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Chair’s Report. GOOD WORK EVERYONE!!!!!!. Interactions with the Ministries Partnerships Membership Section allotment. Chair’s Report. Accomplishments. Fall OWWA / OMWA / MOE Workshops 5+1 locations >800 attendees ……again??. Accomplishments. Meetings with Ministries Environment
Chair’s Report GOOD WORK EVERYONE!!!!!!
Interactions with the Ministries Partnerships Membership Section allotment Chair’s Report
Accomplishments • Fall OWWA / OMWA / MOE Workshops • 5+1 locations • >800 attendees • ……again??
Accomplishments • Meetings with Ministries • Environment • Agriculture and Food • Municipal Affairs and Housing • Public Infrastructure Renewal • Responses to: • Draft Regulations • White Papers……..
Appointments • OWWA Member Appointments • Walkerton CWCE & Legacy Trust • Source Water Protection Implementation Committee • Nutrient Management Advisory Committee • Drinking Water Quality Management Standard • Training & Certification • Canadian Council on Human Resources in the Environment • Drinking Water Quality and Testing Standards Advisory Council
Accomplishments • Ministries contacting OWWA • Through section office • Direct to committees • Must follow internalcommunications protocol • Keep the Chair and Board in the loop • Ensure consistent messages are sent
What’s to Come? • Still much regulatory activity • Expected to continue for a few years • Labour-intensive • Joe Castrilli, Judy MacDonald, OWWA/OMWA Joint Committee, others • Section allotment …..PLEASE VOTE!!! …..PLEASE GET OTHERS TO VOTE!!!
What’s to Come? • Continue to strengthen partnerships • OMWA, OWWEA, WEAO, CWWA……. • Membership • Encourage membership from more diverse areas • Encourage turnover and renewal of membership on OWWA committees • Check volunteer applications regularly • Consider different levels of experience
WHO GETS THE CREDIT? • YOU DO! • All the VOLUNTEERS • Committee Chairs • Board Members • Susan and Glenn • Rod Holme, Wayne Stiver, Steve Burns • Joe Castrilli and Judy MacDonald
SOME SPECIALTHANKS • Wayne Stiver • Wayne Miller • Tim Lotimer
THANK YOU VERY MUCH, EVERYONE! Keep up the good work!!
AWWA Director’s Report Highlights for 2003 and 2004 • Over 57,000 members and growing • Ontario is ranked 17th of 43 Sections New Draft Strategic Plan • “AWWA is the authoritative resource on safe water” • More Certification Programs • 3% per year growth • A different Governance Structure
AWWA Director’s Report Awards and Appointments • Section Education Award • “Club Seven” Membership Award • Steve Bonk – Abel Wolman Award • John Anderson -- Treasurer • Pat Lachmaniuk -- Chair of T & E Council ------------- • ACE in Orlando – June 13 to 17
Communications Council 1st Vice Chair Brian Jobb Communications Council Communications Committee Water for People Canada
Committee Members Chair: Pat Lachmaniuk Vice-Chair: Emma Murphy Susan Andrews Ghassen Ghali Brian Jobb Lee Anne Jones Rosemary Kelleher-MacLennan Tim Lotimer Tom Moulton Grant Murphy Very Polyakova Susan Poole Glen Powell Focus Ensure members receive current information on section and association activities; proactively ID drinking water issues; facilitate the transfer of information to the drinking water community, media, regulators and the general public Goal Communicate OWWA’s position on topical issues Timely communications with the media; strengthen communication with members and volunteer groups Improve transparency of committee activities to our members Provide supervision in the publication and maintenance of newsletters, publications and website Communications Committee
Committee Members Chair: Guy Le Patourel Vice Chair: Elia Edwards Marilyn Bechtold David Brook Ian Douglas Saad Jasim Bryan Karney Sigrid Peldszus Brian Pett Alex Redekopp Deborah Ross Mark Staffen Focus Provide Fundraising Support for Water Supply and Sanitation projects in Developing Countries Goals and Activities Develop Corporate Sponsors from within the water industry Conduct fundraising activities such as heart sales, silent auctions, etc. Provide educational material and presentations on water needs Develop innovative methods of encouraging sponsorship Water for People
Conference Management Council 2nd Vice Chair Joe Salter Conference Management Council Conference Program Local Arrangements
Committee Members Chair: Joe Salter Vice-Chair: Anita Smith Deanna Barrow Michael Brooks Heather Broomer Zoran Filinov Quirien Muylwyk Jane Urbanic Liza Ballantyne Terry Lang Doug Parker Susan Poole Robin Slawson Jim Robinson Peter Busatto John Shurr Jerry Klaus 2004Program Committee
Committee Members Chair: Deanna Barrow Sal Iannello Susan Poole Joe Salter Terry Lang Alison Sivers Doug Parker Rhonda McCabe Ed Dujlovic Joe Nicosia Tim Stuart Local Arrangements Committee
“Protecting the Source” Trade Show …BIG TIME! Wide Range of Opinion During the Plenary Sessions Outstanding Technical and Poster Sessions Student Resume Board Return of Companion Program Golf Tournament Conference Highlights for 2004
Water Utility Council TRUSTEE Mike Tobalt TRUSTEEAnita Smith Water Utility Council Management Small Systems Water Rates Government Affairs Water Efficiency Youth Education
Committee Members Chair - Thomas Schmidt Vice-Chair – John Braam Craig Herbert Jamie Powell Jerry Klaus Brian Pett Wayne Stiver Tim Murphy Wayne Miller Focus 1. Comment on recent MOE initiatives: WQMS, Source Water Protection, Operator Training and Certification Requirements; 2. Developed Strategic Direction for committee: Advance Best Management Policies/Procedures/Practices Disseminate Management Information 3. Developed ‘draft’ T of R for a ‘new’ Water Quality Committee 4. Preparation for a fall 2004 management related workshop/seminar Management Committee
Committee Members Chair: Robert LeCraw Bob Doupe Mohammed Karim Norm Lawrence Matt Uza Lowell Yorke John Levie Focus Papers at area conferences on water treatment topics Distribute small systems flyer to area conferences with mentors list Liaison with Training and Certification and new Ad Hoc Committee on training To review InfraGuide best practice on ‘Small Water System O & M Practices’ Anyone interested in stepping up to be the chair? Small Systems Committee
Committee Members Chair: Bob Goodings Tony Haslam Ad-hoc Committee Members: Michael Tobalt Bob Goodings Brian Jobb WEAO rep OMWA rep Focus OWWA’s Survey of Municipal Water Rates & Operations Benchmarking every 2 years 2001 survey completed in May 2002 Statistics for water consumption and billing have remained the same since 1999 Board passed a motion that no further survey take place until an Ad-hoc committee can look at how rates are established (possible best practice as an output) Water Rates Committee
Committee Members Chair: Mike Lywood Mike Fortin Larry Moore Lloyd Murray Karen Tully Michel Chevalier Abhay Tadwalkar Haneef Mian Indra Prashad John Rudnickas David Kellendonk Vinay Mehta Focus Monitor and interact with provincial and municipal governments to communicate OWWA’s position on legislative and regulatory matters that affect water systems in Ontario Provide input on new legislation including the SDWA, Bill 175 and Ontario Regulation 170/03 Monitor activities related to the Great Lakes Charter Provide input to Ministry of Health on developing a Boil Water Advisory Protocol Government Affairs Committee
Committee Members Chair: Ken Sharratt Darlene McNichol Kingsley Blease Michael Brooks Tracy Patterson Steve Gombos Martin Lavictoire Mike Loudon Cate Soroczan Stacey Nicol Pamela Georgopoulos Cam Vantandoust Focus Dedicated to advancing water use reduction by influencing government policies and promoting water-efficient technologies and practices Activities Water Efficiency Awards Water Efficiency session at OWWA/OMWA conference Participation in Children’s Water Festivals Discussions with MOE regarding the Permit to Take Water Program Plumbing Code discussions regarding legislation changes Water Efficiency Committee
Committee Members Chair: Grant Murphy Christopher Howard Jane Challen Urbanic Susan Reid Keirstyn Eric Focus Involve school aged youth with water related issues Activities Co-presented a workshop on Youth Education Initiatives with the Children’s Water Education Council in Kitchener Was awarded a $340,000 Trillium Foundation Grant to develop “Just Add Water” activity trailers (Water Festival Starter Kits) across Ontario Water Festival activity centre is set up at 2004 Conference Youth Education Committee
Technical & Educational Council TRUSTEE Bob LeCraw TRUSTEE Tom Moulton TRUSTEE Wayne Stiver Technical & Educational Council Groundwater University Forum Treatment Computer Applications Distribution Water Quality Source Water Protection Training and Certification
Committee Members Chair: Jim Robinson Vice Chair: Heather Malcolmson Theo Beukeboom Ken Campbell Bill Davidson Paul Eybergen Simon Gautrey John Harris Ken Howard Rob Kell Lloyd Lemon Tony Lotimer Focus To identify and respond to issues related to ground water Provide knowledge and conduct seminars to OWWA members Educate the public on groundwater issues Achievements-Present and Future Organized Workshop on GUDI Participation in Groundwater Session for Conference Preparing 2004 Fall Workshop Groundwater Committee
Committee Members Chair: Ron Hofmann Bill Allison Robin Slawson Focus To disseminate information about benefits of Utility/University collaboration Co-ordinate the University Forum at the Annual Conference Support technical, educational and research activities within OWWA University Forum Committee
Committee Members Chair:Saad Jasim Vice-Chair: William B. Anderson Tony Edmonds Mike Gundry Ron Hofmann Caroline Korn Juliann (Sladic) MacLean Beverly Mollard Tammy Rose Anita Smith Olga Vrentzos Focus To advance and disseminate knowledge related to achieving the highest quality water for municipal purposes. Liaise and respond with various authorities and agencies such as the MOE, MOH, Health Canada, etc. Prepare and co-ordinate papers for the OMWA/OWWA Annual Conference Prepare articles for publication and develop educational seminars and workshops Treatment Committee
Committee Members Chair: Mark Robinson Devan Thomas Karen Cellucci Ron Hofmann Vera Polyakova Jim O’Donnell Paul Eldridge David Atkins David Fountain Ron Whitmell Focus Assemble & disseminate information related to use of computer technology and information systems for water operations & maintenance Liaise with other groups, agencies and associations to share resources in implementation of a Municipal Utility Database Implementation of the OWWA Web feature Hometown Gallery Pipeline Articles Computer Applications Committee
Committee Members Chair:Rob Gillis Tony Edmonds Greg Choquette Rob Cowan Quirien Muylwyk Niall Robertson Bob Andrews Tom Moulton Alain Lalonde Hans Kamping John Krug Yvonne Mackwood Focus Engineering, Construction, Operations and Maintenance of water supply and distribution system Liaise with various authorities and associations such as OMWA, CWWA, Building Code officials and Fire Marshal’s office Prepare and co-ordinate papers for the OM/OWWA annual conference and for specialty seminars Prepare articles for publication Distribution Committee
Committee Members Tim Lotimer Nick Benkovich Peter Busatto Eric Hodgins Mike Price Terry Spiers Mark Schiller Roland Welker Focus Issues related to the protection of ground and surface source water Provided technical support to the Chair during preparation of the report on Watershed Based Source Protection Planning Framework (submitted to the Government April 2003) and on-going during the Implementation Committee (one of the two new expert committees on SPP) With WEAO – December 2003 Watershed Management Seminar Source Water Protection Committee
Training & Certification Committee Committee Members Chair: Brian Pett Vice Chair: Don Currie Maq Ahmad Jane Bonsteel Heather Broomer Martin Bugden Dave Durant Dan Lynch Ed Symons Focus • Investigate the role OWWA should have in the development & delivery of training programs • MOE Operator Certification Advisory Committee • Review Occupational Standards for Operators • Review Training Standards for Operators
Member ServicesCouncil TRUSTEE Wayne Miller Member Services Council Membership Continuing Education Young Professionals Publications
Committee Members Chair: Ray Miller Vice Chair: Mike Brown Secretary: Olena Gordiyenko Steve Yake Daniella Agenllini Heather Broomer Laurie Lotimer Jerry Boc Focus Recruiting new association members Prevent the loss of current members Develop/promote value of membership Encourage involvement of members in association activities and committees Produce the membership directory in co-operation with the Publications Membership Committee
Member Involvement andDiversity Committee Plans are being finalized to combine the function of this committee with the Membership Committee.
Committee Members Chair: Maqbool Ahmad Roland Barbazza Bob Doupe Tom Ferguson Bernie Kuslikis David Constable Dave Durant Vera Polyakova John Wraight Ghassan P.P. Ghali Caroline Holt-Smith Ernie Ting Focus Organized 2003 Spring Workshop (171) and Fall Management Seminar (121) Attendees. Both well received The 2004 Spring Workshop will address Water System Operation & Maintenance issues Fall Seminar planned for November (TBA) Continuing Education Committee
Committee Members Chair: Liza Ballantyne Past Chair: Sandra LaTorre Quirien Muylwyk Doreen Benson Jane Challen-Urbanic Jennifer Watt Jodi Cumin Susan Williams Darren Romain Focus Committee working hard to create programs of interest for YP’s including seminars, social outings and plant tours YP Game – Seek out and talk to the YP’s to get involved! YP Reception on Monday following afternoon sessions - all welcome Organized the YP Technical Session Visit the YP display at the Poster Session for more information Young Professionals Committee
Committee Members Chair: Gary Houghton Leslie Benson Brad Dunmore Focus Publish issues of the “Pipeline” Publish the membership directory a minimum of every two years in co-operation with the Membership Committee Oversee the preparation, printing and distribution of these publications and to ensure these tasks are carried out on time and under budget Publications Committee