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UJTL - JCA Mapping & Readiness given to WJTSC 09-2 24-28 August 2009. Steve Brown Joint Staff J-7, JFDID. JCA WG Agenda. Time Topic/Subject Briefer 1300 – 1310 Welcome Remarks LtCol Larry Miller 1310 – 1330 JCA Status Update Brief LtCol Larry Miller
UJTL - JCA Mapping & Readinessgiven toWJTSC 09-224-28 August 2009 Steve Brown Joint Staff J-7, JFDID
JCA WG Agenda TimeTopic/SubjectBriefer 1300 – 1310 Welcome Remarks LtCol Larry Miller 1310 – 1330 JCA Status Update Brief LtCol Larry Miller Mr. Steve Brown 1330 – 1420 UJTL / JCA Mapping, Staffing & JCAMS Staffing Tool Mr. Steve Brown 1430 – 1530 UJTL / JCA Mapping & Readiness Mr. Steve Brown 1530 – 1600 Questions LtCol Larry Miller Mr. Steve Brown
JCAs – The Basis for Further Refinement & Integration • Problem is disconnect between MET-based Readiness Reporting and Capability-based requirements process • Proposal is not intended to replace MET-based assessments at the COCOMs, but rather change the overall aggregation into the JCA bins, allowing other communities to understand the readiness issue • JCA are being incorporated into the C2 system (APEX) and the GFM system (JCRM) • Strategy-to-task analysis will be possible with UJTL to JCA mapping, but current way of aggregating sub-optimizes feedback loop through Portfolio Managers since “mission-like tasks” don’t distinguish function that are deficient
Capability Role in Strategy-to-Task OP 4.7 2 Conduct Civil Military Operations (CMO) in the JOA OP 4.7 5 Conduct Civil Military Operations (CMO) in the JOA CooperativeSecurity Strengthen US Security Posture in Region US Legitimacy is Improved in Region Building Partnerships • Shape • Partner w/ Gov & Inst Units / Platforms Units / Platforms
UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED Organization of GDF 1. Secretary’s Memo • Continue transformation, new efforts for long-term force development 2. Executive Summary 3. Fiscal Environment • Fiscal trends, initial guidance to begin moving supplemental needs to base budget 4. Strategic Capability Priorities • Overarching guidance and assumptions to size and shape the future force, includes the Department’s force planning construct 5. Guidance Across Capability Portfolios • Begins a process to look at tradeoffs across portfolios 6. Guidance Within Capability Portfolios • Establishes priorities and tradeoffs within each portfolio 7. Analytic Tasks (directed studies, assessments) • Two categories: inform POM 10, prepare for QDR 8. Annexes • Global Posture, Joint Experimentation, Science & Technology Priorities Capability Portfolios • Force Application • Battlespace Awareness • Command & Control • Net-Centric • Force Support • Protection • Building Partnerships • Logistics • Corporate Management & Support
JMET Readiness – All COCOMs JMET Readiness ST 1 ST 2 ST 3 ST 4 ST 5 ST 7 ST 8 ST 9 ST 6 Combating WMD
UJTL and Missions “UJTL tasks should detailorganizational activitiesnot operations. The UJTL focuses on joint tasks that enable execution of a joint capability required for a military operation and avoids including terms that refer to more global activities such as operations. A military operation, like conducting a blockade or conducting an amphibious assault, is broader than a task and requires theapplication of many capabilities in time, space, and purpose, and therefore should not be included in the task list.” - UJTL Development Process (pg. G-4 of CJCSM 3500.04D) (U) ST 9 Conduct Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD) Activities in Theater Task Description: To plan, execute, integrate, and coordinate CWMD activities at the theater level to dissuade, deter, and defeat those that seek to harm the United States, its Armed Forces, allies, coalition partners, and interests through WMD use or threat of use. (CJCSI 3110.16A, CJCSI 3125.01A, CJCSI 3214.01C, CJCSI 3500.01D, CJCSI 3520.02A, CJCSI 6731.01B, CJCSM 3122.01A, CJCSM 3122.03C, DODD 2060.02, DODI 2000.18, JP 2-0, JP 2-01, JP 3-0, JP 3-01, JP 3-05, JP 3-07, JP 3-08, JP 3-10, JP 3-11, JP 3-40, JP 3-41, JP 3-68, JP 4-01.5, JP 5-0, JP 6-0, NMS-CWMD) Note: Activities include all actions taken to: defeat and deter WMD use and subsequent use; protect, respond, and recover from WMD use; defend, dissuade, or deny WMD proliferation; and to reduce, destroy, or reverse WMD possession. Theater CWMD activities should be integrated with the activities of other USG departments/agencies and allies and partners across the spectrum of the 8 CWMD mission areas (offensive operations, elimination, interdiction, active defense, passive defense, WMD CM, security cooperation and partner activities, and threat reduction cooperation).
What’s Wrong with Mission-Type Tasks? • Same Task • Different Problem • Different Solution • Different Portfolio
COCOM METL by JCA FS BA FA Log C2 NC Prot BP Active Defense CM CP Interdiction & Elimination Detect & Track
Mission Set Reporting RA - 1 Mission Assessments Mission Essential Task SN 3.8 Conduct Special Operations (SO) ActivitiesTask Description: To conduct full-spectrum special operations activities to support or achieve national strategic objectives
Mission Set Reporting RA - 1 Mission Assessments Joint Capability Area
Possible CWMD Readiness Reporting Template CWMD NP CP CM FS Global Force Mgmt (Presence),Force Preparation(Org, Train, Exer), BA ISR Collection, Analysis FA Log C2 Plan, Coordinate/Synchronize, NC Prot BP Strategic Communications (IO), CMS FS BA ISR Collection, Analysis FA Engage (Counter-air, Elimination), Maneuver (Blockade, Demo, Show-of-force) Log Harden Key Infrastructure, C2 Plan, Assess, Coordinate/Synchronize, Direct NC Prot Prevent (Active Defense) BP Strategic Communications (IO), Shape, (Secur Assist, Pol-Mil, DTRA) CMS FS Health Readiness BA ISR Collection, Analysis FA Log Deployment & Distribution (Transport, Sustain (Mitigate) C2 Coordinate/Synchronize, Warning & Reporting NC Prot Consequence Mgmt BP Strategic Communications (IO), CMS
Non-Proliferation FS Global Force Mgmt (Presence), Force Preparation(Org, Train, Exer), BA ISR Collection, Analysis C2 Plan, Coordinate/Synchronize, BP Strategic Communications (IO), Shape (Mil-to-Mil, Secur Assist, Assist IA) 1.1.3 Global Posture Execution ST 8.3.1 Arrange Stationing for US Forces 1.1.2 Force Configuration 1.2.1 Training 1.2.2 Exercising ST 7.1.5 Determine Theater Warfighting Needs, Solutions, and Concepts ST 4.2.4 Establish and Coordinate Training of Joint and Combined Forces Chemical / Biological Materials Measurements and Signatures Collection Nuclear Radiation Measurements and Signatures Collection Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Analysis Integration SN - Provide Support to Defeat Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN), Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), and Toxic Industrial Materials (TIM) Threats ST 9.1 - Develop Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD) Programs in Theater ST 9.3 - Conduct Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD) Security Cooperation and Partner Activities in Theater
Counterproliferation BA ISR Collection, Analysis FA Engage (Counter-air, Elimination), Maneuver (Blockade, Demo, Show-of-force) Log Harden Key Infrastructure, C2 Plan, Assess, Coordinate/Synchronize, Direct Prot Prevent (Active Defense) Prevent - BP Strategic Communications (IO), Shape, (Secur Assist, Pol-Mil, DTRA) CMS Chemical / Biological Materials Measurements and Signatures Collection Nuclear Radiation Measurements and Signatures Collection Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Analysis Integration SN 9.3.4 - Synchronize Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD)/Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Passive Defense Programs SN 9.3.1 - Synchronize Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)/Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Active Defense Programs OP 7.5 - Conduct Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD) Active Defense Operations in Joint Operations Area (JOA)
Consequence Management FS Health Readiness BA ISR Collection, Analysis FA Log Deployment & Distribution (Transport, Sustain (Mitigate) C2 Coordinate/Synchronize, Warning & Reporting NC Prot Consequence Mgmt BP Strategic Communications (IO), SN 9.4 - Synchronize Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD) Consequence Management (CM) Programs SN 9.4.11 - Support Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)/Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Consequence Management (CM) SN 9.4.3 - Coordinate Disposition of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Contaminated Materials, Samples, Residues, Equipment, Animal Remains, and Waste OP 7.9.1 - Support Domestic Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)/Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Consequence Management (CM) Operations in Joint Operations Area (JOA) OP 7.9.2 - Conduct Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)/Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Foreign Consequence Management (FCM) Operations in Joint Operations Area (JOA) TA 7 - Operate in a Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and High-Yield Explosives (CBRNE) Environment TA 7.1 - Conduct Mission Operations in a Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and High-Yield Explosives (CBRNE) Environment
Operational Templates Core Mission / JOC Force Application Command & Control Battlespace Awareness Core Competencies Net-Centric Homeland Defense & Civil Support Major Combat Operations Deterrence Operations Mil Spt to SSTRO Irregular Warfare Mil Contribution to Cooperative Security Building Partnerships Protection Logistics Force Support Corporate Mgmt & Spt
COCOM Report Aggregated by JCA COCOM Components Units
The Feedback Loop Using JCAs DCMO QDR GDF CJA IPLs COCOMs Components Units
UNCLASSIFIED National Security Strategy (NSS) National Defense Strategy (NDS) National Military Strategy (NMS) Employ the Force Manage the Force Develop the Force Guidance for Employment of the Force (GEF) Guidance for Development of the Force (GDF) Contingency Planning Guidance Security Cooperation Guidance Global Posture Guidance Strategic Planning Guidance Transfor-mation Planning Guidance Global Posture Guidance Human Capital Strategy Analytic Agenda Guidance Joint Concepts & Experiment. Guidance Science & Technology Guidance Nuclear Weapons Planning Guidance Global Force Mgmt Guidance CJCS Comprehensive Risk Assessment UNCLASSIFIED The New Strategic Guidance Hierarchy QDR
UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED Organization of GDF 1. Secretary’s Memo • Continue transformation, new efforts for long-term force development 2. Executive Summary 3. Fiscal Environment • Fiscal trends, initial guidance to begin moving supplemental needs to base budget 4. Strategic Capability Priorities • Overarching guidance and assumptions to size and shape the future force, includes the Department’s force planning construct 5. Guidance Across Capability Portfolios • Begins a process to look at tradeoffs across portfolios 6. Guidance Within Capability Portfolios • Establishes priorities and tradeoffs within each portfolio 7. Analytic Tasks (directed studies, assessments) • Two categories: inform POM 10, prepare for QDR 8. Annexes • Global Posture, Joint Experimentation, Science & Technology Priorities Capability Portfolios • Force Application • Battlespace Awareness • Command & Control • Net-Centric • Force Support • Protection • Building Partnerships • Logistics • Corporate Management & Support
UNCLASSIFIED DCMO UNCLASSIFIED Capability Portfolio ManagementFebruary 7, 2008 Deputy Secretary of Defense Memorandum • Civilian and Military leads for each CPM • 4 original “test cases” now formalized • Experiment w/ remaining 5 portfolios • Nine portfolios aligned to Joint Capability Area taxonomy Capability Portfolios • Force Application • Battlespace Awareness • Command & Control • Net-Centric • Force Support • Protection • Building Partnerships • Logistics • Corporate Management & Support
UJTL and Operations “UJTL tasks should detailorganizational activitiesnot operations. The UJTL focuses on joint tasks that enable execution of a joint capability required for a military operation and avoids including terms that refer to more global activities such as operations. A military operation, like conducting a blockade or conducting an amphibious assault, is broader than a task and requires theapplication of many capabilities in time, space, and purpose, and therefore should not be included in the task list.” - UJTL Development Process (pg. G-4 of CJCSM 3500.04D) ST 9.7 Conduct Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Offensive Operations in Theater Task Description: To plan, execute, coordinate, and integrate WMD offensive operations in theater joint operation plans through lethal or nonlethal operations to deter, neutralize, or defeat an adversary's WMD threat or subsequent use. (CJCSM 3122.01A, CJCSM 3122.03C, JP 2-0, JP 2-01, JP 3-0, JP 3-10, JP 3-11, JP 3-16, JP 3-29, JP 3-33, JP 3-40, JP 3-41, JP 3-57, JP 5-0) Note: This task encompasses the integration and coordination of detection, identification, disruption, and/or destruction of an adversary's WMD assets, means of delivery, support facilities, and other high value targets to create desired effects. Task also includes incorporating specialized capabilities and operational concepts, including the capability to locate, seize, secure, render safe, recapture, recover, and/or destroy lost or stolen WMD; the capability to defeat hard and deeply buried targets; the capability to defeat or neutralize the chemical or biological agent and associated weapons and equipment with little to no collateral effect; the capability to deter and defeat a WMD threat or subsequent use of WMD; and the capacity to find, fix, track, target, engage, and assess attacks against WMD targets. Task may also be geared to disrupt proliferation pathway vulnerabilities. Match the means (lethal or non-lethal), conduct the attack, and assess damages to include any consequences from collateral damage.
Broadly Written Tasks - CWMD SN 9 - Manage Strategic Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD) (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear [CBRN]) Programs SN 9.1 - Enable Strategic Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD) Programs SN 9.1.7 - Support Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Forensics and Attribution SN 9.1.9 - Support Chemical Forensics and Attribution URGENT PROPOSED TASK SN 9.2.3 - Synchronize Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Interdiction Programs SN 9.3 - Synchronize Counterproliferation (CP) Programs SN 9.3.3 - Synchronize Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD) Offensive Operations Programs SN Coordinate Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD) Counterforce Operations SN 9.4.1 - Assess Resources and Logistics for Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD) Consequence Management (CM) SN 9.4.2 - Coordinate Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Protection Requirements SN 9.5 - Conduct Arms Control Support Activities ST 9 - Conduct Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD) Activities in Theater ST 9.2 - Conduct Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD)/Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Threat Reduction Programs in Theater ST 9.4 - Conduct Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD) Interdiction in Theater ST 9.5 - Conduct Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Active Defense in Theater ST 9.6 - Conduct Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Elimination in Theater ST 9.7 - Conduct Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Offensive Operations in Theater ST 9.8 - Conduct Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Passive Defense in Theater OP 7 - Execute Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD) Operations in Joint Operation Area (JOA) OP 7.1 - Enable Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD) Operations in Joint Operations Area (JOA) OP 7.6 - Conduct Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD) Elimination Operations in Joint Operations Area (JOA) OP 7.7 - Conduct Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD) Offensive Operations in Joint Operations Area (JOA)
UJTL and Operations (U) ST 2 - Conduct Theater Intelligence Operations Task Description: To execute the joint intelligence process to provide the intelligence required for planning, developing, executing, and assessing theater strategy, campaigns, major operations and command actions. Employ collaborative and federated intelligence architecture to integrate Department of Defense, national intelligence community, interagency, (and when authorized intergovernmental) multinational, and theater intelligence capabilities to sustain continuous operations. Analyze all relevant aspects of the operational environment to identify adversarial threats, determine adversary capabilities, and estimate adversary intentions. Fuse national and theater intelligence into all-source estimates and assessments and provide a single, coordinated intelligence picture. Provide theater strategic indications and warning of adversary activities to prevent strategic surprise. Synchronize and integrate intelligence with theater plans, operations, targeting, and assessments based on the commander's intelligence requirements, decision points, and desired effects. (JP 2-0, JP 2-01, JP 2-01.2, JP 2-01.3, JP 2-03, JP 3-0, JP 3-09, JP 3-13, JP 3-13.3, JP 3-33, JP 3-60, JP 5-0, JP 6-0)
Implementing JCAs as the Common Language Guidance QDR 01 Force Management QDR 06 GDF JP 1-0 JCRM DoDAF 2.0 POM 10 Global Force Management PPBES QRM Planning SWarFs Acquisition CPMs PEs Shortfalls / Gaps JOCs Concept Development & Experimentation LPTR Readiness IPLs JCIDS FCBs LOEs Requirements Force Development Force Employment “… DAWG approved the new JCAs … for immediate use as the Department’s capability management language and framework…”
Quadrennial Roles & Missions Nation’s Wars are Won Long War is Won Security is Promoted Conflict is Deterred Homeland is Defended Logistics Force Application Command & Control Battlespace Awareness Net-Centric Building Partnerships Protection Force Support Corp. Mgmt & Support Broad to Specific Priorities National Defense Strategy National Military Strategy Strategy Strategic End States Mil Contrib to Coop Security Core Mission Areas JOCs Irregular Warfare Mil Spt to SSTRO HD/CS Deterrence MCO Broad to Specific Responsibilities JCAs Functions (DoDD 5100.1) Roles (Title 10) Competencies Core Competencies Core USAF Air Transport Rapid Global Mobility Tier 1 Supporting Air Lift Air Refueling NAVY Tier 2 Deploy & Distribute Strat Sealift Sea Lift USMC Move the Force Strategy Based Demand Tier 3 Amphib Ops Expeditionary Lift Strategically Move the Force Air Lift Tier 4 ARMY Operationally Move the Force Capabilities Ground Lift Supply of Capabilities Ground Lift Tactical Air Lift Sea Lift JOCs and JCAs are part of DOD’s Existing planning framework Functional Lens