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NJCAA ELIGIBILITY SEMINAR Glendale Community College Glendale, Arizona June 13 , 2012. Presenter. Brian Beck NJCAA, Assistant Executive Director Hired July 2008 as NJCAA Director of Compliance. Began working in NJCAA in 1996. Brian Beck Experiences . NJCAA Experience
NJCAA ELIGIBILITY SEMINAR Glendale Community College Glendale, Arizona June 13, 2012
Presenter • Brian Beck NJCAA, Assistant Executive Director • Hired July 2008 as NJCAA Director of Compliance. • Began working in NJCAA in 1996
Brian BeckExperiences NJCAA Experience Asst. Athletic Director Athletic Director Conference President Asst. Region Director Head Softball Coach Asst. Basketball Coach (women) Asst. Golf Coach (men) NJCAA Women’s DII Basketball Championship Trn. Director NJCAA Cross Country Championship Race Director High School Coaching Experience High School Football Asst. Coach High School Girls Basketball Asst. Coach Collegiate Athlete Experience Football Track and Field
AGENDA • New for 2012-2013 • Deleted Bylaws 2012-2013 • The Basics • Hardships • Transfers • Recruiting • Scholarships and LOIs • Sportsmanship Code (Article XVIII) • In the Future
It is the mission of the NJCAA to foster a national program of athletic participation in an environment that supports equitable opportunities consistent with the educational objectives of member colleges. Mission Statement
The national governing body of intercollegiate athletics of two-year colleges in the United States. National Headquarters 1631 Mesa Avenue Suite B Colorado Springs, Colorado 80906 Mary Ellen Leicht, Executive Director What is the NJCAA
College Athletic Director College’s Designated Rep College President If there is a question of who is your Designated Rep, send an email to the National Office and we will update the listings. Who may contact the NJCAA?
New For 2012-2013 1. CLEP Credits 2. High School Graduate – Diploma Defined by the institution if they will accept that diploma and recognize the student as a high school graduate. 3. Non-US Citizen certification limits per sport. 4. Non-US Citizen age limits
New For 2012-2013 Identification of a Recruitable Athlete 48 hours following students drop Repeated courses for NJCAA Eligibility Sportsmanship- Coaches leaving bench area.
*CLEP Hours • A maximum of eight (8) credits may be used per discipline for NJCAA Eligibility *Composition and Literature *Foreign Languages *History and Social Sciences *Science and Math *Business • CLEP hours may not be used for enrollment purposes.
*Non-US CitizenEligibility Certification • DI and DII (not DIII) • Limited to no more than 25% of the total number of LOIs per NJCAA bylaws • Example Baseball 6 LOIs and 6 certifications. Do not have to be the same 6. • Are not replaceable once certified.
Non-US CitizenEligibility Certification • JV Teams – Limited to the maximum number combined with the varsity program. • Soccer has a maximum of 4 non-US citizens that may be certified. If they have a JV teams the number is four total JV and varsity combined.
*Non-US CitizenAge Limits • Key is August 1 (beginning of academic year) • Goes into effect August 1, 2013 • Applies to all Divisions • 21 prior to August 1 will have one year of eligibility remaining. • 22 prior to August 1 will no zero years of eligibility remaining.
Non-US CitizenAge Limits • Example #1: S-A R birthday is September 1st. • Turns 21 on September 1st and wants to play basketball. • Is this Non-US citizen S-A charged with any years of eligibility based on their age? • NO, due to the fact they turned 21 after August 1.
Non-US CitizenAge Limits • Example #2: S-A R’s birthday is June 15th • Turns 21 June 15th prior to enrolling in college. • Will they be charged with one or two seasons of eligibility? • One since they were 21 prior to Aug 1st
Non-US CitizenAge Limits • Example #3: S-A R birthday is June 15th • S-A R has played one year of intercollegiate athletics prior to the year in question. • S-A R turned 21 on June 15th prior to the start of school. • Does S-A R have a season of eligibility remaining?
Non-US Citizen Age Limits • It is the interpretation of the NJCAA that a student enrolling at a member college and participating in their first season of participation prior to turning 21 should be entitled to compete in two full seasons of a sport. • Seasons of participation must be consecutive. Any break will result in forfeiture of a second season.
*Recruitable Athlete • Keys May not make contact if: • Currently under an LOI? Or, those not signed to an LOI • In Season or in the term which the season ended.
*48 Hour Rule • Article v Section 4.C • Student-Athlete remains eligible for 48 hours following being dropped below full-time status. Responsibility of member college to monitor enrollment for all student-athletes and to react accordingly when ineligible students are determined.
*Repeated Courses Cannot Be Used forNJCAA Eligibility • This bylaw applies to academic progress bylaws such as 4.D, 4.E and 4.F as well as • Enrollment bylaws such as 4.B and 4.C
Repeated Courses Cannot Be Used forNJCAA Eligibility • S-A R enrolls in MTH 150 in the fall term and receives grade of “D”. • S-A R needs a grade of “C” or better to advance to MTH 160. • S-A R re-enrolls in the MTH 150 for the spring term to improve their grade. • How many credits in addition to the MTH 150 course must the student enroll in to be eligible for the spring term?
Repeated Courses Cannot Be Used forNJCAA Eligibility • S-A R must take an additional 12 credits bove the MTH 150 course to meet the full time enrollment requirement. • S-A R has already used the MTH 150 course for NJCAA eligibility and has passed the course.
Deleted Bylaws • Part-time student-athletes participation • Dual enrollment prior to high school graduation
Who can be considered for participation? • Any current student may be considered for NJCAA participation provided they have not previously competed in two (2) or more seasons of intercollegiate athletics at any level. • Intercollegiate athletics = varsity, JV or club
NJCAA Eligibility Affidavit Not required by NJCAA bylaws for eligibility BUT HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!! Will give the answers to basic questions regarding the Student-Athlete’s history It is a good starting place to certify NJCAA eligibility Found in the back of the Handbook as well as online at your school site. How do I check their history?
Evaluate the Student-Athlete’s history When did they graduate HS? Did they enter college directly out of HS? Any military service? Any breaks of enrollment once they entered college? What are the first steps of determining eligibility?
Article V, Section 3.A High School Graduation
Being Eligible as a High School Graduate Section 3.A A Student-athlete must be a graduate of a high school with an academic diploma or a G.E.D. • Determined by the member institution. • NJCAA no longer uses the NCAA’s determination on high schools.
Article V, Section 4.B and 4. C Full Time Enrollment
Enrollment Requirements • Article V Section 4.B • Student-athlete must be enrolled in full-time status using any combination of sessions within the term, and in classes that begin before the end of the regular sport season in which the student-athlete chooses to participate, within 15 calendar days of the beginning of the term.
Enrollment Requirements • Must be enrolled in 12+ hours within the first 15 calendar days of the term. • Status is determined on the 15th calendar day of the term. • 12 hours must begin prior to the end of the regular season. Difficult in the spring term for two-term sports. • All 12 hours must be at the institution where the student-Athlete is looking to participate.
Article V Section 4.CMaintaining Enrollment • Must maintain enrollment in 12 or more credit hours of college work during each term of participation. Student-athletes that drop below 12 hours, after the 15 calendar days of the term, are ineligible until full-time status is regained within that term. • - The student becomes eligible when he/she enrolls in enough hours to be at 12 hours. (Remember that these classes must start before the end of the regular season: 4.B.)
Article V,Section 4.D & E “Meat and Potatoes” of NJCAA Eligibility
Registration Article V 4.E 15th day Remedial Credits Semesters Terms Non-Transferrable Credits 4.B 11 hours enrolled 19 Credits hours Quality Points Transfer Credits 4.F C- Advanced Placement Pass/Fail
NJCAA eligibility, for the most part, is based on the number of full time terms the student has attempted.
Full-Time Term • A full-time term is counted when the student is enrolled in 12* or more credits beyond the 15th calendar day of the term. OR • Has participated in official games. * Students at Tri-mester schools take 8 hours per term and are considered full time.
Prior to the 15th calendar day of the 2nd full-time semester, a S-A must have passed 12 semester hours with a 1.75 GPA or higher. This rule is an accumulation rule. Using Summer Credits Example: S-A is a baseball player. His first full-time term is the fall 2012 term where he earns 11 hours with a 2.0. During the summer of 2012 he passed a 3-hour class where he earned a B so his overall accumulation is 14 with a 2.5 GPA. He satisfies 4.D because he has earned more than 12 hours with a 1.75 prior to the 15th day of the spring 2013 spring term (2nd full time term). So he is eligible for the spring 2013 season. Section 4.D
S-A is a softball player. Her first full-time term is the fall 2012 term where she earns 9 hours. During the winter intercession she takes one, 3-hour class that she passes with a C. The spring term starts on January 10 and the winter intercession ends on January 13. Because the intercession ends before the 15th calendar day of her 2nd full-time term (spring 2013), she has earned more than 12 hours with a 1.75 prior to this 15th day and she is eligible for the 2013 spring season. January 24th = 15th calendar day of the term. FYI: Winter intercession hours can only be counted towards the overall accumulation. These hours cannot be added to the fall or spring terms. Part-time hours are only added to the overall accumulation. Section 4.DWinter Intercession Example
Prior to the 15th calendar day of the 3rd full-time semester, and all subsequent semesters thereafter, a S-A must satisfy ONE of the following four requirementsto be eligible for the upcoming term: Section 4.E
Pass a minimum of 12 semester hours with a 2.0 GPA or higher during the previous semester of full-time enrollment. (Previous = the lastfull-time term the S-A was enrolled.) Example: Returning S-A’s this Fall term who attended full-time in the Spring – the Spring term would be their previous full-time term. The Summer term is considered a full-time term if the S-A was enrolled in 12 or more credit hours at the same college during the summer combining summer sessions. OR… Section 4.E.1Previous Full-time Term
Pass an accumulation of semester hours equal to 12 multiplied by the number of semesters in which the S-A was previously enrolled full-time with a GPA of a 2.00 or higher. Example:Sally will be entering her 3rd full-time term in the spring 2013 term. How many credit hours does she need to be eligible to play softball in the spring? 12 hrs. x 2 semesters = 24 credit hours with a 2.0 GPA. OR… Section 4.E.2The Accumulation Rule
A first season participant must have passed a minimum accumulation of 24 semester hours with a 2.00 GPA or higher for the initial term of participation, regardless of previous term or other accumulation requirements. (NOTE: This only establishes eligibility for the initial term, not subsequent terms.) Example: If this rule is used in the fall for a first season basketball player – the fall term is considered as the initial (first) term of participation. This rule then cannot be used any time after the student’s first term of participation (i.e. the rule cannot be used for the spring term because that term would be the second term of participation. OR… Section 4.E.3Only for First Season Athletes
A first or second season participant must have passed a minimum accumulation of 36 credit hours for a fall sport, 48 credit hours for a spring sport, with a 2.00 GPA or higher, regardless of previous term or other accumulation requirements. Examples: Soccer: use 36 hours for the fall because the main season is in the fall. Baseball: use 48 hours for the spring because the main season is in the spring. Basketball: 36 credits can be used for Fall, however 48credits are needed in the spring. Section 4.E.4First and Second Season Athletes
Prior to a second season of participation in an NJCAA certified sport, S-A’s must pass a minimum accumulation of 24 semester hours with a 2.00 GPA or higher. (This is in addition to satisfying 4.D or 4.E.) The 2nd season athlete must meet 4.F AND4.D or one rule in 4.E. Section 4.FSecond Season Athlete Requirement
Joe’s 2nd season of soccer is this fall 2012 term. During the fall 2011 term, Joe earned 14 credits with a 3.5 GPA but does not attend any college during the 2012 Spring or Summer terms. Is Joe eligible to play soccer this Fall 2012 as a 2nd season athlete? No, Joe does not meet 4.F because he has not earned 24 credits, even though he satisfies: - 4.D (earned at least 12 credits w/1.75 in overall accumulation before 15th day of his 2nd full-time term) and - 4.E.1 (12 credits with 2.0 from his previous and only full-time term: fall 2010 term). Section 4.F – Example 1
Jennifer is returning for her 2nd season in basketball this fall term. She has earned a total of 33 hours from 2 full-time terms. Her last full-time term she earned 12 hours with a 3.5. Is she eligible for a 2nd season? If yes, how? Yes, Jennifer is eligible for the fall term as a 2nd season athlete by satisfying 4.F (24/2.0) and 4.E.1 (12/2.0 from her last full-time term). She also meets the requirements of 4.E.2. Section 4.F – Example 2
Intersession Courses • Not associated to a term by virtue of the published start and or end dates. • Intersession courses begin and or end outside of the published dates of the traditional term. • May only be used in a S-A’s accumulation and is not associated to a particular term.
The Best Hours Rule can be applied to any rule in 4.D, 4.E, and 4.F. Calculate the S-A’s best hours and recalculate the GPA that correlates to the best credit hours that you are using. You may only use the Best Hours that have been EARNED, not attempted. Using the Best Hours is an option listed on the online eligibility program. Best Hours Rule