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Mardi le 8 janvier 2013. F 2R. MAKEUPS & RE-DO’S: >>>>>Per. 1: Le, Monzon -Oral grade today! Plus Tyrrell-Re-test Today. Reyes & Tyrell-oral grade Wed. a.m . Reyes-re-test Wed. in class.
F 2R MAKEUPS & RE-DO’S: >>>>>Per. 1: Le, Monzon-Oral grade today! Plus Tyrrell-Re-test Today. Reyes & Tyrell-oral grade Wed. a.m. Reyes-re-test Wed. in class. >>>>>Per. 4: MANY OF YOU STILL NEED YOUR ORAL GRADE! Aguirre/Cabezas/Gangler-Re-Test:Tues.a.m • Flashcards in for 105% • Major grade: ESSAY--“ Mesvacances de Noël” 1. Use one piece of paper, a pen and a dictionary 2. You can use textbook or notes (nothing on tablet) if needed. (See pages 112-115, 126) 3. Write 20 sentences(ENUMERATE ALL 20)with at least 5 words in each sentence. Must include a subject, a verb in the past tense, plus X (time, place, prepositional phrase, direct object). Enumerate each sentence for your rough draft. Check for correct use of verbs, gender and plurals. Examples of gender awareness are 'ma soeur, unevoiture). Examples of awareness of plurals are 'mesvacances, les magasins'. Above all Check that each sentence makes sense: the words fit together, there are no missing words or accent marks, and there are no words that should not be there. 4. You MUST turn in your rough draft today by the end of class! You will get time in class on Tuesday to finish it up! Wed. in class, you will get to re-write and submit a FINAL copy! H/W: Flashcards unit 2 for 100%
F 2 Essay words to use (pg. 112, 126) • Hier-yesterday • Samedi dernier-last Saturday • Avant-before • Après-after • Pendant-during • D’abord-first • Ensuite-then • Finalement-finally • Enfin-at last • Hiermatin/après-midi/soir-yesterday morning/afternoon/evening • Le week-end/le mois/ dernier-last weekend/month • La semaine/l’annéedernière-last week/year
F 2 PreAP MAKEUPS & RE-DO’S:-All due today! Flashcards in for 105% • Flashcards in for 105% • Review of Borrowed words “I” • Major grade: ESSAY--“ Mesvacances de Noël” 1. Use one piece of paper, a pen and a dictionary 2. You can use textbook or notes (nothing on tablet) if needed. (See pages 112-115, 126) 3. Write 25 sentences(ENUMERATE ALL 25)with at least 5 words in each sentence. Must include a subject, a verb in the past tense, plus X (time, place, prepositional phrase, direct object). Enumerate each sentence for your rough draft. Check for correct use of verbs, gender and plurals. Examples of gender awareness are 'ma soeur, unevoiture). Examples of awareness of plurals are 'mesvacances, les magasins'. Above all Check that each sentence makes sense: the words fit together, there are no missing words or accent marks, and there are no words that should not be there. 4. You MUST turn in your rough draft today by the end of class! You will get time in class on Tuesday to finish it up! Wed. in class, you will get to re-write and submit a FINAL copy! H/W: Flashcards unit 2 for 100% and study for quiz “I”
F 2 PreAP quiz makeup • Courir- • Avoir- • Conduire- • Boire- • Aller- • Connaitre-
F 3 • L’examenaujourd’hui!
F 1 • Turn in: Unit 3 Flashcards for 105% 2. Review: http://www.jefrench.com/basic-french-lessons/basic-french-lesson-6 3. NOTES- Etre:3 lesson 6 text PP.ppt 4. ReviewBor words “C”-make sure you have them back! (next slide) 5. IF Time? Textbook practice 76-78 & 84-88 (today and coming days) H/W: APT 33-34, 37-38 & Study for Borrowed words Quiz “C” and make flashcards for unit 3 vocab.
F 1 Tues-Borrowed words “C” review • Tête-à-tête • A la carte • Bon voyage • Boulevard • Camouflage • Chaise (longue) • Carte blanche • Début • Demitasse • Elite • Entre nous • Fiancé(e) • Gourmet • Mardi Gras • Matinée 16. Nom de plume • Nonchalant • objet d’art • rouge • R.S.V.P. • Sabotage • Macabre • Sang froid • En masse • Trompe l’oeil