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9th Southern Cone TESOL Convention. ROUTINE AND DISCIPLINE (for young learners ). ROUTINE. BE ORGANIZED!. Very young learners classrooms need to be very organized . ESTABLISH ROUTINES. Divide your classroom into two areas : one for circle time and the other for table time .
9th Southern Cone TESOL Convention ROUTINE AND DISCIPLINE (for younglearners)
BE ORGANIZED! Veryyounglearnersclassroomsneed to beveryorganized.
ESTABLISH ROUTINES Divide yourclassroomintotwoareas: one for circle time andtheother for table time.
HELPER Choosedifferentstudents to help youduringclass time.
TEACHER Expectchildren to do whatthey are told, butbenice to them. Evenwhenyou are feeling impatient.
CIRCLE TIME Play a songsotheyknowtheclass is about to start andtheyshouldmake a circle.
SURPRISE ACTIVITIES Surpriseactivitiescan help settle a class in case thechildrengettooexcited. Try to use TPR ormovements.
CIRCLE TIME TO TABLE TIME Try to use a rattle to changefromCIRCLE TIME to TABLE TIME ratherthanraisingyourvoice to attractattention.
CIRCLE TIME ROUTINE • Circle Time Song • HelloSong • Greetings • Reviewcontent • Introduce new content • Rattle: TransitionbetweenCircle Time to TableTime
CIRCLE TIME Make a circle big, big, big Small, small, small, big, big, big Make a circle small, small, small Hello, hello, hello Make a circle round and round (3x) Make a circle round and round Hello, hello, hello Make a circleup,up,up Down, down, down, up, up, up Make a circledown, down, down Let´s sitdown.
HELLO Hello to everyoneandhow are youtoday? We come to ourcircle time To laughandsingand play Andwhenyou´reup, you´reup Andwhenyou´redown, you´redown Andwhenyou´reonlyhalfwayup You´reneitherupnordown Sorollyourhandssoslowly Androllthemalsofast Giveyourhands a clap, clap, clap Andfoldthemonyourlap, tap,tap.
WHO TOOK THE COOKIE FROM THE COOKIE JAR? Who tookthecookiefromthecookiejar? _________tookthecookiefromthecookiejar. Who me? Yes, you! Not me! Thenwho? __________ OK,OK. I tookthecookie. I tookthecookiefromthecookiejar. Theyummy, yummycookiefromthecookiejar. Are youhungy? Uh-uh. Let´s share. OK.
IF YOU´RE HAPPY... • Ifyou´rehappyandyouknow it clapyourhands • Ifyou´rehappyandyouknow it clapyourhands • Ifyou´rehappyandyouknowandyoureallywant to show it • Ifyou´rehappyandyouknow it clapyourhands • Stompyourfeet • ShoutHooray!
HEAD, SHOULDERS, KNEES AND TOES Head, shoulders, kneesand toes Kneesand toes Head, shoulders, kneesand toes Kneesand toes Eyesandearsandmouthandnose Head, shoulders, kneesand toes Kneesand toes
Codesandtransitions: • Howdidwe start theCircle Time? 2. How do studentsknow it istheir time tospeak? 3. Whatisthereviewcontent? 4. Whatisthe new content? 5. Whatcodewasusedtomakethetransition: Circle Time – Table Time? 6. Whatisthepurposeofusingthe stars?
TABLE TIME • Use a songor a chant to calltheirattention. “1,2,3 payattention to me!”
TABLE TIME ROUTINE • SongorChant • Explain, model • Givethemtheactivity • Monitor • CleanupSong • Explainhomework • Goodbyesong
CLEAN UP Cleanup, cleanup Everybodylet´s cleanup Cleanup, cleanup Putyourthingsaway
HOMEWORK • CIRCLE: • Head • Shoulder • Eyes • Mouth
GOODBYE SONG Goodbye, goodbye. It’s time to go. Goodbye, goodbye. I don’twantto go. Seeyou later. Alligator. Bye, bye, bye. Butterfly. Goodbye!
GOODBYE SONG Heythiswasreallyfun. I hopeyouliked it too. Seemslikewe´vejustbegun. Andsuddenlywewerethrough. Goodbye, goodbye, goodfriends, goodbye. ‘ Cause nowit´s time to go. Buthey, I say, wellthat´s OK. ‘ Cause we’llseeyouverysoon I know. Goodbye, goodbye, goodfriends, goodbye. Andtomorrowjustliketoday. Themoon, thebearandthe big bluehouse. We´llbewaiting for you to come and play.
PLAY IN CLASS “Imagination is more importantthanknowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imaginationencirclesthe world.” Albert Einstein
PLAY IN CLASS Play is essential to developmentbecause it contributes to thecognitive, physical, social andemotionalwell-beingofchildrenandyouth. Play alsooffersan ideal opportunity for teachers to engagefullywiththekids.
Erika Oya: erika.oya@gmail.com Fernanda Barboza: fernandambarboza@globo.com