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AP Psychology 3-6 review

AP Psychology 3-6 review . Ch 3 & 4: Developmental. Nature vs. nurture key debate How to study: cross-sectional longitudinal. Infant development. Teratogens – radiation (neurons migrate too far) alcohol (stop short) – fetal alcohol syndrome

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AP Psychology 3-6 review

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  1. AP Psychology 3-6 review

  2. Ch 3 & 4: Developmental • Nature vs. nurture key debate • How to study: • cross-sectional • longitudinal

  3. Infant development Teratogens– radiation (neurons migrate too far) alcohol (stop short) – fetal alcohol syndrome Reflexes– rooting, sucking, grasping, Moro (startle), Babinski(foot – spread toes) turn toward mother’s voice vision clearest at approx 12” when born Motor development (maturation) myelination of neurons key

  4. Attachment theory Harlow – touch – monkeys Ainsworth– strange situation model secure attachment (66%) – explore when parent there, upset when parent leaves avoidant attachment (21%) – resist parents, explore, don’t return anxious/ambivalent(12%) – stress when left, not comforted on return

  5. Parenting style • Diana Baumrind– researched parent-child interaction and defined 3 parenting styles Authoritarian – strict standards – apply punishment more then rewards Authoritative- standards are consistent & rules are explained – praise more then punish Permissive – not clear guidelines – parents reactions are unpredictable

  6. Stage Theories • Freud • Oral – pleasure through mouth • anal • phallic - realize their gender • Oedipus/Electra complex • Latency – period of calm • Genital – sexual pleasure through genitals

  7. Stage Theories Erikson (neo-Freudian) -psychosocial stages trust vs. mistrust (babies) autonomy vs. shame & doubt (toddlers) initiative vs. guilt (3-5) – problem solving industry vs. inferiority (elemschool) may develop inferiority complex identity vs. role confusion (adolescence) intimacy vs. isolation (early adult) generativityvs. stagnation (middle adult) -are our lives goes the way we want them to? integrity vs. despair (older adult)

  8. Stage Theories Piaget (cognitive devt – worked for Alfred Binet) schemas – assimilation & accommodation sensorimotor(0-2 years) object permanence (8 mo.) preoperational(2-7) egocentric – look only from their perspective concrete operational (8-12) conservation signals onset volume, area, number formal operations abstract reasoning, testing hypotheses

  9. Stage Theories • Moral development – Kohlberg • Heinz dilemma: steal the drug for the dying wife? Preconventional Conventional Postconventional universal ethical principles Carol Gilligan’s criticism of Kohlberg– women think relationally, situational

  10. Gender differences Biopsychological theory ex. women have larger corpus callosum Psychodynamic theory (Freud) -compete for parents attention (boys want mom’s love) Social-cognitive theory Social influences Gender-schema theory – “rules” how each gender should behave

  11. Practice Questions

  12. Sensation – transduction of mechanical energy into neural energy (bottom-up) • Perception – analysis and interpretation of sensation (top-down)

  13. Vision Transduction in the retina cornea – pupil (iris controls opening) – lens – retina (rods & cones) – bipolar cells – ganglion cells – optic nerve fovea– point of central focus (highest concentration of cones) Blind spot Lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) – region in thalamus for vision Hubel & Wiesel – feature detectors Theories of color vision Young-Helmholtz trichromatic theory – blue, red, green detectors Opponent-process theory – afterimages (red/green, yellow/blue, black/white)

  14. Hearing Amplitude(height – loudness), frequency (pitch) Pinna – auditory canal – eardrum (tympanic membrane) – ossicles – oval window – cochlea (transduction) Cochlea – hairs connect to organ of Corti – then to auditory nerve Place theory – hairs react to certain frequencies in a certain place Frequency theory – hairs fire at different rates to match frequency Conduction hearing loss vs. sensorineural hearing loss

  15. Other Senses Touch • Gate-control theory of pain • Endorphins Chemical senses: taste, smell • Taste buds on papillae(sweet, salty, sour, bitter, umami) • Receptors in nose – directly to olfactory bulb – limbic system – bypasses thalamus Vestibular (balance – semicircular canals) kinesthetic(body position, orientation)

  16. Perception • Absolute threshold – minimal stimulus for detection 50% of the time • subliminal – below absolute Difference threshold (JND) Weber’s law – difference vary in proportion to intensity of stimulus Theories of perception • Signal detection theory (depends on state of perceiver) • Perceptual set (approach to perceptual task – influenced by schemata)

  17. Rules of visual perception Figure-ground Gestalt rules proximity similarity continuity closure Constancies size shape brightness

  18. Rules of visual perception Depth perception visual cliff – crawlers have perception of depth Binocular cues (both eyes) binocular (or retinal) disparity convergence Monocular cues (can perceive as well with 1 eye as with 2) Linear perspective Relative size Interposition Texture gradient Shadowing

  19. Illusions • Muller-Lyer(lines with arrows) – culture affects perception • phi phenomenon (blinking lights appear to travel) • stroboscopic movement (flip books, cartoons)

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