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The Expanding Scope of History of Science: Doctoral Dissertations. Jonathon Erlen, Ph.D. History of Medicine Librarian Health Science Library System Assistant Professor Graduate School of Public Health University of Pittsburgh. Purposes.
The Expanding Scope of History of Science: Doctoral Dissertations Jonathon Erlen, Ph.D. History of Medicine Librarian Health Science Library System Assistant Professor Graduate School of Public Health University of Pittsburgh
Purposes • To identify the numerous disciplines that address the history of science agenda • To discuss the value of various research methodologies used with history of science primary materials • To examine what expanding the study of history of science means to the future of this discipline
Powering the modern body: Theories of energy transfer in American medicine, science, and popular culture, 1875 - 1945 by Carolyn Thomas de la Pena, PhD University of Texas at Austin, 2001
A way of life: Saranac Lake and the 'fresh air' cure for tuberculosis by Ellen Damsky, PhD State University of New York at Binghamton, 2003
Bioarchaeological analysis of St. Jorgensgard, a medieval leprosy hospital in Odense, Denmark by Kirsten Linnea Segal, PhD University of Chicago, 2001
Symmetry, conservation laws, and theoretical particle physics (1918 - 1979) by Andris Visvaldis Krumins, PhD University of Toronto, 1999
Cezanne, Lucretius and the late nineteenth-century crisis in science by Kathryn Anne Tuma, PhD University of California, Berkeley, 2000
Sex in the field: Photography at the Kinsey Institute by Jennifer Pearson Yamashiro, PhD Indiana University, 2002
From sickness to health: The twentieth-century development of the demand for health insurance by Melissa Anne Thomasson, PhD University of Arizona, 1998
The growth of man-midwifery in Philadelphia and its environs, 1765 - 1848 by Katherine Okuda Klein, PhD University of California, Riverside, 2002
Mathematics is a gentleman's art: Analysis and synthesis in American college geometry teaching, 1790 - 1840 by Amy K. Ackerberg-Hastings, PhD Iowa State University, 2000
Havens for the fashionable and sickly: Society, sickness and space at nineteenth century Southern spring resorts (Virginia, West Virginia) by Margaret Gail Gillespie, PhD University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1998
Nursing home ownership and public policy: An historical analysis by K. R. Kaffenberger, PhD University of Massachusetts Boston,1998
A social history of healthcare paradigms by Denison K. Bullens, Jr., PhD Fielding Graduate Institute, 2002
Mental health policy innovation in the American states by David James Dausey, PhD Yale University, 2003
Evolution for John Doe: Scientists, pictures and the public in the decade of the Scopes trial by Constance Areson Clark, PhD University of Colorado at Boulder, 2002
The origins of civic health care in early modern Germany by Mitchell Love Hammond, PhD University of Virginia, 2000
The national laboratory system in the United States, 1947 - 1962 by Peter James Westwick, PhD University of California, Berkeley, 1999
Principles and problems: Constructions of theoretical physics in Germany, 1890 - 1918 by Suman Seth, PhD Princeton University, 2003
'Wizards of the micro-waves': A history of the radio astronomy community by David Peter Dell Munns, PhD Johns Hopkins University, 2003
Science under siege: Joseph Henry's Smithsonian, 1846 - 1865 by Michael Francis Conlin, PhD University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1999
The watchword is science: Portrayal of science in 'Scientific American', 1921 - 1986 by Mary Carol Zuegner, PhD University of Tennessee, 1999
The enchanted glass reflected: The essay and the ideas of science (Francis Bacon, Paulo Friere) by Deborah Bacon Noonan, PhD University of South Florida, 2002
The audible past: Modernity, technology, and the cultural history of sound by Jonathan Edward Sterne, PhD University of Illinois, at Urbana-Champaign, 1999