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Kati Korhonen

Kati Korhonen. Product Manager, Werner Söderström Corporation. ICT in Educating Cities. Tampere, May 20th 2005. Opit e-Learning Service for Education. Contents: Opit e-Learning Service Introduction of Opit in Tampere Example: the Ancient Rome -Project. Opit e-Learning Service.

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Kati Korhonen

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  1. Kati Korhonen Product Manager, Werner Söderström Corporation ICT in Educating Cities Tampere, May 20th 2005

  2. Opit e-Learning Service for Education • Contents: • Opit e-Learning Service • Introduction of Opit in Tampere • Example: the Ancient Rome -Project

  3. Opit e-Learning Service • The Service consists of: • Basic contents • e-Learning environment • User services

  4. Contents for Teaching and Studying • Thousands of exercises • Base on Finland’s national curriculum • For basic school and upper secondary education • Plenty of referential materials • Image archive • Encyclopaedia • Dictionaries • Chronicle and • News Services of Helsingin Sanomat

  5. Virtual Tools for Collaborative Learning • Communication • e-Mail • Discussion forums and • Bulletins • Supporting and tutoring learningprocess • Project workspace and • Study programs • Learning history • Producing and publishing own materials • Page templates and • own Course sets

  6. Offering Support When it’s Needed • Teacher training • Printed teacher’s quide • Electronical Tutorial • Customer service by phone and e-mail • ASP maintenance 24-7

  7. Introduction of Opit in Tampere • Introduction will be completed in three years, between 2004-2007 • Introduction is devided in three groups: • year 2004: student of 3rd, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th classes and students of special education • year 2005: students of 2nd, 4th and 6th classes • year 2006: students of 1st classes • Teacher training is part of the introduction process • 1-3 teachers/school participate in Maintenance training (1 day) • All teachers participate in Basic training (3 hours) • All teachers participate in Deepening training (3 hours) • During the school year 2004-2005 there were 93 training events and 1053 teachers participated the trainings.

  8. Example: the Ancient Rome -Project • The project was carried out by the students of 6th class and teacher Jarno Bruun from Pirtti School in Kuopio. • Project was a part of history studies. • Project based on weekly tasks. • The pedagogical idea was to apply new knowledge in creative tasks. • Students worked on the project in school and at home. • The project took 6 weeks.

  9. Opit Service is Growing • More than 60 municipalities in Finland use Opit e-learning service. • There are 90 000 active users (students and teachers). • There are 130 000 users in our contracts.

  10. Thank you!

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