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MENTAL HEALTH CHECKLIST. Mr. McCarthy Rogich MS Pg86-93. Remember : Mental and Emotional Health is one of the three parts of your overall Health triangle. The Health Triangle. Mental & Emotional. Physical. Social. Definition : Mental and Emotional Health:.
Remember: Mental and Emotional Health is one of the three parts of your overall Health triangle TheHealthTriangle Mental & Emotional Physical Social
Definition: Mental and Emotional Health: The ability to handle the stresses and changes of everyday life in a reasonable way
Mentally Healthy? • Does the definition say “You have no problems or stress?” • Does the definition say “Your life is predictable and perfect?”
FIRST: All three sides of the Health Triangle are very important
But … You could argue that the Mental and Emotional side of the triangle is actually the mostimportant side.
Why might people think this? Will poor Mental and Emotional Health eventually mess up the other sides? TheHealthTriangle Mental & Emotional Physical Social
PHYSICALLY:You can check: • Blood Pressure • Body Temperature • Heart Rate • Weight • Body Composition • Fitness Levels • X-Rays and MRIs • Blood Chemistry
But … Mental and Emotional Health is not so easy to measure • Are you Mentally Healthy? • How do you know? • What are common traits of Mentally Healthy people?
Wouldn’t it be cool if there was a simple “checklist” to see if you are Mentally and Emotionally Healthy?
Lets look a 15 point Mental Health Checklist • Use this checklist to evaluate your own levels of Mental Health. • Use this checklist to see how mentally healthy you are
(1) You recognize your strengths, and are willing to improve upon your weaknesses. • You see yourself as you really are • You have a proper self-image • No one is good at everything
(2) You work through problems and conflicts to a satisfactory end. • We all have problems and conflicts • We need to learn to deal with them in healthy ways
(3) You are able to love and acceptlove from others. You can empathize with others. • You try to feel what others feel • You need to have people in your life with whom you connect, trust and respect. • You can be “vulnerable”
(4) You can work andplay cooperatively in give-and-take relationships. • We all need to interact with others and compromise with others • We cooperate at school, work, home, sports, etc.
(5) You are able torelax and have fun, both on your own and in a group • We must find healthy ways to manage stress • We all relax or have fun in different ways • What happens to people who never have fun or don’t manage stress?
(6) You have a standard of values which guides your actions. • MORALS: sense of right and wrong • Things you will and won’t accept • What happens if you have no values?
(7) You have a positive attitude and a positive outlook on life • Things don’t always go our way in life • You try to see the glass as “half-full,” not “half-empty” • When life gives you lemons, you make some lemonade
(8) You are able to change or adapt your behavior when necessary. You do not act the same way all the time. • Different situations require different types of behavior • Do you behave the same at a funeral and at a birthday party? • Do you act the same in a school classroom and at a soccer game?
(9) You have personal goals and dreams which are realistic and within your capabilities. • GOALS: things you are trying to achieve or reach • You plan ahead and don’t fear the future • If you have no goals, where are you going?
(10) You are not overwhelmed by emotions, and you have healthy ways of dealing with emotions. • Both Good & bad feelings: Excitement, happiness, joy, love, anger, hostility, guilt, sadness, fear, worry • We often do things and say things we will regret if we cannot control our emotions • What can out-of-control rage and anger lead to?
(11) You have different kinds of personal relationships which you find satisfying. • Friends, neighbors, family, classmates, coworkers, coaches, significant others • We need to have a variety of types of relationships to be well-rounded and mentally healthy
(12) You actresponsibly, and acceptresponsibility for feelings and actions. • All our choices have consequences • You do not blame others and make lame excuses • Do you “own up” to the consequences of your choices and actions?
(13) You can accept constructivefeedback from others without becoming angry or defensive • You can accept suggestions on how to improve or do something correctly • Do you listen to good advice, or just do you own thing?
(14) You are accepting of change and newsituations • Life is not always predictable and is full of change • RESILIENCE: The ability to recover from problems or loss
(15) You have self-respect and treat others with respect • You do not take advantage of others • You consider the interests of others • You do not harm yourself or others deliberately
Which of these 15 Traits of Mental Health are your strengths?
In which of these 15 Traits of Mental Health do you need to improve?
Remember: Your Mental and Emotional Health is very important
You need to work on supporting and improving your Mental and Emotional Health every day
Make choices in your life which protect and improve your Mental and Emotional Health
Be around people who care about you and your Mental and Emotional Health