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APPLICATION OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN SOME SELECTED SPECIAL LIBRARIES IN BANGALORE(KARNATAKA ). BY. Dr.B.U.Kannappanavar Dept.of Library and Information Science Kuvempu University Shankaraghatta – 577 451 E-mail:kannappanavar@gmail.com. Mr.Ravi.K.B
APPLICATION OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN SOME SELECTED SPECIAL LIBRARIES IN BANGALORE(KARNATAKA) BY Dr.B.U.Kannappanavar Dept.of Library and Information Science Kuvempu University Shankaraghatta – 577 451 E-mail:kannappanavar@gmail.com Mr.Ravi.K.B Librarian, Ramaiah Institute Management Studies(RIMS), MSR Nagar,MSRIT Post, Bangalore – 560 054 E-mail:ravikb78@gmail.com
DEFINITIONS Information The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary defines as “Information is the result of processing, gathering, manipulating and organizing data in a way that adds to the knowledge of the receiver”. It is also defines information is a knowledge, or facts communicating about a particular subject, event, intelligence. Contd..
Communication According to Encyclopedia Britannica, “Interest in communication has been stimulated by advances in science and technology, which, by their nature, have called attention to humans as communicating creatures’. Among the first and most dramatic examples of the inventions resulting from technological ingenuity were the telegraph and telephone, followed by others like wireless radio and telephoto devices. Contd..
Information Technology Information Technology (IT), as defined by Encyclopedia of Computer Science “ Information Technology is an imprecise term frequently applied to a broad area of activities and technologies associated with the use of computers and communication, but generally implying the application of computers to storage, retrieval, processing and dissemination of data, particularly in the field of commerce. Contd..
Research Library ALA Glossary of Library and Information Science define Research library as "A library, which contains an in-depth collection in a particular subject field (such as a technical library) or in in-depth collections in several subject fields (such as university library or a large private or public library). The collections include primary sources and provide extensive chronological and/or geographical coverage." Contd..
Special Library According to International Organization for Standardization Special libraries are, “ those maintained by an association, government, parliament, research institution , museum, business firm, industrial enterprise, chamber of commerce,etc, or other organized group, greter part of their collection being in a specific field or subject, e.g. natural sciences, social sciences, agriculture, chemistry, medicine, economics, engineering, law and history”. Contd..
According to UNESCO “These libraries may be attached to various bodies , such as parliament or a government department , a scientific or other research institution, a learned society , professional association, museum , industrial association, chamber of commerce, etc. and not coming within any of the categories- national libraries, university libraries and school libraries.” Contd..
According to Ridley: ‘subject’ is most important criterion. He said that a special library means ,”A collection of information covering a specific field which may be administered by special staff and for service of a limited clientele.” Contd..
Close to Ridley, Dr Ranganathan observed: “specialization in a subject to be the characteristic that makes a library a special library.”
CATEGORIES OF SPECIAL LIBRARIES • R&D (Research & Development) organizations. • Government. • Business, Trade and Industry. • Socio-economic Development Research . Institutions. • Newspaper.
STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM • The studies conducted so far,focus on the available library facilities in special libraries,and no comprehensive study was undertaken to critically evaluate the ICT skills of the librarians in special library. Contd..
A Survey of literature reveals that the Librarians are the most developed strata among the special library.The responsibility is thrust on these libraries to function effectively as active research and development instrument in modern research and development .Very few research/study were carried out in this area. Contd..
The studies conducted so far,focus on the available library facilities in special libraries,and no comprehensive study was undertaken to critically evaluate the ICT skills of the librarians in special library. Contd..
NEED OF THE STUDY • Information and knowledge have become increasingly important in the contemporary globalized economy, as advancement in ICTs has enabled larger amounts of information to circulate at a much higher speed and at lower costs. Contd..
The necessity of ICT skills has a clear impact on library professionals, with the emergence of digital reference services. Contd..
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have become basic ingredients in the operations of libraries, and the education sector in general. Contd..
Libraries are finding it increasingly difficult to acquire and make available to their users full range of information in print formdue to information explosion and widespread use of digital information resources. Contd..
Besides,electronic information sources(EIS) are becoming more popular with users who find them rewarding and preferred over the print sources. Contd..
Effective application of ICT in libraries helps in performing their operations and services most efficiently. Contd..
OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The study proposes to focuses : • To assess the current state-of-the-art Information and Communication • Technology Infrastructure in some selected special libraries in Bangalore. Contd..
To evaluate the contemporary use of ICT in some selected special libraries in Bangalore. • To compare the Information and Communication Technology status among the some selected special libraries in Bangalore. • To identify and analyse the specific factors that promoted or hindered the application of ICT in some selected special libraries in Bangalore. Contd..
To assess to what extent users are satisfied with Information and Communication Technology resources and services in selected some special libraries in Bangalore. • To suggest measures for improvement of existing resources and services and • implementation of ICT. Contd..
SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY An attempt has been made to identify the ICT Skills among the Librarians working in some selected special Libraries in Bangalore.
HYPOTHESES • A hypothesis is an assumption about relations variables. It is a tentative explanation of the research; the researcher has a rather general, diffused,even confused notion of the problem. It may take a long time for the research to say what Questions he has been seeking answers to. Hence an adequate statement about the research problem is very important. Contd..
The study is based on the following hypotheses: • H0.Managerial skills, subject skills and technical skills are at satisfactory level among the some selected special Library Librarians in Bangalore . Contd..
H1.It is not always found a satisfactory level of Managerial skills, subject skills and technical skills. • Librarians adopt varied means and methods to acquire ICT skills. • Librarians face obstacles in acquiring ICT skills. Contd..
METHODOLOGY Type of research undertaken – Descriptive • The data required to be collected requires qualitative and quantitative interpretation based on the data collected both Parametric and Non-parametric a descriptive outcome could be derived initially and subsequently evaluation. Hence the research will be descriptive or fact finding in nature with evaluation focuses.
Source of information or data A) Secondary data –LISA Abstracts, Books, Journals, etc B) Primary data - The primary information is going to be collected through Survey method and in specific cases interview method, using predesigned questionnaire, administered to the librarians in some selected special Libraries in Bangalore.
Sampling design Population details – In Bangalore there are more than 100 Libraries employing around 200 Library professionals. Contd..
Sample frame---- The information will be collected from The Directory of Libraries in India, Directory of Scientific and Technical Libraries in India and Directory of Libraries in Karnataka were used to identify the names, administrative status and addresses of libraries for the study. Since the directories were updated, information was verified telephonically and through personal visits. Contd..
Sample selection and sample size – It is proposed to interview around 25 professionals using Non probabilistic sample.
Data collection tools It is proposed to design a question schedule and questionnaire consisting of close ended questions and open ended questions for parametric data and non parametric data respectively.
Plan of analysis The data collected will be subjected to editing, compiling, coding and encrypting for parametric statistical analysis and Non-parametric hypothesis testing using statistical packages liks SPSS(Statistical package for Social Sciences).
ICT infrastructure ICT infrastructure is usually considered with respect to its main areas, which are:hardware, software, and telecommunication. The infrastructure remains the main bottleneck to the development of ICT in libraries. Sufficient infrastructure is very essential for the successful application of ICT in libraries.
Table -4 : Use of Internet for various Library Operations and Services
Table - 8 : Reasons for Librarians dissatisfaction with the application of ICT
Table - 9 : Librarians suggestion with regard to areas of training
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