effects – are they getting the attention they deserve? Investin both brand and local dealership online presence Optimizecontent for both price / value messaging, and performance / style Harnessrepeat source usage – retargeting, content optimization for early, middle late stage shoppers Dealership + ZMOT =Win High refraction effect = opportunity. reward shoppers who share good news