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Synopsis. Sinya Benyajati, Ph.D. Department of Physiology The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. To successfully manage a laboratory:. Learn to be a leader/manager as well as being a researcher. Understand responsibilities as a lab leader:.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Synopsis Sinya Benyajati, Ph.D. Department of Physiology The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center

  2. To successfully manage a laboratory: • Learn to be a leader/manager as well as being a researcher

  3. Understand responsibilities as a lab leader: • Mentoring and training the next generation of scientists • Setting and keeping the general scientific direction for the lab • People management • Keeping personnel motivated • Resolving conflicts • Communicating expectations effectively • Time management • Financial management

  4. Three basic steps of management: • Planning • Organizing • Controlling

  5. Planning • Develop and define goals, work structure, estimate/identify resources • Who do you want to be? • Defining your role • How do you want to be perceived? • How friendly do I want to be with people in the lab? • What kind of atmosphere do you want in the lab? • Do you want a big or small lab? • Determining staffing need

  6. Organizing • Establishing priorities and making choices • How much time do I want to spend at the bench? • Identifying necessary steps • Assigning (delegating) tasks and responsibilities to appropriate personnel • Developing a budget, obtaining funding

  7. Controlling • Efficient time management • Monitoring • Staying within budget • Reviewing • Performance reviews • Communicating expectations effectively • Motivating personnel to work productively • Managing risks • Recognizing difficult situations • Resolving conflicts • Learning to compromise • Being flexible

  8. Breakout Sessions • Interviewing tips • Performance reviews • Stimulating students in a healthy, competitive environment • Dealing with conflicts in the lab • Can a superviser be a friend? • Small group workshop on creating budgets

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