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Mardi le 7 janvier 2014. ALL CLASSES: These are due NOW!!!. F 3: (Pg. 78 late, unless absent) & (81,86,87) F2: (Pg. 123-124 late, unless absent) & Warmup notes: 125, 134 + 2 extra verbs on yesterday’s pp) F 1: (94,95,96 late, unless absent) & (Notes-question words pg. 106 all, top of 108).
ALL CLASSES: These are due NOW!!! F 3: (Pg. 78 late, unless absent) & (81,86,87) F2: (Pg. 123-124 late, unless absent) & Warmup notes: 125, 134 + 2 extra verbs on yesterday’s pp) F 1: (94,95,96 late, unless absent) & (Notes-question words pg. 106 all, top of 108)
F 2 NOTE DATE CHANGE!!! If you were a French 2 person who got 3*** on your project and you’re re-doing it. IT HAS TO BE DONE BY WED. NIGHT and SUBMITTED INTO BLACKBOARD BY THURSDAY 7:30 A.M. (Not Friday…grades are due by noon on Fri.) SO GET WORKING!!! TONIGHT & TOMORROW NIGHT!!!
Dates: This week: Last few daily, homework grades! LAST CHANCE TO GET YOUR GRADES UP!!! Tues/Wed.: French 2 & 3: major oral grade! Thurs: ALL ONLINE WORK IS DUE BY 7:30 A.M. All classwork is due by end of class (last 5 min. or sooner!) Fri: Study hall day! Next week: Final exams! • Mon: Shortened classes all day, 12:55-2:25 7th per. exam • Tues: 7:25-8:55-1st per. exam, 9:05-10:35-2nd per. exam • Wed: 7:25-8:55-3rd per. exam, 9:05-10:35-4thper.exam • Thurs: 7:25-8:55 5th per. Exam, 9:05-10:35-6th per. Exam The following week: 4th 6 weeks starts. The very first double daily grade is a supply check!
SUPPLY LIST DOUBLE DAILY GRADE- Due Jan. 21-23 Choose one! • 1 Binder (1”) soft or hard OR • 1 plastic folder • 1 THREE subject WIRELESS WIDE RULE notebook (Can be found at Walgreens, not Walmart!) • 1 pkg. of WIDE RULE white paper-100 pc. • 4-5 black or blue pens (use daily) • 2+ red grading pens • 4-5 Pencils (Only use for scantron tests)-donate 1 • French 1 & 2 only: 1000 flashcards (lined or unlined, any color …two 500 packs are fine) • French 1 only- 10+ colored pencils • ALL- 1 large box of Kleenex • OPTIONAL: FLASHDRIVE! KEEP ON HAND!
F 3 • Due: P/C pg. 7 & 8 • Handouts: study guides/Past tenses/subjunctive • Oral grade-choose # and start today! • In class: Work on P/C 9-10, 11-12. • Tonight: Finish handouts: imperfect/subjunctive work P/C pages due at top of class Wed. Rest is due at end of class Wed. Thurs: Grading it! Fri: Study hall
F 2 ALL Absent? Get format and APT (49-50 for Regular 49-51 for PreAP) pages! 1. Choose numbers, review past tense*** 2. ALL OLD NOTES DUE NOWWWW!!!!!!! 3. Finish up APT pgs. 53-54 in class 4. Start grammar review packet 5. Oral grade with Madame • H/W: APT 53-54 Reg. (53-55 PreAP) & grammar review packet. All due tomorrow by last 5 minutes of class! ONLINE Re-do’s are due Thurs. by 7:30 a.m. though!
F 2-REVIEW: Le Passé Composé: The PAST TENSE (the perfect tense) • This tense is used to describe a single completed action in the past. • It needs 2 parts: the auxiliary verb(avoir or être in the present) and the past participle. • The past participle of a verb is the form that generally corresponds to the –ed ending in English (played, changed, finished…) • -ER verbs end in –é (manger mangé) • -RE verbs end in –u (vendrevendu) • -IR verbs end in –i (finirfini) + IRREGS! 4. It translates 3 ways: I verbed, have verbed, did verb
F 2- List of 17 Être verbs: • Devenir(to become) devenu(e)(s) • Retourne (to return) retourné(e)(s) • Monter (to go up) monté(e)(s) • Rentrer (to return) rentré(e)(s) • Sortir (to go out) sorti(e)(s) • Venir (to come) venu(e)(s) • Arriver (to arrive) arrivé(e)(s) • Naître (to be born) né(e)(s) • Descendre(to get off/go down)descendu(e)(s) • Entrer (to enter) entré(e)(s) • Rester (to stay) resté(e)(s) • Tomber (to fall) tombé(e)(s) • Revenir(to come back) revenu(e)(s) • Aller(to go) allé(e)(s) • Mourir (to die) mort(e)(s) • Partir (to leave) parti(e)(s) • Passer (to pass by) passé(e)(s)
F 2----ÊTRE VERBS IN THE PAST TENSE--DR. P & MRS VANDERTRAMP! • 1.Devenir • 2.Revenir • 3.Mourir • 4.Rester • 5.Sortir • 6.Passer • 7.Venir • 8.Aller • 9.Naître • 10.Descendre • 11.Entrer • 12.Retourner • 13.Tomber • 14.Rentrer • 15.Arriver • 16.Monter • 17.Partir
F 2. Ex. Le Passé Composé du verbe SORTIR • Je suis sorti(e) • Tu es sorti(e) • Il est sorti • Elle est sortie Nous sommes sorti(e)s Vous êtes sorti(e)(s)(es) Ils sont sortis Elles sont sorties
F 2 all: Être verbs must agree!Ex.: Naître-NOTE AGREEMENT! Je suisnée en 1959. Ma fille Miranda est née en 1985. Mes fils sont nés en 1984, 1988, 1992 (Ryan, Nathan, Collin) Ma fille Molly est née en 1994.
F 2: So, you can recall that famous ÊTRE hospital /house, use Dr. Mrs. P. Vandertramp or memorize thisÊTRE song! Allé, arrivé, descendu, devenu, entré, monté, mort, né, passé, parti, rentré, resté, retourné, revenu, sorti, tombé et venu…cesont les participespassés, cesont les motsque je connais!
F 2: Quels sont les participes passés? né resté rentré devenu mort retourné revenu passé venu monté descendu entré parti sorti arrivé allé tombé
F 2 PreAP: Some irregular verbs have weird past participles: AVOIR………>>>EU (had) J’aieu un accident. ÊTRE……….>>>ÉTÉ (was/been) J’aiétémalade. FAIRE……..>>>FAIT (did/made) J’ai fait du ski. METTRE…>>>MIS (placed/put) J’aimis le café sur la table. PRENDRE..>>>PRIS (Took/Had) J’aipris un croissant. VOIR ………>>>VU (Saw/Seen) J’ai vu un café!
F 1 • Absent? Get format & APT from yesterday! • APT pages due now! Pg. 33-34 (or a blank sheet of paper) • More ER verbs & ER’s in the negative form • & Notes pg. 96 • Book –write pg. 96, practice pg. 95-? • H/W: APT pg. 37 & 38
FRENCH PRONOUNS ... Plural Singular 1st-Je-I 2nd-Tu-You 3rd-Il/Elle/On-He/she/one 1st-Nous-We 2nd-Vous-You/y’all 3rd-Ils/Elles-They (M/F)
F 1 Les verbes en -er How to conjugate verbs like: parler, danser, travailler, chanter, aimer, etc.
How to conjugate ER verbs: • Take the verb: parler • Take off the er: parl-- • Add the correct ending: je------e tu------es il/elle--e nous -----ons vous -----ez ils/elles--ent
To conjugate a regular -er verb you need: + + subject stem ending Take the –er off the infinitive For example: écouter stem=écout - e - es - e - ons - ez - ent Je Tu Il/elle Nous Vous Ils/elles + +
Chanter Danser Dîner Écouter Étudier Jouer Manger Nager Parler Regarder Téléphoner Travailler Voyager Aimer Organiser Visiter Give me the meaning & then the stem:
Nous parlons Il/Elle parle Tuparles Vousparlez Je parle parl Ils/Ellesparlent parler (to talk)
Observez!Le verbe“parler” Je parle Tuparles Il/Elle parle Nous parlons Vousparlez Ils/Ellesparlent If it’s in the boot, the ending is silent!
Be careful with those “G ER” verbs! • In the NOUS form—you have to keep the E, then add “ons” so you keep the soft “G” sound. Manger, Voyager and Nager are like this!
Affirmative & Negative Le présent des verbes en -er:forme affirmative et formenégativep. 98 C LANGUAGE COMPARISONS English has several verb forms for expressing actions in the present. In French there is only one form. Compare: { Jejoue au tennis. I playtennis. I do playtennis. I am playingtennis. Jenejouepasau tennis. { I do not playtennis. (I don’t play tennis.) I am not playingtennis. (I’m not playing tennis.)
F 1-Negation! Add Ne or N’ + verb + Pas!!! • Je parle • Je neparlepas! • J’écoute • Je n’écoutepas! • Je joue. Je ____??? • J’étudie ____????? Pg. 95