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Reo Mäori mö Mäori. Patu Hohepa Toihau Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Mäori. (Mäori language for Mäori people). Reo Mäori mö Mäori. Title is misleading – Mäori Language Commission vision is -
Reo Mäori mö Mäori Patu Hohepa Toihau Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Mäori (Mäori language for Mäori people)
Reo Mäori mö Mäori Title is misleading – Mäori Language Commission vision is - “kia ora te reo Mäori hei reo matua hei reo körero mö Aotearoa - Mäori Language is a living national taonga for all New Zealanders” All New Zealanders should be at least bilingual in English-Mäori, multilingualism should be our goal
You too can be truly Mäori to be wholly Mäori, truly Mäori, you must be able to speak Mäori in all situations from informal to formal. and you also are required to learn, understand, and use appropriate “kaupapa & tikanga” or cultural protocols and practices -
HOWEVER OUR LAWS in simple terms define “a Mäori as a descendant of a Mäori “ Genealogical acceptance is all that is required. • Biological & DNA testing is not required. Being able to recite genealogical connections also not necessary • language, culture, treaty, extended family-subtribe-tribe-canoe or confederation use or link not necessary • Residence on Mäori land, or in a Mäori community or family, is not required • Belonging to, or even having rights to land, region, mountain(s), river(s), are also not relevant • Being on the Mäori roll is not necessary
Mäori Population Increase 1902 50,000 1942 100,000 2002 526,000
Population increase has cloaked decline in % language use 1892 42,000 100% spoke MÄORI 1942 100,000 85% spoke Mäori 2002 123,000 of 526,281 spoke Mäori
we need to change ATTITUDES of MÄORI and also all New Zealanders to learning of Mäori Language there are some clear stereotyping and attitudes to note -
ATTITUDES / BELIEFS Old Not useful Divisive Too Serious No point Too Hard Too Scary Elitist Dying Ritualistic ATTITUDES / BELIEFS Young Useful Fun Valuable Easy Inclusive Everyday Alive Sophisticated Unique Sexy SHIFT PARADIGM
TIROHIA TE PAE TAWHITI our long term vision is encapsulated in these numbers20 30 40 by 2030AD, 40% of all New Zealanders will be fluent in English and Mäori –
“KAPOHIA TE PAE TATA” “Körero Mäori” is the focus this year • 7 information projects by end of year • TV show • Radio drama • Bilingual kidult “radio-sode’ • Interactive website • Information kit for new parents • 2 more “Give it a Go” phrase learning books