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State of the art and new technologies and advanced materials for building “open air” envelope (Task 1.1)

State of the art and new technologies and advanced materials for building “open air” envelope (Task 1.1). Valencia Meeting. WP1 Conceptual Design. T1.3 CONCEPT DESIGN: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS AND MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ( Leader: TNO ).

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State of the art and new technologies and advanced materials for building “open air” envelope (Task 1.1)

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  1. State of the art and new technologies and advanced materials for building “open air” envelope (Task 1.1) Valencia Meeting


  3. Task 1.1 methodology T1.1 Analysis of state of the art and new technologies and advanced materials for building “open air” envelope (DAPP) Objectives: Methodology: • Latest technological trends in open air envelope keywords definition Use Thomson & Compendex database INPUT FOR T 1.4 Experts Interviews • Overview of relevant standards and regulations on insulation Use of CrIP platform to find relevant EU legislation and standards 3

  4. Summary • Eu Regulation • Within building sector • With relevance for COOL-Coverings • Within Nanotechnology sector • Standard • EU mandate to CEN • Work sheet for Cool-coverings • Patent search and innovative ideas

  5. EU Regulation within building sector • 20-20-20 targets • A reduction in EU greenhouse gas emissions of at least 20% below 1990 levels • 20% of EU energy consumption to come from renewable resources • A 20% reduction in primary energy use compared with projected levels, to be achieved by improving energy efficiency. • A key part of this legislation is the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) which requires all EU countries: • to enhance their building regulations • to introduce energy certification schemes for buildings • to have inspections of boilers and air-conditioners. 5

  6. EU Regulation within building sector

  7. Recast of EPBD 2010 FROM EPBD 2002 • The aim of the recast is to clarify, strengthen and extend the scope of the current directive, as well as to reduce the large differences between Member States' practices in the building sector. Overall, its provisions cover energy needs for space and hot water heating, cooling, ventilation and lighting for new and existing, residential and non-residential buildings. • Key legal requirements of the new directive • Minimum energy performance • New, existing & 'Nearly zero energy' buildings • Energy performance certificates (EPCs) • Financial incentives and market barriers • Inspection of boilers and air conditioning systems • Public awareness and communication • Penalties for non-compliance

  8. EPBD 2010 and COOL-Coverings • “The methodology for calculating energy performance should be based not only on the season in which heating is required, but should cover the annual energy performance of a building. That methodology should take into account existing European standards” (9) • Methods for computing energy are addressed by Directive 2009/125/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009 (ECODESIGN) and Directive 2010/30/EU (energy-related product) (12) • Not only new building (15) • Particular attention to public building (24) • Priority should be given to strategies which enhance the thermal performance of buildings during the summer period (25) • Training for installers and builders

  9. EPBD 2010 and COOL-Coverings • Article 2: […] Mandate to CEN for development of standard • Article 5 The Commission shall establish […] by 30 June 2011 a comparative methodology framework for calculating cost-optimal levels of minimum energy performance requirements for buildings and building elements • Article 9 – Nearly zero-energy buildings: MS shall ensure • by 31 December 2020, all new buildings are nearly zero- energy buildings; and • after 31 December 2018, new buildings occupied and owned by public authorities are nearly zero-energy buildings. • ANNEX 1 Common general framework for the calculation of energy performance of buildings • The methodology for calculating the energy performance of buildings should take into account European standards and shall be consistent with relevant Union legislation, including Directive 2009/28/EC. • The methodology shall be laid down taking into consideration at least the following aspects: […] insulation, cooling elements

  10. EU Regulation for nanotechnology Nano Generic products

  11. Regulation on nano for COOL-Coverings • Scientific Committee On Emerging And Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR) identified some specific health hazards as well as toxic effects on environmental organisms for some nanomaterials. • SCENIHR furthermore found a general lack of high-quality exposure data both for humans and the environment, concluding that the knowledge on the methodology for both exposure estimates and hazard identification needs to be further developed, validated and standardised, • The Commission is called upon to compile before June 2011 an inventory of the different types and uses of nanomaterials on the European market, to make this inventory publicly available and to report on the safety of these nanomaterials. NANOSAFE aims at developing risk assessment and management for secure industrial production of nanoparticles. (16/11/2010, Grenoble, France Nanosafe2010 International Conference on Safe production and use of nanomaterials)

  12. Summary • Eu Regulation • Within building sector • With relevance for COOL-Coverings • Within Nanotechnology sector • Standard • EU mandate to CEN • Work sheet for Cool-coverings • Patent search and innovative ideas

  13. European Standard on EPBD • To support the implementation of EPBD, the European Commission issued early 2004 a mandate (M/343) to CEN for the development of standards covering 31 work items. • CEN has elaborate standards for a methodology, calculating the integrated energy performance of buildings and estimating the environmental impact, in accordance with the directive. With the exception of one, all mandated EPBD standards have been approved and published • Five CEN technical committes have been assigned the task of developing the requires standards • CEN/TC 89 - Thermal performance of buildings and building components • CEN/TC 156 - Ventilation for buildings • CEN/TC 169 - Light and lighting • CEN/TC 228 - Heating systems in buildings • CEN/TC 247 - Building automation, controls and building management 13

  14. CEN/TC 89 Thermal performance of buildings https://www.cen.eu/cen/Sectors/TechnicalCommitteesWorkshops/CENTechnicalCommittees/Pages/Standards.aspx?param=6072&title=CEN/TC%2089

  15. The CENSE project • The CENSE project (2007-2010) supports the EU Member States (MS) and other target groups to achieve better awareness and more effective use of the European (CEN) standards that are related to the EPBD • Section 1 – Standards concerned with calculation of overall energy use in buildings • Section 2 – Standards concerned with the calculation of delivered energy • Section 3 – Standards concerned with calculation of energy needs for heating and Cooling • Section 4 – Supporting standards

  16. The CENSE project • The umbrella document PD CEN/TR 15615:2008 • Overview • Common definitions • The set of standards present an integrated, interacting methodology • For the calculation of the energy uses and losses for heating and cooling, ventilation, domestic hot water, lighting, natural lighting, passive solar systems, passive cooling, position and orientation, automation and controls, and auxiliary installations necessary for maintaining a comfortable indoor environment • It also facilitates an estimation of the environmental impact from this energy use and provides data requirements for carrying out standard economic evaluations for the use of different systems • Finally, the set includes standards on inspection procedures for Boilers, Heating systems, Ventilation systems and Cooling/AC systems ( from Background, status and future of the CEN standards to support the EPBD, 2009)

  17. Main scheme (with reference to EPBD articles) Methodology for calculating energy performance (Article 3 and Annex) Systeminspections Art. 8, 9 Energy Performance Requirement new buildings Art. 4, 5major renovations Art. 4, 6 Energy PerformanceCertificateand Recommendations Art. 7 EP Certificate format and content Energy performance Heating systems with boilersEN 15378 EP EXPRESSIONS EN 15217 EP CERTIFICATESEN 15217 Air conditioningEN 15240 TOTAL ENERGY USE, EP RATING TYPESEN 15603 VentilationsystemsEN 152391) BUILDING NEEDS, SYSTEM USE, (H, C, W, V, L, [A])EN ISO 13790 , EN 15316-1, EN 15316-2, EN 15243,EN 15316-3, EN 15265, EN 15193, EN 15241, EN 15232 SUPPORTING (CLIMATE, SOLAR GAINS, TRANSMISSION, ….)e.g.: EN ISO 6946, EN ISO 13370, EN ISO 10077-1, EN 13947, EN ISO 10211, EN ISO 10077-2,EN ISO 14683, EN ISO 10456, EN 15242,EN 13779,EN 15251,EN ISO 15927, EN ISO 7345, EN ISO 9288, EN ISO 925, EN 12792 slide 17 17 21-22/09/2010 1): Not explicitly mentioned in the Directive

  18. A sheet for COOL-Coverings standards

  19. Summary • Eu Regulation • Within building sector • With relevance for COOL-Coverings • Within Nanotechnology sector • Standard • EU mandate to CEN • Work sheet for Cool-coverings • Patent search and innovative ideas

  20. Patent search • First set of searches and patent analysis We have used the following Keywords: “ Insulation system, energy efficiency, envelope, coverings, ceramic tiles, coatings, paints, roof, nanotechnologies” + NIR concept Ventilated facades

  21. Preliminary results for T1.1 • Patent analysis We have made some general considerations • big gap between patents for traditional insulation and nano-based method • more “nano patents” in paints and coatings than tiles • Lots of innovations from far east (and Spain for tiles)

  22. Patent search refinement • On the basis of a review of literature and considering patent search results we are identifying the most promising ideas and innovative products: • Infrared Reflective Inorganic Pigments, Ashwini K. Bendiganavale and Vinod C. Malshe (Retd) Prof. Paints Technology, University Institute of Chemical Technology, Matunga, Mumbai, 400019, India • Energy-efficient house with IR barriers - in form of roof-space and wall layers • Pigments which reflect infrared radiation from fire, fire retardant • Selective emissivity coatings for interior temperature reduction of an enclosure • Coatings having low emissivity and low solar reflectance • Low-emissivity window films and coatings incorporating nanoscale wire grids • […]

  23. Innovative ideas SolarCOOL DUPONT INDEX SPAConstruction System and Products • We have listed some examples of interesting ideas and technologies for paints and coatings Cool roofing material Database http://eetd.lbl.gov/coolroof/coating.htm#white%20coatings

  24. Innovative ideas http://www.hytechsales.com/prod85.html As a Radiant Barrier: Stops heat from entering or escaping. Hy-Tech Barrier Coat is the ONLY radiant barrier paint that contains pure metal (aluminum) pigment, Hy-Tech insulating ceramic microspheres and NO mineral spirits or other volatile, flammable solvents. How It Works: Aluminum is highly reflective to infrared (IR) due to the high concentration of mobile electrons. Barrier Coat contains aluminum metal in the form of thin "Leafing" aluminum flakes which are highly reflective and reduce the penetration of IR radiation. http://www.solar-cool.com.au/heat-reflective-paint.html "It's just unbelievable, we no longer have to wear wet scarves around our necks. It's now very comfortable." And testing confirmed the reason why. The underside of the uncoated roof recorded a massive 55.8°C. The underside of the roofing area coated with Insultec reflective paint measured 38°C. The product we use also CONTAINS NO CERAMICS which can break down quickly. The reason is simple. Insultec's Solar Cool heat reflective paints are made of a co-polymer compound containing inert pigments and special filters uniquely formulated to re-radiate 90% of solar infrared and 85% of ultraviolet rays back into the atmosphere, effectively stopping heat transfer through the roof. Depending on location, some industrial and commercial buildings will also benefit from applying Insultec's high insulating reflective paint to exterior walls to achieve a maximum reduction of heat transferring into the building. 24

  25. http://www.ips-innovations.com/solar_reflective_coatings.htm IPS has developed paints and coatings for building applications, which reflect significantly more solar energy than standard paints with the same colour. This means less heat is lead into the house and finally less heat must be compensated by the air conditioning. Besides the aspect of energy saving the coating itself does not become as hot as standard paints, and this will increase the lifetime of the coating. Innovative ideas

  26. http://www.energysaving-coating.com/Reflection%20thermal%20insulation%20coating.htmlhttp://www.energysaving-coating.com/Reflection%20thermal%20insulation%20coating.html RLHY-13 Solar Reflective Heat insulating roof coating RLHY-13 belongs to one type of the energy-saving thermal insulation coating, It’s inorganic water-based paint, has a white slurry shape. After solidifying, it’s specific gravity only 0.46g/ml. RLHY-13 is new heat-reflection thermal insulation coating, has features of heat insulation, waterproof, fire prevention, anti-corrosion. Heat reflection rate more than 90%, could reflect a lot of infrared. This coating has a thermal conductivity of 0.04W/m.K,so could prevent the infrared from heating the object and inhibit the thermal conduct from the sun and the infrared, then have a thermal insulation rate 90%. Application Reduce oil tank's surface temperature about 30% hot pipes to heat insulation ,waterproof,anti-leakage . on metal to prevent the metal from react with air and water,and prevent the metal from corrosion. prevent condensation. for thermal insulation purpose,could save 90% of losted energy. Paint on the outdoor equipment, it’s waterproof and thermal reflection, reduce the temperature of the equipment. Innovative ideas

  27. Innovative ideas • http://www.ntt-at.com/products_e/surfcool/ • Surf Cool can slow rising temperature by reflecting near-infrared rays of sunlight efficiently. It is effective for the heat island phenomenon that is a recent hot topic in the news. Surf Cool doesn't include any organic solvents and is environmentally friendly. • Easy to use all-in-one water based paint coating • Just open the can and use as is. • No solvent odour, or fear of igniting. • Does not damage the asphalt surface. • Environmental friendly water based paint. • Excellent Workability • Application with either a brush or roller makes application simple. • Can also be applied by a sprayer. • Excellent Durability • Using degenerated acrylic resin, it adheres well to asphalt and mortar surfaces and excels in water-proof and weather resistance qualities.

  28. Innovative ideas • http://www.daikin.com/chm/products/coating/coating_10.html • ZEFFLE Infrared Reflective coating construction is a revolutionary construction method that adds the quality of heat shielding to the durability of fluorocarbons. Just painting on the roofs of factories and warehouses will contribute to energy savings by lowering indoor temperatures and reducing energy costs. • Excellent weather resistance is found in fluoropolymer base coatings. Even when exposed to the wind and rain, the paint film maintains its beautiful exterior appearance for many years with no degradation.

  29. Next steps • Completion of the COOL-Coverings Standard sheet and input from each partner • Completion of patent search and refinement • Development of the Deliverable in the form of a Report Thanks for your attention!

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