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Synopsis of HIV services in Cameroon. GGGGGG ( Graphic maps,2000 ) Thierry H.T.SANGOU . outline. Introduction Epidemiologic facts about HIV in Cameroon(main route of transmission, incidence, prevalence, differential percentages, % of those qualified for ART who are actually on ART)
Synopsis of HIV services in Cameroon GGGGGG (Graphic maps,2000) Thierry H.T.SANGOU
outline Introduction • Epidemiologic facts about HIV in Cameroon(main route of transmission, incidence, prevalence, differential percentages, % of those qualified for ART who are actually on ART) Situation analysis • HIV policy, services providers and services financing, • HIV services human resources and PLWHIV Policy challenges to HIV service provision in Cameroon • Policy versus comprehensive service provision sites • Policy versus monitoring & evaluation Conclusion
Introduction • Based on projection from latest general census, population was 19.5 million in 2010 (Ministerede la planification et de l amenagementdu territoire du Cameroun, 2012) of which 525 000, about 2.7% were HIV positive (Ensemble pour uneSolidaritéThérapeutiqueHospitalière En Réseau (ESTHER) , 2013). • Steady rate of new infection at 38 972 cases in 2012 . Highest national HIV prevalence in West and central Africa rate of 5.3% (UNAIDS, 2013). • Heterosexual in general and unprotected paid sex in particular are significant factor for this high prevalence (UNAIDS, 2013). • Out of all PLWHIV, 267075 are eligible for ART but only about 44% (120000) are registered in ART care (Ensemble pour uneSolidaritéThérapeutiqueHospitalière En Réseau (ESTHER) , 2013).
Situation analysis • Dynamic policy set framework for strategies but significant drawbacks persist . • Providers are: i)public/government facilities, ii)private for profit facilities iii)faith based facilities (reference). • Services offered vary from VCT in some to comprehensive care in others. • Access needs no booked appointment and out of pocket payment at the point of care is applied • Cost subsidized in government/faith based facilities. subsidies cover ART which is free at point of delivery, while, medication for OIs and pre ART evaluation is paid for • Subsidy funds are from the government and the global fund to fight HIV, TB and Malaria. • PLWHIV often patronize distant centers making follow up and registration into community support programs a complex task
Pitfalls in national policy • Policy orientation; comprehensive HIV care is often limited to secondary and tertiary centers. High cost of care in private centers and the relative low number of 2nd &3 centers negatively affect access • Private laboratory allowed to offer HIV testing, while their staff are ill prepared for pre/post testing counseling. No policy to ensure private labs notify concerned authorities of positive cases, and no referral system • Inconsistency between prioritization policy of monitoring and evaluation and scale of the problem • Leading to recurrent national breaks in ART supplies. Considering that only first/second line ART are subsidized, weaknesses of the M&E system is progressively paving the way for resistant strains to explode. • Policy deficit on special groups such as MSM, iv drug users, therefore sensitization/screening campaigns not reaching them
Conclusion • The journey so far has been able to halt the rapid spread of the disease, but change of priorities in policy formulation and greater focus on M&E will undeniable boast outcome of HIV programs in Cameroon • Thanks Reference • Ensemble pour une Solidarité Thérapeutique Hospitalière En Réseau (ESTHER) . (2013, Jully). Nos action dans le monde. Retrieved Aout 20, 2013, from esther.fr: http://www.esther.fr/nos-actions-dans-le-monde/cameroun • graphic maps. (2000, Jan 25). Retrieved Aout 20, 2013, from world atlas: http://www.worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/africa/cm.htm • Ministere de la planification et de l amenagement du territoire du Cameroun. (2012, Mars 15). direectiongenerale planification et amenagement du territoire. Retrieved Aout 20, 2013, from minepat.gv.cm: http://minepat.gov.cm/dgpat/index.php/component/k2/item/24-troisi%C3%A8me-recensement-des-populations-du-cameroun • UNAIDS. (2013). regions and countrie:west and central Africa. Retrieved Aout 20, 2013, from unaids.org: http://www.unaids.org/en/regionscountries/regions/westandcentralafrica/