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Expanding Horizons: Reimagining Religion for Renewal and Inclusivity

Explore the critique of traditional religion and the call to include individual spirituality for a renewed and inclusive community. Insights from various thinkers and the vision of Pope John XXIII guide us toward a more collaborative and peaceful future.

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Expanding Horizons: Reimagining Religion for Renewal and Inclusivity

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  1. A critique of religion as seen by the young Religion imposes the ‘big story’ of theology upon our experience, without exploring the ‘little stories’ of our individual biographies, which might give theology a foothold in our lives. Religion is not rejected because a person does not believe , but because he or she is not believed. If religion expanded its horizons to include the spirituality of individuals, it might be renewed by such expansion, and individuals would not feel excluded, pushed out or irrelevant [David Tacey]

  2. Pope John XXIII Humanae Salutis , 25th December 1961, had a vision for his Church: The Council [the projected Second Vatican Council 1962-65] desires that by way of fulfilling their role properly in the international community, Catholics should seek to cooperate actively and in a positive manner both with their separated brothers and sisters, who together with them profess the gospel of love, and with all people thirsting for true peace. [emphasis added]

  3. THE CHALLENGES WE FACE AS LASALLIANS TODAY Continuing Lasallian ‘formation’ of ALL Lasallians The Gospel and Culture “Education of Faith’ and Religious Education Thomas Groome’s “Educating for Life” The “New Evangelization” The “Great Mysteries” Who asks the questions? Sharers of the Christian Catholic Lasallian Vision

  4. Soren Kierkegaard muses on the relationship between faith and religion: Just as important as the truth, and indeed even more important, is the way in which truth is received… It would not, therefore, be much of an achievement to lead millions of persons to the truth if, by the very way in which they were led, they found themselves outside of it.

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