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Z+jet Comparison to Theory. Kittikul Kovitanggoon a , Sung-Won Lee a , Nural Akchurin a , Jordan Damgov a , Efe Yazgan b , Lovedeep Saini c , Stephan Linn d , Luis Lebolo d , Shin-Shan Yu e , Anil Singh e a Texas Tech University b University of Ghent c Panjab University, India
Z+jet Comparison to Theory Kittikul Kovitanggoona, Sung-Won Leea, Nural Akchurina, Jordan Damgova, Efe Yazganb, Lovedeep Sainic, Stephan Linnd, Luis Lebolod, Shin-Shan Yue, Anil Singhe aTexas Tech University bUniversity of Ghent cPanjab University, India dFlorida International University eNational Central University, Taiwan
Part 1 Z(μμ) + jets - Kinematics - MCFM
Data sets Z(μμ) + jets • Analysis is on 2011 (A +B) Rereco datasets in the total of 4.7 fb-1 DoubleMu_Run2011A-08Nov2011 DoubleMu_Run2011B-19Nov2011 • Using the unprescaled Double Muons HLT • MC + BG are Fall11 - MC MADGRAPH POWHEG SHERPA MCFM • SHERPA weigh = LumiDATA x X-sectionMC/sumWeightMC • SHERPA histograms fill with h->Fill(variable,PU_weight*MC_weight) • Only shape comparison with MCFM - Backgrounds are Fall11 MC DYToTauTau QCD WToMuNu TT WW WZ ZZ
Di-muon properties for Z+njets Mμμ pTμμ • All MC give good agreement in Di-muon mass within 10% • MADGRAPH give better agreement in Di-muon pT than POWHEG and SHERPA
Di-muon properties for Z+njets Yμμ Φμμ • MADGRAPH , POWHEG, SHERPA give good agreement in Di-muon Y and Φ
Inclusive Jet Multiplicity Central region All regions • MADGRAPH provide good comparison in jet multiplicity but SHERPA and POWHEG does not
Di-muon pT and Di-muon Y of Z + 1 jet event Yμμ pTμμ
Jet pT and Jet Y Of Z + 1 jet event Yjet pTjet • MADGRAPH and POWHEG are good predictions of Z and jet in Z+1jet event • SHERPA does bad prediction in kinematic of Z and jet
MCFM Comparison Di-muon pT and Rapidity pTμμ Yμμ
MCFM Comparison Leading Jet pT and Rapidity pTjet Yjet • Y shape comparisons to MCFM for both Z and jet show agreement within about 5-10% • pT shape comparisons to MCFM for both Z and jet show agreement within about 20%
MCFM Comparison Rapidity Sum and Difference between Z and Jet 0.5*(YZ+Yjet) 0.5*(YZ-Yjet) • SHERPA agrees better in term of rapidity sum and rapidity difference than MADGRAPH
Part 2 Z(ee) + jets - Kinematic https://indico.cern.ch/getFile.py/accesscontribId=4&resId=0&materialId=slides&confId=176821 - MCFM
MCFM Comparison Di-muon pT and Rapidity
MCFM Comparison Leading Jet pT and Rapidity • Y shape comparisons to MCFM for jet show agreement within about 10% but not bad for Z • pT shape comparisons to MCFM for both Z and jet show agreement within about 20%
MCFM Comparison Rapidity Sum and Difference between Z and Jet 0.5*(YZ-Yjet) 0.5*(YZ+Yjet) • SHERPA agrees better in term of rapidity sum and rapidity difference than MADGRAPH as we see in Z(μμ) + jet
Conclusions • MC generations has their own Pros and Cons • MADGRAPH • Better agreements in overall kinematics both Z and jets • Angular variable (rapidity) between Z and jet is not good agreement • POWHEG • Good prediction on Z (muons) • In term of jet, only give good prediction up to 1 jet but not rapidity • SHERPA • Better agreement in angular variable (rapidity) in Z+1jet • Not so good prediction in term of other variables
Conclusions • Madgraph, Sherpa, and MCFM all agree to within 5-20% of the data for pT and Y distributions • Sherpa agrees better with data only for the rapidity sum and rapidity difference, but not good particularly for jet pt and jet y, and Z pT • ΔY and ΣY should de-correlate matrix elements from PDF'S, but correlations persist. • Madgraph agrees with NLO QCD (MCFM) Sherpa agrees with the data shape but normalization is wrong** • The main difference between Sherpa and Madgraph is the method of matching patron showers to matrix elements to avoid double counting of jets. • Madgraph uses MLM • Sherpa uses CKKW Ongoing: • We are preparing CMS AN 12-037 • It would be interesting to see ΔY for photons vs MADGRAPH and SHERPA **This statements is consistent with the D0 Result PhysLett b682(2010) p370-380] D0 did not have MadGraph
Z(mumu) + jets Selections The Muon Cuts are 1. Muons are both Tracker muons and Global Muons but used Global muons variables 2. Opposite charge dimuon 3. Muon pT > 20 GeV 4. Muon isolationR03.sumPt < 3 5. Muon |eta| < 2.1 6. | Muon dxy(beamSport.position)| < 0.2 7. Muon ID - Number of valid Pixel hits ≥ 1 - Number of valid Tracker hits > 10 - normChi2 < 10 - Number of valid Muon hits ≥ 1 AK5 PFJet - These jets are from the Z mass window events (76<Zmass<106) - We cleaned the jets from muons with DeltaR jet and muon > 0.5 - The cut is jets pT > 30 GeV - Central region |jet eta|<2.4
Di-muon pT and Di-muon Y Of Z + 2 jet event
First Jet pT and First Jet Y Of Z + 2 jet event
Second Jet pT and Second Jet Y Of Z + 2 jet event
MEDGRAPH Generation Variables
#******************* # Running parameters #******************* # #********************************************************************* # Tag name for the run (one word) * #********************************************************************* 'Zjets' = run_tag ! name of the run #********************************************************************* # Run to generate the grid pack * #********************************************************************* .false. = gridpack !True = setting up the grid pack #********************************************************************* # Number of events and rnd seed * #********************************************************************* 100000 = nevents ! Number of unweighted events requested 0 = iseed ! rnd seed (0=assigned automatically=default)) #********************************************************************* # Collider type and energy * #********************************************************************* 1 = lpp1 ! beam 1 type (0=NO PDF) 1 = lpp2 ! beam 2 type (0=NO PDF) 3500 = ebeam1 ! beam 1 energy in GeV 3500 = ebeam2 ! beam 2 energy in GeV #********************************************************************* # Beam polarization from -100 (left-handed) to 100 (right-handed) * #********************************************************************* 0 = polbeam1 ! beam polarization for beam 1 0 = polbeam2 ! beam polarization for beam 2 #********************************************************************* # PDF CHOICE: this automatically fixes also alpha_s and its evol. * #********************************************************************* 'cteq6l1' = pdlabel ! PDF set #********************************************************************* # Renormalization and factorization scales * #********************************************************************* F = fixed_ren_scale ! if .true. use fixed ren scale F = fixed_fac_scale ! if .true. use fixed fac scale 91.1880 = scale ! fixed ren scale 91.1880 = dsqrt_q2fact1 ! fixed fact scale for pdf1 91.1880 = dsqrt_q2fact2 ! fixed fact scale for pdf2 1 = scalefact ! scale factor for event-by-event scales #********************************************************************* # Matching - Warning! ickkw > 0 is still beta #********************************************************************* 1 = ickkw ! 0 no matching, 1 MLM, 2 CKKW matching 1 = highestmult ! for ickkw=2, highest mult group 1 = ktscheme ! for ickkw=1, 1 Durham kT, 2 Pythia pTE 1 = alpsfact ! scale factor for QCD emission vx F = chcluster ! cluster only according to channel diag T = pdfwgt ! for ickkw=1, perform pdf reweighting #********************************************************************* # #********************************** # BW cutoff (M+/-bwcutoff*Gamma) #********************************** 15 = bwcutoff F = cut_decays ! Apply decays to products
SHERPA Generation Variables
import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms source = cms.Source("EmptySource") generator = cms.EDFilter("SherpaGeneratorFilter", maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0), filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0), crossSection = cms.untracked.double(-1), Path = cms.untracked.string('SherpaRun'), PathPiece = cms.untracked.string('SherpaRun'), ResultDir = cms.untracked.string('Result'), default_weight = cms.untracked.double(1.0), SherpaParameters = cms.PSet(parameterSets = cms.vstring( "Run"), Run = cms.vstring( "(run){", " EVENTS = 1000;", " EVENT_MODE = HepMC;", " # avoid comix re-init after runcard modification", " WRITE_MAPPING_FILE 3;", "}(run)", "(beam){", " BEAM_1 = 2212; BEAM_ENERGY_1 = 3500.;", " BEAM_2 = 2212; BEAM_ENERGY_2 = 3500.;", "}(beam)", "(processes){", " Process 93 93 -> 90 90 93{4};", " Order_EW 2;", " Enhance_Factor 2 {3};", " Enhance_Factor 35 {4};", " Enhance_Factor 40 {5};", " Enhance_Factor 50 {6};", " CKKW sqr(20./E_CMS);", " Integration_Error 0.02 {5,6};", " End process;", "}(processes)", "(selector){", " Mass 90 90 50. E_CMS;", "}(selector)", "(me){", " ME_SIGNAL_GENERATOR = Internal Comix", " EVENT_GENERATION_MODE = Unweighted;", "}(me)", "(mi){", " MI_HANDLER = Amisic # None or Amisic", "}(mi)" ), ) ) ProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)
MCFM Generation Variables
[General options to specify the process and execution Z+1j=41,Z+2j=44] 41 [nproc] 'tota' [part 'lord','real' or 'virt','tota'] 'ex_cal' ['runstring'] 7000d0 [sqrts in GeV] +1 [ih1 =1 for proton and -1 for antiproton] +1 [ih2 =1 for proton and -1 for antiproton] 120d0 [hmass] 1.0d0 [scale:QCD scale choice] 1.0d0 [facscale:QCD fac_scale choice] 'm(34)' [dynamicscale] .false. [zerowidth] .false. [removebr] 10 [itmx1, number of iterations for pre-conditioning] 400000 [ncall1] 10 [itmx2, number of iterations for final run] 400000 [ncall2] 1089 [ij] .false. [dryrun] .true. [Qflag] .true. [Gflag] [Heavy quark masses] 172.5d0 [top mass] 4.75d0 [bottom mass] 1.5d0 [charm mass] [Pdf selection] 'ctq61.00' [pdlabel] 4 [NGROUP, see PDFLIB] 46 [NSET - see PDFLIB] mstw2008nlo90cl.LHgrid [LHAPDF group] 0 [LHAPDF set]
POWHEG Generation Variables
<LesHouchesEvents version="1.0"> <!-- file generated with POWHEG-BOX version 1.0 Input file powheg.input contained: ! Z production parameter vdecaymode 2 !(1:leptonic decay, 2:muonic decay, 3: tauonic decay,...) numevts 10000000 ! number of events to be generated ih1 1 ! hadron 1 (1 for protons, -1 for antiprotons) ih2 1 ! hadron 2 (1 for protons, -1 for antiprotons) ndns1 131 ! pdf set for hadron 1 (mlm numbering) ndns2 131 ! pdf set for hadron 2 (mlm numbering) ebeam1 3500d0 ! energy of beam 1 ebeam2 3500d0 ! energy of beam 2 ! To be set only if using LHA pdfs lhans1 10800 ! pdf set for hadron 1 (LHA numbering) lhans2 10800 ! pdf set for hadron 2 (LHA numbering) ! To be set only if using different pdf sets for the two incoming hadrons ! QCDLambda5 0.25 ! for not equal pdf sets ! Parameters to allow or not the use of stored data use-old-grid 1 ! if 1 use old grid if file pwggrids.dat is present (<> 1 regenerate) use-old-ubound 1 ! if 1 use norm of upper bounding function stored in pwgubound.dat, if present; <> ncall1 100000 ! number of calls for initializing the integration grid itmx1 5 ! number of iterations for initializing the integration grid ncall2 100000 ! number of calls for computing the integral and finding upper bound itmx2 5 ! number of iterations for computing the integral and finding upper bound foldcsi 1 ! number of folds on csi integration foldy 1 ! number of folds on y integration foldphi 1 ! number of folds on phi integration nubound 20000 ! number of bbarra calls to setup norm of upper bounding function icsimax 1 ! <= 100, number of csi subdivision when computing the upper bounds iymax 1 ! <= 100, number of y subdivision when computing the upper bounds xupbound 2d0 ! increase upper bound for radiation generation
! OPTIONAL PARAMETERS ptsqmin 0.8 ! (default 0.8 GeV) minimum pt for generation of radiation charmthr 1.5 ! (default 1.5 GeV) charm treshold for gluon splitting bottomthr 5.0 ! (default 5.0 GeV) bottom treshold for gluon splitting charmthrpdf 1.5 ! (default 1.5 GeV) pdf charm treshold bottomthrpdf 5.0 ! (default 5.0 GeV) pdf bottom treshold #renscfact 1d0 ! (default 1d0) ren scale factor: muren = muref * renscfact #facscfact 1d0 ! (default 1d0) fac scale factor: mufact = muref * facscfact #ptsupp 0d0 ! (default 0d0) mass param for Born suppression factor (generation cut) If < 0 su #bornonly 0 ! (default 0) if 1 do Born only #smartsig 1 ! (default 1) remember equal amplitudes (0 do not remember) #withsubtr 0 ! (default 1) subtract real counterterms (0 do not subtract) #withdamp 1 ! (default 0, do not use) use Born-zero damping factor testplots 1 ! (default 0, do not) do NLO and PWHG distributions #hfact 100d0 ! (default no dumping factor) dump factor for high-pt radiation: > 0 dumpfac=h**2 #testsuda 1 ! (default 0, do not test) test Sudakov form factor #radregion 1 ! (default all regions) only generate radiation in the selected singular region iseed 0019 ! initialize random number sequence #rand1 -1 ! initialize random number sequence #rand2 -1 ! initialize random number sequence #iupperisr 1 ! (default 1) choice of ISR upper bounding functional form #iupperfsr 2 ! (default 2) choice of FSR upper bounding functional form #pdfreweight 1 ! (default 0) write extra pdf infos on LHEF #manyseeds 1 ! (default 0) allow for the generation of different statistically independent samples ( sthw2 0.2312 ! sin**2 theta w masswindow_low 28.529817249118306 ! M Z > Zmass - masswindow low * Zwidth masswindow_high 2768.84113497916 ! M Z < Zmass + masswindow high * Zwidth runningscale 1 ! choice for ren and fac scales in Bbar integration Z ! 0: fixed scale M ! 1: running scale inv mass Z End of powheg.input content